Stress work


Answer some questions from your textbook (Page 95, included in Module)

  • The STRESS Discussion includes THREE components: 
  • Complete the “Self Reflection” on page 95 of your book (provided in the module).

Include your total score in your discussion post.  

What are your thoughts about your score on the Self-reflection score? Were you surprised? Is there something that concerns you? What improvements can you make to lower your stress or to address areas that have room for improvement?

PART TWO: List THREE favorite ways YOU use to lower your stress. Be specific!

It makes the discussion thread better when people interact. Please be kind, non-judgmental, supportive, reflective, positive when you respond to a post. Life is too short to be mean, negative and judgmental in a discussion thread. And, yes: you can reply to anything I post!

ECH/321:Developmentally-Effective Learning Environments


Presentation Content

Individually, go online and research 3 technology-based classroom management and student-engagement resources that are appropriate for early learners (birth–age 8).
Create a 10- to 12-slide presentation about the 3 technology resources, using any presentation tool of your choice, and include the following in your presentation:

Each resource’s title and website

Appropriate grade level(s) that correspond to each resource

  1. Benefits of each resource

Data from each resource that can help the teacher assess and enhance teaching and learning

Explanation of how the use of each resource may affect student engagement, responsibility, and accountability

Explanation of how each resource might be used to implement a system of positive recognition in your classroom

Explanation of how each resource might be used to communicate student conduct and discipline with families/caregivers and colleagues

Explanation of how educators can advocate, model, and teach the responsible and ethical use of technology to their students

Early childhood organization


Activity Time:

Early Childhood Organizations are a great way to gather information and keep informed as to what is happening in the field. How can you determine which organizations are the best to use?

Initial Post

In your initial post, please identify and discuss three Early childhood organizations that you feel provide the best information for you to stay informed as an educator in the field.

In your post, provide the following information in your own words:

Name of Organization

  • Website URL
  • Vision, Mission, Goals – what is their main goal?
  • Benefits of being a member
  • Include a brief summary about how you might use the information and/or website in your day-to-day work with children, families, and your colleagues.
  • Reply Post
  • In your reply post, read at least two other students’ initial posts. Select posts that address different websites you did not discuss in your initial post. Address the following:

California’s recently passed law that will ban new car sales of gas-powered automobiles


The Subject: The public letter.  Read Lisa Friedman’s New York Times article “California Reveals Its Plan to Phase Out New Gas-Powered Cars by 2035” before composing your essay.

response purpose will be constructed as an argument.  As such, your paper will have a thesis, reasons, evidence, and persona.  The essay needs to make reference to Friedman’s article multiple times throughout your paper, but you will also need to branch out beyond what is written in that original essay to include rationale and support of your own making/research.  When writing your response, consider what would be most persuasive to a diverse set of readers who represent different ages, socio-economic classes, political affiliations. Students can sufficiently complete the requirements highlighted above and still have a substandard essay if they do not assemble the essay properly.  For this paper, focus on having unified paragraphs

Critical Thinking Discussion


-Read: What lies by Joy Meads in the attached photos


-Take this quick test:


After learning about the IAT and taking the test online, think about your results and the explanation provided by the website. Are the results surprising to you? Do you trust the outcome of the IAT? How did you feel while taking the test and how did you feel when you received the results? Were some parts of the IAT easier than others?
Think about the possible biases, assumptions, and opinions that may be influencing your work in this class. Will Mead’s ten strategies for overcoming unconscious bias help you compose a more objective argument?
Share what you learned from your IAT experience and relate it to Meads’ ten strategies for overcoming unconscious bias.
Be sure to speak up if you have any questions or concerns.

Fundamental Principles Week 7


Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a science that uses principles of learning and behavior change to improve socially significant behaviors. In this assignment, you will demonstrate your understanding of key ABA concepts by exploring the following topics:

Perspectives, features, and applications of ABA: Discuss the different perspectives within ABA, its key features, and its diverse applications across various populations and settings.

Stimulus, behavior, and response: Define and differentiate between the three pillars of ABA: stimulus, behavior, and response. Provide examples of each.

  • Classical and operant conditioning: Compare and contrast the two main forms of learning in ABA: classical and operant conditioning. Use specific examples to illustrate your understanding.

Reinforcement: Explain the concept of reinforcement in ABA, including its different types and their effects on behavior.

  • Schedules of reinforcement: Describe various schedules of reinforcement used in ABA and analyze their impact on behavior acquisition and maintenance.

Read and write


After reading “In Just?” and “Christmas, 1970,” please answer the following questions:

Regarding “In Just?

1. Almost all of the words in this poem are in lower-case. What is the effect of the arrangement of words on the page? What effect does this have when you look at the poem? How does the visual representation relate to the content of the poem?

2. Is the balloonman a “good guy,” or is he sinister? How can you tell?

3. Does the poem actually end? If so, where?

Regarding “Christmas, 1970,”

1. What is the role of race/nationality in the poem? 

2. How is the tree described?  Why do you think it is described in this way? 

3. This poem includes a number of details about time. How do place and time intersect in this poem? Why are they important?

“In Just?“:

“Christmas, 1970,”:

Nursing theorist video


Complete a nursing theorist video analysis/reflection of one of the nursing theorist videos provided in the course. We highly recommend that you watch as many of these videos as you can throughout the course. This is a great opportunity for you to see and hear directly from the actual theorists that you are reading about in the text.

After watching one of the theorist videos, reflect on what you have learned.

Compose a paper that addresses the following:

Explain why you chose to watch this particular theorist’s video.

Describe the parts of your personal philosophy where you agree or disagree with this theorist.

Is there anything that surprised you in the video? If so, what surprised you?

Would you recommend this video to another student? If so, why would you recommend it?

What value did you receive from watching it?

Gender Analysis Discussion Post


For this assignment, choose a media text (advertisement, clip, website, news story, YouTube video, etc.) and write a post of at least 450 words analyzing it using the themes and keywords from this module–that is, you should address how the text is challenging, contesting, upholding, and/or reproducing ideologies pertaining to gender, race, and/or sexuality, etc. For example, you might examine a news story about women in sports (e.g., the recent Naomi Osaka story) or analyze a particular ad campaign featuring popular feminism. This is a purposefully open-ended assignment in terms of topics. I want you to carefully think about how a feminist media studies scholar might approach your chosen text. What research questions might they ask of the text? What would stand out? Using this approach, be sure to closely read the elements of your chosen text. 

Heal3600 Mini research product 1


Please pick a disease of your choice among what you have learned in this course so far, and provide a review, answering the following questions:

What is the name of the disease or condition you selected? 

Why is this condition or disease meaningful to you personally? This question is optional. You don’t need to include it in your work if you are not comfortable answering it. 

Cite some statistics / epidemologic facts of this disease.

What groups of people are particularly susceptible to this disease, why? 

  • How does the disease develop and progress?

What are the risk factors, symptoms and three consequences of this disease or condition?

  • What are  common treatments recommended to care for a person with this disease or condition?

What are two recent (within the last 2 years) research findings or advancements in treatment of this disease or condition?