GCCCD Art Appreciation 100 Questions


This part of the exams tests students on their knowledge of course content from Modules 1 through 3.

Number of attempts: One (1). Once you click “Take the Quiz” the timer will start.

  • If you start the test by mistake, please finish it. There is not the opportunity to reattempt it.
  • If you lose power, you can log back in and complete the quiz as long as you have time remaining.
  • Take the test after you have viewed the lectures (in this case, lectures may be in PDF/PowerPoint form). The questions derive from these lecturess.
  • The test is timed and attempting it without preparation may undermine your success.
  • There are 15 multiple-choice questions in the test. Choose the BEST answer.
  • You will see one question at a time.
  • There is the opportunity to go back to a question if you need to.
  • You may consult your notes. But, take the test independently.
  • Time allowed: 30 minutes

Ethical Standards Reflection


You will begin by researching the ethical standards and principles of your career field. Using those as a foundation, you will write a reflection paper discussing the incident you were involved in regarding Academic Integrity. Within this assignment, please reflect on the following: ? What ethical standards does your chosen career field have? Why do they have these standards? Why are they important? ? What are some of your personal values? Provide at least three values, and explain why each one is meaningful to you. ? List some of your career goals. ? Consider your goals and values. Are you acting in ways that show others what is important to you? Are you moving yourself towards your goals? ? Feel free to add anything else that is coming up for you in this reflection. This paper must be no less than 750 words in length (typed, double-spaced)

Masters Research Project-2


Use a formal draft of what I have included below. That was my research paper. Use that paper and Consider providing a brief mention of the specific industries or sectors that are increasingly vulnerable to cyber threats to enhance context. To enhance clarity, briefly mention how these cyber threats impact businesses or individuals. Consider adding a brief conclusion to the introduction that summarizes the main objectives and sets the stage for the subsequent sections. Additionally, consider expanding the reference list to include a broader range of sources, including recent publications and industry reports.

Note 1: Need proper citations and more references including links as well as more evidence. you can add research papers for evidence not only included papers. Please refer above information.

Note 2:Name is Formal draft submitted by end of week 7.docx (Attached below) that was the paper I needed to include the matter in that paper.

group work video discussion post


Module 5 Discussion Prompt 

You should watch the group work video and the video lecture for this week’s class. 

Now that you have watched Julius in his role as the group leader and evaluated his skills for beginning the middle phase of group work, you will continue your skill development for the working phase in groups. You will continue your work by looking at activities in groups as well as activity groups. Additionally, you’ll consider how the worker manages the emerging informal roles of the group members. Julius will be the illustration of your learning.

In your post this week, share with your peers what you thought while watching this case study video.  

How did you see Julius use process versus content?  

What skills does Julius use to avoid doing individual work in group context?

How does Julius manage obstacles and/or illusions of work?

How does Julius terminate the session?

HMGT 420 Healthcare Facilities Management


Review Discussion Articles: 

How to measure customer satisfaction: 4 key metrics

Patient Satisfaction with Healthcare Services and the Techniques Used for its Assessment: A Systematic Literature Review and a Bibliometric Analysis

Discussion Prompt

  • Identify a real healthcare organization (hospital) within the United States. Based on the available current patient satisfaction and structure of the organization, develop a justification and plan for one initiative directed to improve patient satisfaction with service delivery. The articles offered should only be used as reference points. You may also use other credible research sources as well.

As part of your justification and plan be sure to identify: (1) the purpose, (2) goal of the project, (3) key stakeholders, team/multi-disciplinary group members, and (4) their roles related to impacting the patient satisfaction.  Also, be sure to add a brief QUESTION of why these departments are key to the success of the project.

Second Industrial Revolution and how it changed society


First: Read the document below, “Triumph of America” by Andrew Carnegie.


Second: In a essay, relate the ideas in this letter to the “Second Industrial Revolution” (1870 – 1920).  Think about how the Second Industrial Revolution changed American society, economics, race relations, labor or gender. These are suggestions, your answered does not need to incorporate all of these topics.

Your answer should include at least two specific references to the American Yawp textbook, at least one specific reference to the lectures, and at least one specific reference to one of the documentaries from this module.  You can cite this in whatever academic style you like, in-text or footnotes.  If you’re not sure what to do, just put a parenthetical reference at the end of the sentence.  Like this (Yawp, Chapter 2).  Or like this (Lecture 3).

YAWP: The American Yawp

General guidelines for the essay:

HR Discussion


According to Investopedia, “A living wage is a socially acceptable level of income that provides adequate coverage for basic necessities such as food, shelter, child services, and healthcare. The living wage standard allows for no more than 30% to be spent on rent or a mortgage and is sufficiently higher than the poverty level.” The majority of companies are required to pay a minimum wage which is significantly lower than the living wage. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology provides a living wage calculator for a number of communities throughout the U.S.: https://livingwage.mit.edu/

Select one community, report on the living wage, and then discuss your opinion as to whether companies should be obligated to pay a living wage in that community? Discuss the ramifications if companies pay the living wage. Include the perspectives of the stakeholders the companies and the businesses in those communities.

Research writing


Topic: Gender Diversity in STEM Fields: Addressing Cultural Barriers and Promoting Equity.4 pages, MLA formatting.

Works Cited Page with three scholarly articles.

Introduction Paragraph will introduce the book or books you’ll be writing about and state your thesis.

Thesis Statement;Topic Sentence: A topic sentence is like a thesis statement of the paragraph, and the topic sentence helps prove the overall Thesis Statement of the essay.

Evidence set up sentence.

Explain how the evidence proves your topic sentence.

Explain how your topic sentence proves your thesis statement..

Thesis Statement

Body Paragraphs come next.

Body paragraphs support your thesis and prove it to be true. They present evidence. Evidence is from academic articles, the opinions of experts on these books and issues surrounding the book.

Conclusion: the conclusion will remind the reader of everything you just argued and the evidence you used to argue it. Restate the thesis from a position of greater authority, or more emphasis.

Create a summary of every skill you’ve learned in quarter 1.


Create a summary of every skill you’ve learned in quarter 1. This is a written assignment that should cover approx. 1-2 pages. You should attempt to use as many vocabulary and technical terms as possible. You may use the following format:

Skill 1 – Cinematography: tell the story with a camera

Techniques & rules you remember –

Largest challenge while shooting your dialogue scene –

How you can solve that challenge in the future –

Skill 2 – Audio: how to add sound to your video

Techniques & rules you remember –

Largest challenge while shooting your dialogue scene –

How you can solve that challenge in the future –

Skill 3 – Video editing: how to assembly dozens of shots into a scene

Techniques & rules you remember –

Largest challenge while shooting your dialogue scene –

How you can solve that challenge in the future –

Hb 3 parts


PART 1- 

Complete the Health Assessment and submit it as a .doc, .docx, .pdf or .pages document.


Health Assessment.docx

PART 2– 

Watch this short video on the top 10 countries with the highest life expectancy.

Then, post your thoughts (hit the reply button below) on why you think these countries have such a high life expectancy rate. And, reply to at least one of your classmates original post (hit the reply button below their original post).


Watch this video.

Then, post your thoughts (hit the reply button below) on Sport Nutrition and whether or not it applies to the topic in the video. Be very specific and compare to one of the specific topics covered in the video. After your post, reply to at least one of your classmates original post (hit the reply button below their original post). Do not reply to a reply.