mental healthawarness


Section A 

Do a reasearch on mental health awareness, comparing individuals born and raised in the US and and another country in developing countries such as Africa. Explore global differences in mental health awareness and facing stigmatisation and discrimination. This will be a 5 page paper assigment.You can choose your own article but cross check with me first so were on the same page. 

Section B

Which will include strategies for minimizing mental health disparities. This will be a page 

Section C

If you were to intervew an individual born and raised in the united states and in another country what are 5 questions you would ask based on your resarch to find correlation. 

Write a memo Anti-Trust In The Beer Brewing Industry


Read the “U.S. vs. ABInBev and Grupo Modelo” anti-trust lawsuit. This is a DOJ blocking action
because it is attempting to stop a planned merger between the two companies. You would know
ABInBev most from its Budweiser Brand. You would know Grupo Modelo for its popular Corona
and Modelo brands.
For this memo, you want to focus on the coordination efforts in the industry led by ABInBev and the
pushback that Grupo Modelo had given ABInBev prior to the proposed merger. The DOJ was trying
to stop this acquisition because Modelo was a strong competitive counterbalance to AB’s industry
dominance. If they merged into one firm, then this counterbalance would no longer be present

Liturature review


Using the job listing from your Case 1 Assignment (Software Engineer Manager), develop a 5-slide (excluding title and references pages) PowerPoint presentation to include two scholarly sources and show the recruiter why you are qualified for this position.

Use the resources above to create your 5-slide PowerPoint presentation. Include 2 scholarly sources and speaker’s notes of 100 words for each slide and discuss the following information:
• Introduce yourself with information about you, your family, and your hobbies
• Discuss your employment history, including skills and experience
• Discuss your educational history and how it relates to this job opportunity
• Discuss why you would be the perfect person for this position 

PMIN607 Media and Technology in Ministry


Research the recent appearance and hearing of Mark Zuckerberg by the US Senate
Meta boss Mark Zuckerberg apologises to families in fiery US Senate hearing (<>
Share in your paper about the nature of the hearing, what lead up to the hearing, background, questions asked by US Senate members, Zuckerberg’s responses. What other CEO’s were present? Why? Any responses from the public? Reactions by parents of children that are negative impacted by Social Media. Did the meeting “change” anything regarding online safety for minors etc. What is your opinion on this topic? Explore a pastoral / biblical response to the issue of online safety.

Cognitive Psychology lab report


A major hypothesis of this study is to predict that words with fricatives consonants are more likely to be judged, in the rating test and AB forced choice task as foul language than the words with plosive consonants. There is a sample in moodle. We need to write for Method with procedures.

reading about sounds and foul language

Click,other%20sounds%20for%20giving%20offense. link to open resource.

reading 1 about sound symbolism

Click link to open resource.

data filling sheet_Exp A

Click link to open resource.

experiment powerpoint_Exp A

Click to open resource.

data filling sheet_Exp B

Click link to open resource.

experiment powepoint_Exp B

Click link to open resource.

HSM discussion board


 Options Menu: Forum

Rural Hospitals Can’t Find the Nurses They Need to Fight COVID | The Pew Charitable Trusts (

After reviewing the article:

Suggest a reason as to why you think medical staff are reluctant to seek jobs in the rural areas.

Suppose you are the Nursing Director of a rural hospital that is facing a significant shortage of nursing staff. Given the information provided in the article and you own knowledge, describe, in detail, one potential solution that you could develop to alleviate the current and future staff shortage. Make sure to include in the discussion why you think that your solution is a viable option

San Diego Help with Arabic Questions


Answer the two questions below, following the instruction

???? ??? ???????? ???? ??? ?????? ????????? 


???? ???? ?????? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ???? ????? ( ?????? ?????? ???????)  

Write the plural form of these adjectives and put each one in a sentence. Use Egyptian dialect.

????? ?- ?????? – ??????   – ?????  – ?????  – ?????  -? ????     – ?????     -??????   – ?????



????? ??? ????? ????? ??????? ???????? ?????? ???????? ????? ??????? ???? ?????? ????. ( ???? ?? ?? ??? ?? 100 ????) ?????? ?????? ???????.

Give a QUESTION to a bedroom and kitchen, using adjectives, colors, and mention what is in each room. . Use Egyptian dialect.

U.S. labor and work reading response


Provide a summary of each reading:

These summaries can be short, but they should be substantive. Each summary must correctly identify the main argument, and demonstrate comprehension of the text.

  1. Provide analysis of one of the readings:

Analysis is an original insight or idea about a text. It must be unique, in that analysis is not simply repeating what the text already says, but providing a new idea or question about what is presented.

  1. Don’t worry if you struggle with this initially as we will workshop these skills more. And when in doubt, simply ask a question of the text and try to answer it as best you can.

Read 2 articles and answer questions


Then respond to the following three questions:

  1. In 50-75 words, summarize the main argument(s) of Douthat’s article in your own words.
  2. In 50-75 words, summarize the main argument(s) of Callard’s article in your own words.

Discuss how one (or both) articles have impacted your perspective on travel (150-200 words).

  1. In so doing, you might choose to discuss if/how you will adjust your future travel behaviour as a result of what you’ve read. However, this is just one idea and not a requirement.
  2. If one article was more impactful than the other, you may choose to focus on that article. There is not a requirement that you discuss both for this response.

2 questions


Question #1-Describe how the educational level achieved by a nurse or the entry point into professional nursing practice affects the quality and competence of a nurse’s participation in policy making. Why it is important for registered nurses to influence the regulatory process? Does the nurses education have influence on their ability to make an impact? 

Question #2-Select one of the future issues presented this week (issue selected will be the future of nursing education, emphasis on Diversity, and Evidence based practice). Examine the issue in terms of cultural diversity, health promotion, and communication methods. Discuss in detail how this issue affects healthcare delivery and advanced nursing.