Georgia Gwinnett College What Would You Do? questions


  • What was your moral parsimony score?
  • What do you think this indicates about you?
  • On the last page where it reminds you of the questions, your answers, and how your responses compare to others, take note of three dilemmas to share and discuss.
  • Indicate the answers you gave and your arguments for why you took the stand that you did.
  • What do these decisions say about your moral intuitions?
  • Making Connections
    • In your responses, try to make some connections to the materials on logic in Unit I.
    • Were any of your moral decisions in these scenarios driven by deductive or inductive arguments?
    • Did you note any fallacies in any of your reasoning processes when potential conflicts between your beliefs were highlighted?
    • How might Socrates have approached one or more of these situations where conflicts might have arisen between various beliefs?

Research Journal 7: Supporting Claim with Sources



Major League baseball players actions during the “Steroid Age”  were not only based on the desire to cheat, but they were based external pressures within the league that failed the players. The players essentially caved in to the pressure of competition and the fame that came with winning and making money. Since the league did not have strong policies on drug use or even drug testing, the penalties weren’t enough to maintain ethical practices. 


For this research journal, you will write a portion of your research-based argument. You will write one reason or subclaim of your larger argument. You will write at least one substantial paragraph In your journal entry, include the following:

Write your thesis statement at the beginning of your entry. This should be a clear and concise argumentative position on your topic.

CTU Learning to Live as A New Couple and Effective Communication Question


My chosen dispute:

  • Learning to live as a new couple and effective communication
  • opening introduction
  • Copy and paste the following questions into a Word document and provide at least a one
    paragraph response to each question:
    1. Briefly summarize your dispute as you perceive it, placing events in chronological order.
    Include what you have done to resolve the dispute.
    2. Have you been striving earnestly to resolve this dispute or giving only partial efforts to
    3. What questions, doubts, or fears do you have because of this dispute?
    4. Have you been looking at this dispute as something that happened by chance, as
    something done to you by someone else, or as something that God allowed in your life
    for a specific purpose?
    5. Using what you currently know about conflict resolution, which response to conflict have
    you been using to resolve the dispute?

I need someone to answer the following questions


Q1/ In chapter 1, their introductory chapter, Landy and Milkis discuss a number of fundamental concepts of American politics and government, including a

democratic republic.

Briefly explain what they mean by a democratic republic.

Q2/ In chapter 1 of their textbook, Landy and Milkis explain that they take an

“American political development” approach to the study of American

government. Briefly explain what this means and provide one reason why, in

their view, this approach can best help us to understand American government


Q3/In chapter 1, Landy and Milkis use the Preamble to the Constitution as a basis

for introducing the overarching goals or purposes of government in the United


Identify and briefly explain ONE of these goals or purposes.

Q4/ Identify and briefly explain a SECOND goal or purpose of government in the

United States based on the Preamble to the Constitution.

Discussion: Professional Society Membership Standards


Research a professional society that you might consider joining (or are already a member of). Identify the society’s standards for membership and if there are ranks of membership. Based on what you’ve learned in this module and know of your profession, indicate whether you think you are likely to join in the future and whether you agree with their standards for membership. If you’re not certain of what professional society you might consider in the future, select one of the four founding engineering societies and investigate what the current standards for membership are and if there are ranks. Post about what you found and if these have changed over time. Make sure to comment on and discuss what some of your other colleagues have found by replying to their posts.

week 8 project part 3


Week 3: Course Project Part 1: Company Information (75 points)


Select a major medium to large size corporation and create  1 – 3 slides on the application of skills in logistics. You will assume the role of supply chain manager describing the logistics, distribution, and warehousing and applying the concepts learned in this course.  Be sure to include your references on where you located your information about the selected organization.  Your presentation should include the following:

Provide background information on your selected organization: name, years in business, growth strategy, organizational structure, product/services provided, global operations/expansion, strategic partnerships, etc.

Describe the role of supply chain logistics, distribution, and warehousing in your organization.

Describe the size of your organization and the skills needed in effective management of supply chain logistics in your organization of this size.

Communication Ethics, and a Command Decision


Captain Crozier, Commander of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, wrote and distributed a controversial letter in March of 2020 that pleaded for help for crew members stricken by the COVID-19 virus. The communication was sent to several recipients and eventually found its way to the news media. The situation became front-page news and was actively debated in the media. Senior leaders believed that Captain Crozier may have avoided his chain of command for fear that his immediate leader would suppress the issue and expose the sailors to unnecessary danger. His decisions and actions that lead up to his writing of the letter are fraught with ethical dilemmas.

In this assignment, you are asked to identify the communication strategy used and analyze ethical aspects surrounding Captain Crozier’s decision to widely disseminate the letter.

Create an infographic


Please create an Infographic on:

The Seed of Life Mosaic is coming to UD March 18 & 19th, 2024. It will be here in KU 311 both days from 11am-4pm. We are asking the UD community to add a piece to the Mosaic to commemorate the tragic events that happened August 4, 2019, in the Oregon District where 9 people lost their lives to a mass shooting.

The Fudge Foundation and the Mosaic Institute of Dayton are coming to campus with the art piece. There will be an unveiling of the memorial on August, 4, 2024 – the fifth Anniversary of the event — when the art installation is permanently installed on Fifth Street in the Oregon District in downtown Dayton.

Inquiry-Based Strategies Chart Effective Strategies to Science and Health Standards


The constructivist approach to curriculum design allows science concepts to come alive in the elementary classroom setting through hands-on problem-solving. Students use inquiry-based methods to investigate a topic, ask questions, and use a variety of resources to find answers and solutions. As students explore the topic, they draw conclusions, and, as exploration continues, they revisit those conclusions. Exploration of questions leads to more questions and a deeper understanding of the concept. 

Use the “Inquiry Based Strategies Chart” to align effective strategies to science and health standards. Based on the K-8 grade of your choice, select a grade-appropriate science standard and a grade-appropriate health standard from Arizona or your state’s K-12 content area standards.

In two separate tables, one for the science standard and one for the health standard, outline the following:

Selected grade level

counseling 120


Read Chapters 6 & 7 in College Success. Write a one-page double-spaced journal reflection summary of these chapters. You must have a minimum of one paragraph per chapter. Please answer these questions in your one page summary reflection.

1. What did you learn and how will you apply this to yourself and your college and career success?

College Success TextbookLinks to an external site.

This link will open in a new window. If you want to work in the window within Canvas, click on the next item in this module titled “College Success Textbook.” Once you are in the Book, make sure to click on the “Contents” icon in the left menu bar so that you can see the table of contents of your book.