This professor is very strict


Read one of the following chapters from Courageous Faith: Life Lessons from Old Testament Heroes: chapter 1 (Abraham), chapter 2 (Jacob), or chapter 3 (Joseph). Write a thread that describes how you identify with the hero by highlighting the parallels between the hero’s life, circumstances, and relationship with God and your life, circumstances, and relationship with God. Reflect on the way the hero’s life illustrates possible solutions to your own circumstances or describe how the hero’s example may enhance your faith and relationship with God (or others). You may use the questions in the “Ask Yourself” section at the end of each chapter as they may assist you in developing your thoughts for your thread.

Disc 3 dissertation


Overview: While you are in the infancy of thinking about your dissertation topic, it helps to begin with the end in mind.  During your literature review, you will uncover a gap in the scholarship on your proposed topic.  While this gap may be content or methodological-specific, it is critical to think about the type of methodology your study will employ as you begin your search.  Therefore, you will review the University of the Cumberland’s doctoral research handbook for approved research designs. You will not be “locked in” to your choice until your IRB is approved in DSRT 839, but you should have a general idea of how you will collect data on your proposed topic. 

Dissertation Assistance



I have finished my dissertation, but for some reason the Chair is finding small errors in my paper. I would like assistance. Here are the comments:

1. So, you have page numbers in the header and footer. Per the template, it is only in the header. Also, these prelim pages are numbered incorrectly. It uses roman numerals, not cardinal ones. Please go back to the original template and fix it.

2. Add the figures and tables to their their section

3. Run your editor/grammar function. There are 144 errors to address. Most are probably the author’s last name, but once you save it to your Word dictionary and accept the save. That will resolve it.

HIST-2035-01 Women & Work in American History


Read the Linked file “Nineteenth Century Women’s Roles” and Read the Short Story by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps “The Angel Over Her Right Shoulder”. 

discuss some of the themes of Phelps’ short story “The Angel Over Her Right Shoulder”, such as how Mrs. James’ ‘story’ relates to the Key Concept of “the Cult of Domesticity” that was prevalent in the early 19th century and what does [or should] constitute “fulfilling” work for women [“a woman’s work is never done”; “a woman’s place is in the home”].  Do the dilemmas that Mrs. James faces in her domestic situation in the early 19th century have any parallels to expectations women face regarding their working lives today? 

Clarify your own viewpoints about the meaning of life and to confront potential challenges to your views.


Your discussion post should answer each question above in at least 2 to 3 sentences, and provide arguments and evidence to support your responses. Successful posts will answer each question with specific examples and details from the assigned sources.

Share your perspective on the following questions by making an argument that involves your own view and those of the authors we read in this unit. Select ones that support your view and at least one that would be in opposition to it. Include your response to the opposing argument(s) as well.

  1. Do you think life has or can have meaning?
  2. Why might one question whether life has any larger meaning or purpose?

Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia Case Study


28-year-old previously healthy female is brought to the emergency

department complaining of sudden onset of palpitations and a “fluttering”

sensation in her chest . She quickly became short of breath and light-headed .

Physical examination reveals an oral temperature of 37 .0° C , a pulse rate of

1 95/min, a respiratory rate of 20/min , and a blood pressure of 90160 m m Hg.

Examination of the lungs is umemarkable, and a cardiac examination is

significant only for tachycardia. Her electrocardiogram revealed narrow

complex tachycardia with absent p wave .

1. What is the most likely diagnosis?

2. What is the epidemiology of this condition?

3. What is the pathogenesis of this condition?

4. What is the treatment of her condition

(What is Sustainability?) Reading Notes



While reading each assigned chapter in the textbook, you are to take notes as you read and upload them to Canvas for credit. The Weekly Objectives and Discussion Board prompts for each chapter can help guide your focus on what to take notes on, but you do not have to follow them to earn credit.

Why are you required to take notes? Reading notes are a required assignment because they provide several benefits. Reading the textbook chapters provides an alternative viewpoint on sustainability concepts, and writing the notes forces you to spend some time reflecting on what you just read. Note-taking is also an important skill to have when studying for any course.

performance review scenario



When Amal was hired on for her role as an Administrative Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer, she was thrilled about the opportunity to work for Organization ABC. Unfortunately, the information provided in her job Question was limited. After a month on the job, despite receiving two days of training from the person Amal replaced, Amal’s supervisor noticed that her performance was inadequate. Amal’s current supervisor knows that she is a phenomenal worker, based upon past employer references. 

Response Items to Address

To ensure Amal’s success, and the success of future employees, what aspects of the performance management process need revision (attached)? Also, how can future performance management aspects be successfully addressed?

Like last time, you will have several choices. PICK ONE. You do not have to write them all!


Week Four Prompts (WWI)

Week Five Prompts (Jazz Age)

Week Six Prompts (Depression)

Please write approximately 300 words on the prompt. Give reasons/examples that support your conclusion. Support your arguments by referring to statements in the textbook and/or the lectures. If you use the book, you can cite it like this (text, p.x). If you use the lectures, you can cite it like this (lecture, timestamp). 

Your topic may well be huge and multifaceted. Books may have been written on it. If you go over, I will understand. But this is a short essay and not a research paper so you do not need to look outside course materials. 

Book review


You have selected one of the designated books to read. You will now write a book review that expresses your motivation for selecting the particular book, the impression the book made on you,  information from another external, reliable source that either corroborates or contradicts the book, and how or why this book will or will not impact you. See Content Criteria on page 4 for more details. Note that your additional source should be from a recent (within last 5 years), professional journal or website (NIH, CDC, etc.). Blogs, magazines, and newspapers are not considered professional resources.An external source is one that is not included within the course readings.