Hi, I need help with this discussion question , thanks!


Subject – 2024 Spring – Operational Excellence (ITS-631-B05) – Second Bi-term

Week 2 Discussion

This week we focus on the social and organizational issues that exist with a better understanding of why changes occur. Beginning on page 96 of the Information Technology and Organizational Learning text, the author presents three phases of maturation with technology. A summary table of these phases appears on page 99. Using what you understand from these phases, consider what phase your current (or previous) organization may currently be in and what challenges they are facing in moving to the next phase.

Philosophical Questions


I’d like you to reflect on two aspects of the text you’ve just read:

In the first line, Blackburn mentions “the big themes” philosophy deals with. Look at the author’s list.

Do you agree these are important topics?

  1. Pick the one or two themes you find most important and explain why.

And then, can you think of any themes missing in this list?

  • The third and fourth paragraphs contain a list of “philosophical questions.”
  • Again, write about which of those questions you find most intriguing.
  • Try to answer one of the questions,
  1. And then, describe what it’s like to try to do this.

AlphaGo movie


Watch the movie AlphaGo about the AI system designed to play the Chinese game Go and the challenge to beat the world’s best human player. (The movie is free and available on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/WXuK6gekU1Y

As you watch, think about the questions raised in the film:

What will be the impact of AI on humanity going forward as the machines exceed our own intelligence?

What are the ethical questions you see arising and if we find answers to them, will we lose control anyway?

What else did you take away as a lesson from the film?

Finance Book Research Project


For this assignment, you will need to leverage a Large Language Model (LLM) to Summarize and Gain insight from a Book then summarize the Book’s impact on your perspective on personal finance.

Objective: Utilize the capabilities of an advanced Large Language Model (LLM) to produce a comprehensivesummary and insightful analysis of your chosen book. The end goal is:

1. To gain a signifcant understanding of the book’s content,

2. To be introduced to perspectives that might challenge or enrich your current views and

3. To discuss what you found in this process that has changed your perspective on personal finance



In one or two sentences, written in third person, describe how you  would use this in your paper; e.g., “This article would be helpful for  informing readers about the quantity of plastic in the world’s oceans.”

you’re sticking with the same subject. Three additional sources must be located; use two of the new sources for the research project. The databases at the library must provide at least one of the new sources. 

Saying something like, “Readers can learn more about the issue from this source,” would be appropriate. All you need to do is that.


Picasso Paintings


Power, Politics, and Glory

                                       Use materials on the following links: https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/art-1010/cubism-early-abstraction/cubism/a/picasso-guernica (Links to an external site.)
Pablo Picasso, Guernica, 1937, oil on canvas, 349 cm × 776 cm. (Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid)

Guernica is considered one of the great paintings of the 20th century and a true anti-war statement. After reading about this painting, summarize your understanding of the circumstances that Picasso was responding to in the painting (Pablo Picasso, Guernica, 1937, oil on canvas). What do you think of the results? Comment on his visual language, the narrative, and overall composition of the painting.

Developmental Psychology


Watch the Ted Talk, “Lessons from the longest study on human development,” then answer the following questions: 

What is your reaction to the video? Explain your reaction.

What were your major takeaways from the information presented?

How does your childhood fit into the paradigm presented?

  1. You are in college, so one would imagine you are finding success in your life. What would you attribute that success to through the lens of the information presented in this video?
  2. Give an example of how your development has put you in a position for success within the context of your challenges. 

Grand Canyon University week 5 discussion


Saade, Morin, and Thomas (2012) describe critical thinking as the mental processes of discernment, analysis, and evaluation applied to information in order to achieve a logical final understanding and/or judgment. Describe your approach to breaking down information into component parts to better understand the characteristics of a statement, concept, or problem. How might outlining help to develop understanding? How do you know when to reach beyond previous experience and seek out other sources of information to enhance your understanding of the work in front of you? (This response does not require research support.)

Case study project


Case Study 2

Case Studies:

You will be required to complete two case studies over the course of the semester. Each case study is a report about an incident that you should analyze using course concepts. You should be specific in your analysis and reference material from the chapter/s. Your submission will be run through Turnitin.

Review the Case Study Guidelines

Read The Problem with Teamwork (page 174)

Review the Case Study 2 Questions (answer these questions, not the questions in the book)

Memo and Email


Task 1 Memo

You are working for a company. Your organisation has given you a responsibility to write a memo for the staff Christmas Party. The memo aims to attract your colleagues to attend the Christmas Party. In the memo you will also provide the details of the Party (what, when, where and why).

Task 2 Email to promote your organisation 

Choose an organisation. Write an email to another organisation’s manager or an individual prospect about the services/products that your organisation offers. You aim to convince them why they should buy your services/products over your competitors.