Psychology and Health


Please find an article in the newspaper, online or in a magazine. The article must be recent (published within the six months) and at least 300 words. Please attach your article, provide a brief summary, identify one concept/theory from psychology which is highlighted in the article and explain the concept and the connection to your article. Make sure you use your own words; Turnitin will be enabled. Remember anything over 20% is considered plagiarism. I want to hear your voice. You must submit your 300 word response in the text box.

Professional standards of practice


Identify the three specific disciplines you chose and provide a rationale for your selection.

How are the standards of each discipline set and reviewed? Who is responsible for setting these standards and how often are they reviewed?

  1. Identify a current issue in the health care industry and explain how each chosen discipline applies its specific standards to address the issue.
  2. This assignment requires a minimum of three to five peer-reviewed references.
  3. – Personal and Professional Growth for Health Care Professionals Read the Preface and Chapters 14-15 in Personal and Professional Growth for Health Care Professionals. 

HSEM 3822: September 11th Attacks


1:  Prior to 9/11, our nation was vulnerable as a result of what?  

2: Describe our plan of attack in terms of goals.

3: If we don’t define ourselves in the radical religious world, who will? 

4: Describe our plan of attack in terms of response.

5: One recommendation is to practice and preach what?

6: Describe our plan of attack in terms of objectives.

7: What year was the 911 Commission Report published?

8:  Emergency response is a product of what?

9:  In the article, what was the primary reason dispatchers couldn’t hear?………

Reflection on the process of writing Chinese calligraphy


The reflection paper This paper focuses on your reflection on the process of writing Chinese calligraphy. You must include the following components in your paper: 1) The specific steps involved in Chinese calligraphy writing.2) The reasons why each step is critical and the purpose(s) of each step. 3) Your reflection on and critique of each step.

The specific steps involved in Chinese calligraphy writing.

1. Four treasures of Chinese calligraphy

2. Get ready the materials for writing the calligraphy

3. Different scripts

4. Chinese characters and structure

5. The strokes of Chinese characters

7. Chinese name

HSM: Discussion board 1


¿New Orleans nursing home owner under fire after hurricane deaths once owned properties in Mississippi – Magnolia State Live | Magnolia State Live

Read the article and discuss the situation to include at least the following:

Describe two ways in which the healthcare of the patients, as presented in this article, and the after response were influenced by the factors presented in the PowerPoint, or ideas from your pre-requisite classes e. g.  long term care, population health etc. Consider the financial, political, government, socio-economic factors at play in this scenario.

Movie reflection


You are to select one of the movies from the appoved movie list you were sent as an attachment. Once you make your selection, you are to watch/view the movie till the end.  After you finish watching the movie you are to write a minimum one reflection paper of the movie.  In your reflection make sure you include the disability that the actor portrayed in the movie , how he/she meant the challenges of living with a disability. As well as the name of the movie you watched.  

GCCCD Art Appreciation Question


This assignment provides you an opportunity to reflect on your success in Art 100 and to identify one take-away from the class that will help you going further in life.


Answer the questions below in a typed report. Consult the rubric and view the Final Self-Assessment template to ensure your success.

Q1: What assignment(s) or achievement(s) are you most proud of accomplishing in this course?

Q2: What is the one most important thing that you have learned in this class which you will take with you?

Partnership Liability and Success Factors Discussion


Farah and David decide to form a sports memorabilia retail partnership. They have

known each other since business graduate school and have always worked well

together on various projects. The business is doing well but cash flow is very tight.

Farah takes several calls from vendors asking for payment. He believed David had been

paying the bills. When he asks about this, David admits to embezzling from the


What liability does Farah face as a result of the theft?

Are you for or against a partnership? Please explain.

Literature Review on Psychological Disorder


Researchof one of the following psychological, medical, or biological conditions.

? Schizophrenia
? Klinefelter’s Syndrome
? Epilepsy
? Fragile X Syndrome
? Prader-Willi Syndrome
? Autism
? Asperger’s Syndrome
? Tourette’s Syndrome
? Specific anxiety disorder
? Bipolar Disorder

Write a five-to-six-page literature review report that contains the following information:
? Frequency and prevalence of the condition
? Essential signs and symptoms
? Culture, age, and gender features

Medical treatments
? Considerations for educational planning
Include how the behavioral features (1) have behavioral and emotional impacts on learning and life skills, (2)
impact social-emotional learning or wellness, and (3) impact socialization and mental health.

Dealing with resistance


After viewing Kotter’s “Dealing with Resistance to Change” video, in one or two pages (double spaced) answer the following questions:

1. What was the purpose of the article or video

2. Was there a clear structure and did in provide sufficient evidence supported by facts and additional research?

3. Did the author(s) present logical reasoning and counter-arguments to persuade you about a particular opinion?

4. Did the article or video cause an emotional reaction and personally influence and inspire you one way or the other?NO CHAT GPT