300 word discussion post


Scenario: A medical examiner receives a body on which to perform an autopsy. The crime-scene investigator sent a report along with the body that described the crime scene at which the body was found. The man was shot in the head by his disgruntled neighbor, and another neighbor saw it happen. The medical examiner looks at the body and sees an obvious gunshot wound to the head.

Questions to answer: Is it necessary to perform all other external, internal, and toxicological examinations on the body, even with such an obvious cause of death? Why or why not? Provide evidence to support your answer.

STC The Arrival of The Europeans And Their Presence in The Americas Discussion


We studied the arrival of the Europeans and their presence in the Americas. The Spanish, the French and the English will all have part in the establishment of the United States. With the Europeans’ arrival we will also see a clash of cultures between the Old and New World. 

How did the Columbian Exchange transform the Americas on the one hand and Europe on the other? Spanish explorations in America provided wealth to the Spanish crown and Spanish investors. What impact did Spanish actions have on native peoples? And, how are Native Americans seen today especially in our educational system?

ESOC 212 Social Media Strategies Across Professions


2. What was your most-used social media platform four years ago? What is it today? Has it changed? Why or why not?

3. Compare the definitions of social media in the table, “25 Years of Social Media,” what trends do you see? Which definition do you prefer? Cite source.

4. Does the Pew Report on social media use in 2021 track with how you, your friends and your family use social media? How so? Cite source.

5. How can we distinguish social media from other online activity, according to “Introduction to Social Media Concepts”? Cite source.

link to one of soucres https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2024/01/31/am…

music 116 su


lease tell the class a little bit about yourself and your background.  Do you have any musical experiences such as playing an instrument, singing, or any participation in musical events?  Most of us consume or experience music in some way, maybe through religious activities, playing in a band or choir, or just for entertainment. Why do you want to take this course about World Music?  What are you hoping to learn from this course?  I encourage you to add a profile picture to your Canvas account so that we all can put a face to your name and ideas!

Cultural Communication


Apply cultural knowledge to enhance communica!on within a healthcare organization

Lunch and Learn Presenta!on Create a presenta!on for a 30-minute lunch and learn or informa!onal seminar for your employees. Focus your 20-minute presenta!on (allowing 10 addi!onal minutes for ques!ons) on how cultural knowledge enhances communica!on in the healthcare field. You must describe evolving terminology, apply cultural knowledge to interac!ons with pa!ents and coworkers, and discuss how the applica!on of cultural knowledge impacts popula!on health outcomes. You will submit your slides with comprehensive speaker notes. Your speaker notes should reflect what you would say in an audio or in-person presenta!on.

Edu Psych week 10


Attach Part 1 and Part 2 in different documents.

Part 1: Mention and briefly describe the three types of cognitive loads that make demands during learning

Part 2: Annie, a fifth-grade student in Mr. Baer’s class, is being quiet and sullen for the fifth day in a row. “I just can’t do this writing stuff,” she finally says in an appeal to Mr. Baer. “I’m not a good student. Give me P.E. or art over this stuff any day!”

1) How does Albert Bandura’s social cognitive theory help us to understand Annie’s comment “I just can’t do this writing stuff”?

Response to CONs of Potential of Information Overload and Privacy Security and Privacy Issues in EHR systems


1. Information overload can be an issue. Provide an example of how too much data in an Electronic Health Record (EHR) resulted in overload and how or what you did to mitigate the feelings of overload. 2. 

Security and privacy issuesThough there are a lot of benefits of EHR, EHRs are potentially vulnerable to security concerns which may affect the confidentiality of patients’ information (Basil et. al., 2022). The EHR is required to use technology, computers, mobile devices, medical identity theft, and increased data exchange between different organizations may increase the risk of security and privacy issues. 

writing a literature review


Submit the complete Literature Review section for the research paper you are writing. Please make sure that your Literature Review presents at least five (5) references published within the last ten (10) years. Below the Literature Review narrative, provide the complete References list of the sources used in writing the Literature Review. Use APA style (7th Ed.) to enter the references. 

Please note that the Literature Review is among the longest sections of a research paper. Therefore, your Literature Review should have at least five well-developed paragraphs (one paragraphs should have at least five well-developed sentences).

EXH/321: Developmentally-Effective Learning Environment


Write a paper explaining your philosophy on classroom management and address the following in your paper:

How do you define appropriate behavior, respect, and safety in early learning settings?

How do you define classroom management and discipline?

Why do you think it is important to have an effective classroom management plan?

What personal, social, and educational experiences and beliefs have shaped your personal classroom management philosophy?

  • What role should learners’ families/caregivers, cultural norms, and community play in a classroom management plan?
  • To what extent does your concept of appropriate behavior align with your perception of how current students typically behave in school?

Human Capital Managment


For the appropriate development of the analysis, consider topics like; motivation, technological developments that facilitate employee engagement, and the influence of social media, and if there is a difference on  how public and private organizations deal with employee engagement.  APA 7ma edition, include citations and references.

III. Read the following article, Want Your Employees to Trust You? Show You Trust them: https://hbr.org/2017/07/want-your-employees-to-trust-you-show-you-trust-them

Summarize the article in your own words.

What did you learn from the article?

If you were the owner of your own company, how did reading this article change your perspective, if at all?