Step 1 Ah



You have until Friday, 15 March, to submit this outline without penalty.

ANALYTICAL with mixed strategies (cause-effect & process analysis)

PROMPT: Explain the mistakes people make in the pursuit of happiness. Then explain what a person should do and why adopting particular value/s, method/s, and practices lead to or create happiness.

Why great change requires deep relationship


In this paper, evaluate the Clapham circle in light of Bennis’s Take-Home Lessons. Answer the following:

A) Why are relationships so powerful in helping you achieve your goals?

B) What were the most important ways in which the Clapham circle showed itself to be a great group?

C) Cite at least three specific examples that connect Bennis to Wilberforce and reference appropriately. Note: You can use any part of the book, but you will probably find what you are looking for in the introduction or take-home lessons.

D) Based on your findings, what must you begin to build right now in order to be successful as a leader?

nursing theory comparison


Nursing Theory Comparison Paper Due Week 7
Choose one grand nursing theory and one middle-range theory and have them
approved by your instructor. Write an 8–10 page comparison paper based on
your approved theories.
Based on the reading assignment (McEwen & Wills, Theoretical Basis for
Nursing, Unit II: Nursing Theories, chapters 6–9), select a grand nursing theory.
• After studying and analyzing the approved theory, write on this theory,
which includes an overview of the theory and specific examples of how it
could be applied in your own clinical setting.
Based on the reading assignment (McEwen & Wills, Theoretical Basis for
Nursing, Unit II: Nursing Theories, chapters 10 and 11), select a middle-range

summarize plot theme tone and write poem


For this reading response:

1)  Read  “Walker Brothers Cowboy” by Alice Munro and the excerpts from Walden by Henry David Thoreau –

see attached PDF Files for each

2) Write a reading response. For each story, summarize the plot, main idea, and note its tone(s), and its theme(s).

3) Below the main idea, tone(s), and theme(s), create a short creative piece of Poetry (of at least 12 lines) that explores one idea or element from the readings that prompts you to think about your relationship to your changing environment of your life before you started going to school and now that you have been going to school.

I need help with a task


Psych Meds Discussion

More and more patients are being diagnosed with mental illness. As nurses, we must stay up to date on medical management of psychiatric disorders. Depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder are common diagnoses your patients may have. Address all questions for your initial posting. Copy and paste the questions below in your original discussion posting. Provide a new paragraph for each question:

What is the role of SSRI’s in depression management?

How does the medication treatment differ for depression in an adolescent versus an adult?

What about patients that have co-morbid psychiatric disorders? What would you educate patients about who are taking multiple anti-psychotic medications?

discussion 7 Black Men & Syphilis in Tuskegee


Freimuth (2001) African Americans views on research and the Tuskegee Syphilis Study


Heller (1972) Black men untreated in Tuskegee Syphilis Study


Imagine you have a time machine and can go back to 1932 to redesign the Tuskegee Syphilis Study. In at least 200 words describe what changes you would make to the original study in order to give the test subjects back control over their medical choices while still collecting data about whether there are differences in the presentation of syphilis within black bodies.

nursing research


Search Strategy

Summarizes search methods used and findings.

Defines inclusion and exclusion criteria

Review of Literature 

6-8 peer reviewed, current journal articles (within 5 years) with substantive data for your problem

  • Studies relate directly to the PICO question.
  • Succinctly summarizes articles on how they support, or do not support, stated problem.
  • Addresses strength of literature using an identified data stratification method (i.e. level of evidence).

Attaches a summary of the matrix outlining included works, study attributes, expert opinion, evidence level ranking, and significant findings

  • Provides a brief synthesis of the matrix findings in the body of the paper that includes support and contradictory findings in the literature review related to the problem.

Cross Cultural International Psychology Belhaven University PSY-420-1AO71 Cross Cultural/International Psychology


Prompt: Read either The Entrepreneur or The Writer in Uncommon Ground. Write a reflection paper that addresses the following questions: What ideas stood out to you? Why? Were they new or in opposition to your current views on the topic? What do you already know about the topic? Where did your existing knowledge come from? What are observations or experiences that shaped your understanding of the topic? Do you agree or disagree with the author’s argument? Why? How does this chapter challenge your existing ideas or assumptions? How does this chapter help you better understand a Christian application of cultural psychology?

Module 4: Discussion – Moniz & Lobotomy


Watch the YouTube Video “The Worst Nobel Prize Ever Awarded” from 0:36 to 9:04. The speaker notes that Moniz’s Nobel Prize was “possibly the most regrettable Nobel Prize ever awarded”.

Address the following prompt: Given what you have learned in the lectures and readings, do you agree with the video that Moniz’s Nobel Prize was unjustified? Why or why not? Do you think that Moniz was acting in the best interests of his patients? Why or why not?

comment on the posts of two of your peers. Be sure to say whether you agree or disagree with their assessment of Moniz and why.

PSY-420-1AO71 Cross Cultural/International Psychology


Prompt: Read either The Songwriter or The Storyteller in Uncommon Ground. Write a reflection paper that addresses the following questions: What ideas stood out to you? Why? Were they new or in opposition to your current views on the topic? What do you already know about the topic? Where did your existing knowledge come from? What are observations or experiences that shaped your understanding of the topic? Do you agree or disagree with the author’s argument? Why? How does this chapter challenge your existing ideas or assumptions? How does this chapter help you better understand a Christian application of cultural psychology?