PSY-402: Week 5- Memory and Brain Mechanisms Analysis


Using four or more scholarly sources, write an essay, address the following prompts:

Explain how memories are formed in the brain (using neural circuitry) and how are they maintained.

Given what we know about brain mechanisms in memory, evaluate if our memories are accurate. Support your answer using information on how memories are stored in the brain, including an explanation of how working memory is similar to and different from long-term memory.

  • Describe how knowledge of the brain and memory systems can be used to help individuals suffering from memory problems (e.g., poor memory, amnesia, PTSD), including techniques to improve the short-term and long-term memory process.
  • Describe how the brain equips us to think critically to solve problems related to behavior and mental processes.

Response question


Review the crisis communication case studies in the Liberman texts; review the assigned readings and watch Conversations In Crisis 4 with Arturo Nunez.. (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

In at least three brief paragraphs (30 to 50 words each):

1 — Choose one or more Nike communications crises and describe how the company was effective or ineffective in its response.

2 — Discuss another company in which you have strong brand loyalty, and how/why the brand has cultivated that emotional bond with you.

3 — Describe how you believe that brand loyalty might be threatened or strengthened in a crisis, and why.

References to crisis communication research/theories and other class materials are always suggested to support your discussion. 

CIU Regarding War of 1812 and Slavery Discussion


Evaluate the ways in which the United States was transformed by the War of 1812, which ended in 1815. Your answer should draw upon material from the era spanning the presidencies of Jefferson through Jackson, and should look at economic, political, social and cultural changes that accelerated after 1815. Were these changes all positive? Why or why not?

Describe the proslavery view of white Southerners in the years after 1815. What were the most important causes or origins of this view, and how did proslavery ideology impact the politics and society of the slave states? Your answer should also analyze how pro-slavery Southerners were challenged by slaves, free African-Americans or others in the U.S. at the time. What were the results?

Informative Presentation Informative Presentation


his assignment is an Informative presentation. It needs to educate the audience on a particular topic. Your job is to inform, educate, and inspire. Choose an interesting and relevant topic. It should be current, but not tied only to today’s events.

You must record your presentation and post it to Blackboard.

It is important to keep in mind that production value does not matter for this recorded assignment. Few students have access to a recording studio, so do not worry about your setting and production quality. Your video must be viewable and must have adequate sound, but it does not have to be studio-quality. You might record your presentation more than once, but do not re-record it to fix minor production issues.

social mass


Who was Jane Adams in relation to Social Work?

What was the Toynbee Hall, and where it originate and who brought the “idea” of the Toynbee Hall back oth US?

Who was Harney Hopkins in relation to social work?

Emergency Relief Act of 1933and who called it a “quick fix”?

  1. Who was Jane Hoey in relation to social work?
  2. Who was Del Anderson in relation to social work?
  3. Who was Whitney Young in relation to social work?
  4. Do you see a connection amongst the individuals described above? Who’s work and/or struggle did you identify with the most of the individuals portrayed in the video: Adams, Hopkins, Hoey, Del Anderson and/or Young?Legacies of Social Change: 100 Years of Professional Social Work in the United States

Reframing Responses to Challenging Behaviors


fter reviewing the module content, reading Ch. 4, and completing the Teaching Social-Emotional Skills from Challenging Behaviors assignment, Please take the time to write a paragraph or so connecting what you saw in the videos from the module overall to our chapter’s content and the idea of viewing challenging behaviors and conflicts as a teachable moment integral to our work with children instead of an inconvenient interruption to our ‘real work.’

Remember, utilizing real-world learning opportunities through working out challenging behaviors is as much the work of early childhood teachers and caregivers as any other learning domain development and possibly moreso than academic teaching. I encourage you to include your own insights and reflections from your experiences as well.

ISFM 201 Discussion Replies


The proliferation of the Internet of Things (interconnected devices, primarily using wifi as the means of communication) means that most individuals will be using a wifi network or be exposed to wifi networks on a daily basis. Reflect on the following:

1. What risks and safeguards are associated with wireless communication?
2. Are you comfortable (or would you use) a wireless “hot spot” to do computer work?
3. What safeguards might you use in accessing an unprotected (public) wireless communications?
4. Are you more at risk using a wireless connection via laptop or a connection via a smart phone?

For the curious, take a look at What is “war driving” or “war flying.” How prevalent are these two terms today?

SMART goals task


icon SMART Goals

For this assignment, you will work on setting goals for yourself using the SMART method. You will find an explanation of this method in the module that will guide you in your goal-setting process. You will list a minimum of five professional goals that you would like to accomplish during the clinical experience in this term. For each goal, you must provide an explanation of how the goal is representative of each of the SMART characteristics: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely. Be sure to answer the following questions for each goal summary: Can you measure it? Is it attainable? Is it realistic? What is the time frame you have set for completing that goal?




Research Objectives: 

Objective 1: To analyze the adoption of workplace flexibility practices in the Information Technology sector of the United States

Objective 2: To assess the impact of workplace flexibility on employee performance in the IT industry

Objective 3: To explore the influence of workplace flexibility on organizational performance within the Information Technology sector

Chapter 5: Conclusion and recommendation 

5.1 Introduction 

5.2 Linking with objective (Elaborate all 3 objectives) 

5.3 Recommendation (Need 5 recommendations based on the topic and objectives context and elaborate)

5.4 Future of the study (Elaborate the future scope of this research) 

Chapter 6: Reflection

Use Gibbs reflective cycle by relating the topic context

English Task


Prepare a reflective and detailed career plan including short term and midterm career plans, including reflection on external engagement. The portfolio will include the main text and attachment used as evidence for your reflection.

The Career Plan is a personal and analytical record of relevant competences development gained through experiential learning and how they link to the plan for the next 3 years. It is designed to encourage reflection on experience, and to enhance self-awareness. The objective of the Career Plan is to enable students to focus on the development of their personal and professional competences and to develop these alongside the more theoretical focus of the rest of the programme for a specific career goal.