PHI2604 Reading Summary L9


After reading all of Chapter 10, please select ONE of the following primary source readings:

“Active and Passive Euthanasia” by James Rachels (starting on page 292)

“Voluntary Active Euthanasia” by Dan. W. Brock (starting on page 295)

“Killing and Allowing to Die” by Daniel Callahan (starting on page 304)

“Euthanasia for Disabled People?” by Liz Carr (starting on page 306)

“Why Doctors Must Not Kill” by Leon R. Kass (starting on page 308)

  • Write a short, objective summary of which summarizes the main ideas being put forward by the author in this selection.

Pitch Presentation


Here are the guidelines :

  • Of the five (5) topics mentioned below, choose one of them and develop it into an article between 200 and 250 words. Please submit your materials as a pdf. (Feature style only. No lists or “listicles” please!). 

Why the Suzuki GSX-R is the Best Sports Bike Ever Made

These are the Top 5 Street Bikes of All Time

How the Monster Saved the Ducati Brand

How to tell the Difference Between A Touring and Cruiser Motorcycle

The Story of How Harley Davidson Grew to Dominate the U.S. Market

week 2 discsussion


The hardest part of this class is this section on philosophy and Hindu philosophy in particular.  It is particularly difficult because our society focuses on the immediate and not the eternal.  But that is why it is all the more important to see if you can understand some of these principles of Indian Hinduism.

What do you think about this philosophy of Hinduism? What can you relate to?  Why?  If not, why not?  What in our lives in the U.S. nowadays is a great example of Maya?  

2 Reading responses


The objective of the reading responses is to give you the opportunity to explore the ideas in the reading/listening materials—and your thoughts on those ideas—in longer written form than the discussion questions. There are no right or wrong answers in these assignments, although there are a few guidelines and requirements, as per the rubric below. You can use your discussion questions as a conceptual starting point (although text should not be directly copy-pasted from material you have already submitted), or you can go in an entirely different directioon.

Analysis of Sample Annotated Bibliography


In the attached document, you will find a sample Annotated Bibliography project completed by a student.

  • There are questions for you to answer, based on the sample AB (as it appears after both drafts and revisions).
  • The document includes the sample AB writteny by a student.

Please read the document carefully for the analysis steps that you need to complete.

Our hope is that this activity will help you to understand what the AB project is that we are working on and how it will appear when you complete it.

3-5 sentences short discussion


“Discussion: Module #1

In module 1 we cover an introduction to casino accounting which covers a brief history of casinos, casino licensing, regulations, and taxation. 

The assignment this week is to select a gaming jurisdiction in the Casino industry to study from a regulations perspective.  What jurisdiction did you select and why?  What was it about this jurisdiction that interested you? 

You will be doing your initial post before doing a lot of research on this jurisdiction so I am not looking for specifics about the jurisdiction but your motivation.”

Exhibit Civil 3D


I have to do few exhibits for my report. I have all the work done I’m only struggling with making the format for the exhibit (for ex, how do I add my pdf plan to a word doc……. (1) I need someone to create a Word file of exhibits exactly like the SAMPLES FILE attached. (2) I aslo need to show me steps by step how you did it…. I will share the work I need when it got accepted and work is 2-4 pages pdf to

Futureless languages and the perception of time Futureless languages and the perception of time


What is the role that futureless languages play in constructing perceptions of time?

1.      In your answer,

·         Present the Sapir Whorf Hypothesis (relate to the two versions); two paragraphs

·         Discuss four studies which examined the given question. Please relate to: the purpose of the studies, the procedure, the main results and the significance of the findings. Provide a concluding paragraph relating to all the studies.

2.      Your answer must rely on at least four academic references (uploaded files). You may use any (additional) academic sources of your choice.

Grant Programs


First, Conduct a risk assessment of your local area. List no less than 10 hazards or potential hazards. Offer a mitigation plan statement for each hazard you list. This can be accomplished in a table.

Next, Prepare a minimum 1,000 word document on the Hazard Mitigation Grant Programs. The assignment should cover key issues identified in the week’s readings and incorporate current research on the topic. The assignment should focus on your community or a community of choice if you reside outside of the United States.

rise and fall civilization


Address three areas of review regarding Ancient Rome civilization.

Firstly, the beginning of the civilization: where was it located, what are its origins,  etc.

Secondly, three unique aspects and contributions of this civilization: Architectual, linguistic, political, religious, etc.

Finally, what caused the civilization to end: the decline and fall of the civilization as well as any lasting impact it has had. 

Cite your text in the body of your essay and list your used sources. Use your textbook for the main source, but three sources are required for this assignment.