Annotated Bibliography Assignent


Annotated Bibliography: The annotated bibliography assignment is used to prepare for the Psychodynamic Technique PowerPoint assignment. Students will select one psychodynamic technique or concept from the list provided below and create an annotated bibliography. An annotated bibliography is a list of sources that are relevant to a topic you are researching. Students will select five sources for this assignment; the sources must be peer-reviewed and published within the last seven years. Each reference should be formatted according to APA. Following each reference, students will summarize the key findings and conclusions of the source, note any limitations, and make a clear connection to how the source informs or connects to the selected topic and final PowerPoint that the student intends to complete.


Defense Mechanism Interpretation

Transference Interpretation

Dream Analysis 

counseling 120 ra


Read Chapters 6 & 7 in College Success. Write a one-page double-spaced journal reflection summary of these chapters. You must have a minimum of one paragraph per chapter. Please answer these questions in your one page summary reflection.

1. What did you learn and how will you apply this to yourself and your college and career success?

College Success TextbookLinks to an external site.

This link will open in a new window. If you want to work in the window within Canvas, click on the next item in this module titled “College Success Textbook.” Once you are in the Book, make sure to click on the “Contents” icon in the left menu bar so that you can see the table of contents of your book.  

ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code


Using an ICD-10-CM code book, assign the proper diagnosis code to the following diagnostic statements. Please be aware that when an answer consists of more than one code, there will be an answer blank for each code.

  • adenocarcinoma of adrenal cortical
  • neoplasm of anterior wall of urinary bladder, malignant
  • plasma cell leukemia
  • B cell lymphoma; intrapelvic lymph nodes
  • secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of the chin
  • malignant neoplasm of orbital bone
  • secondary cancer of islet cells of pancreas
  • basal cell carcinoma of skin on scalp
  • plasma cell tumor
  • benign neoplasm of abdomen
  • benign neoplasm of the bursa of the shoulder
  • CIS of the rectosigmoid junction
  • malignant neoplasm of the adrenal gland (left side) with metastasis to the kidney and renal pelvis
  • metastatic cancer from the bladder dome to the ureter
  • cancer of the stomach (fundus)
  • lipoma of right kidney
  • right lung cancer

Ethical and prof conduct week 10


Please Attach Part 1 and Part 2 in different Documents

Part 1: Comparative Analysis: Ethical vs. Unethical Organizational Procedures

Compare and contrast the organizational procedures of two behavior analysis organizations (you may use hypothetical companies) — one following ethical standards and another deviating from them. Discuss the impact of these procedures on clients, employees, and the overall reputation of the organizations. Propose recommendations for improvement in the organization with unethical procedures.

Part 2: 

Analyze and discuss this case study! 

An adult client with intellectual disabilities receiving ABA services wants to participate in activities deemed potentially risky by their caregiver, such as riding a bicycle without adult supervision. 

What are the ethical considerations here? 

What is considered ethical and unethical with this scenario? 

What does the behavior analyst need to take into consideration?

the following Chapter 5 key terms: Zero-


A. 10pts: Define the following Chapter 5 key terms: Zero-tolerance strategy, broken windows theory, community policing, field training program, move and shoot, Office of Tribal Justice, problem-oriented policing, sworn personnel, team policing and watchman styleA. 10pts: Define the following Chapter 5 key terms: Zero-tolerance strategy, broken windows theory, community policing, field training program, move and shoot, Office of Tribal Justice, problem-oriented policing, sworn personnel, team policing and watchman style.

B. 24 pts: Respond to the following chapter review questions (pg. 119). Each correct response is worth 2 pts each.

5.1 #’s 1, 2, 3 and 4

5.2 #’s 3 and 5 only

5.3 #’s 1, 2 and 3 only

5.4 #’s 1, 2 and 3

3.6 # 3 only

Use the transactions below to prepare an accounting


Use the transactions below to prepare an accounting equation for the accounts receivable balance and allowance for uncollectible. Also, explain why companies adopt the adjusted allowance method.

Following is a list of transactions for October 201X for Company A. 

Oct. 1 Beginning Accounts Receivable balance is $49,000

Oct. 4 Collected $4,600 from a cash customer

Oct. 5 Collected $4,600, the amount due

Oct. 6 Provided Services of $5,000 on account

Oct. 7 Customer only partially paid invoice, $2,000 

Oct. 12 Collected on the invoice that was previously written off $6,000

Oct. 17 Wrote off the uncollectable amount of $3,000

Oct. 31 Adjusted Allowance account, it is 1% of Accounts Receivable ending balance

Write a summary describing what you did in this assignment. 

Record audio and video showing your work (approximately 6-8 minutes).

ESOC 212 Authenticity and reality on social media


1. According to Duffy, what are some of the contradictions involved in promoting oneself as authentic on social media? What does “authentic” mean to the bloggers/vloggers interviewed, and what does it mean to be inauthentic? Use some specific examples from the chapter.

2. What are some ways that influencers’ public and private lives blur together, and what are some of the effects of this? Give at least one example.

3. Why do you think Joe Dunthorne has such a hard time letting go of his impersonator in “Real Me and Fake Me.” What is the significance of the language, “real me” and “fake me”?

4. What are some examples of the positives of beauty filters and what are some examples of the negatives?……

Reading Notes


To complete this Reading Notes, please read the essay “Argument as Conversation” and the chapter “Identifying a Conversation” in Week 11. Then, please answer the following question:

1. According to the two readings, how are arguments similar to conversations? Please refer to the specific instances in EACH reading as evidence for your answer.

2. According to “Argument as Conversation”, what are the components that an argument needs to have? Why do we need to include these components in an argument? Please provide quotes from this reading to support your answer.

3. According to “Identifying a Conversation”, what are the ways for you to put sources into conversation with each other? Please provide quotes from this reading to support your answer.

Identifying a conversation:…

The Importance of Reflection


Blackburn gives three possible answers as to why reflection is important.

In your own words, explain what the difference is between his “high ground, “middle ground,” and “low ground” answers.

  1. Which of the three answers do you find the most convincing, and why?

Imagine a world without self-reflection! That is, a world where humans don’t ask all those philosophical questions.

What would be different? What might be better? What is worse in such a world?

  • Would you want to live in such a world?
  • Discussion Board Submission Guidance
  1. You are required to post an initial response and two substantive peer responses. Ongoing participation is required through the end of the week (Sunday). Review the Suggestions for Discussion Board Success page for clarification.

Current Issues/Trends PowerPoint Presentation


  1. Question that I will be answering in this powerpoint: Nursing during an epidemic, pandemic or natural disaster across the country or around the globe
  2. Your presentation should only include the following slides:
    1. Title slide
    2. Why the topic was chosen
    3. How your topic impacts nursing practice
    4. Current relevance of the topic
    5. Clinical Practice Integration
    6. Plan for lobbying: Describe your plan on what and how you would lobby your legislators or local government for funding and support for your chosen issue/trend.
    7. Conclusion
    8. Reference slide
  3. High Turnitin scores will be evaluated on an individual basis and may result in points deducted and/or a grade of “zero” for the assignment. Use the Turnitin Plagiarism Check to upload your assignment and verify your plagiarism score before submitting your assignment.