Personal statement for grad school


Prompt: What are your short term and long term professional goals and how will an MSF from USD help you to achieve these goals? (450-500 words)

Point to emphasis in the essay 

  1. Explain that my goals as a immigrate is to become a financial analyst in America 
  2. Explain the drop of my gpa in the last two years. Last two years of school was during covid 2020-2022. Emphasize that was hard time studying in a depression environment on one hand and dealing with three family deaths on the other. Grandfather, Aunt, uncle died due to covid back  in Nigeria due to lack of medical care.
  3. Explain that my grades is not an indication to my success and that I tried more than one path to gain access to the finance field as long as online class. “More experience in my resume please add the project and work experience”
  4. Please add Clear narrative, Specific examples, and Show a “good fit” 

map your argument


You have your position. You have an idea about your argument and evidence. You understand the opposition and the importance of refutation.? 

Now let’s try to map your argument to one of the two forms: the Classical or the Rogerian. You will want to use one of them in your presentation, and this exercise will provide you with a draft version.?  

Look at the outlines for each type of argument as presented in this week’s lecture. Then choose one that will suit your argument or temperament best. Based on your choice, select the appropriate template below, fill it in, and upload it to Canvas for the Week 7 assignment.? 

Click here for the Classical Argument TemplateDownload Click here for the Classical Argument Template

Click here for the Rogerian Argument TemplateDownload Click here for the Rogerian Argument Template

Participation 2


Reply to peer post below 

Fortunately, I am in a position at a school that allows me access to a plethora of data in several different areas. I am currently employed in a high school with a population of 805 students. I have access to attendance data, data concerning grades, test scores, and more. Thinking about all the data that I have to review weekly has helped me narrow down my problem to a more feasible issue for this class. Sarlin et al. (2022) discuss the importance of problem-solving; identifying the problem is the first step to finding research that supports meaningful interventions and solutions. The course failure rate for the school is extremely high in multiple high-stakes courses. We currently have an unsuccessful after-school tutorial program that is supposed to support grade improvement. A well thought out plan for an appropriate way to provide meaningful instruction during the after-school program is needed. 



Assume you are a nurse manager on a unit where a new nursing documentation system is to be implemented. You want to ensure that the system will be usable and acceptable for the nurses impacted. You realize a nurse leader must be on the implementation team.

To Prepare:

Review the steps of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and reflect on the scenario presented.

Consider the benefits and challenges associated with involving a nurse leader on an implementation team for health information technology.

The Assignment: (2-3 pages not including the title and reference page)

In preparation of filling this role, develop a 2- to 3-page role Question for a graduate-level nurse to guide his/her participation on the implementation team. The role Question should be based on the SDLC stages and tasks and should clearly define how this individual will participate in and impact each of the following steps:

  • Planning and requirements definition
  • Analysis

Design of the new system


Post-implementation support

Western Civilization to 1500 Timeline


The timeline should be focused on the material that we recently covered and / or just about to cover.  In other words, I don’t mind a little bit of spill over, but it should only be a little.

There should be categories of events.  The categories could be geographical, such as Germany, France, England, etc.   Or, the categories could be conceptual, such as warfare, religion, music, literature, science, etc. 

When preparing your time line, think of this:
Imagine that you are preparing a “cheat sheet” for your best friend, who is about to take a test in my course.  You want to pack this study guide as full of information as you can.

Do not submit a time line that is mostly blank space.  Fill it up!

One of the best ways to make a low grade is to include a lot of blank space

Covered in this timeline:

Greek philosophy, science, culture, literature

Alexander and the Hellenistic period

Applying Ethical Decision Making


The purpose of this assignment is to understand how the legal and ethical issues in the health care setting are being scrutinized across the nation by state and federal regulatory agencies. Individuals, professionals, and organizations must comply with rules of law and ethical conduct, and apply ethical decision-making in every scenario.

Research a legal case following the COVID-19 pandemic where application of evidence-based practice supported the ethical decision-making process.

Write a analysis of the case. Address the following based on your chosen case.

  • Explain the importance of ethical decision-making for health care professionals.
  • Summarize the evidence presented in the resolution of the legal case and the ethical decisions that were made.
  • Explain how the application of evidence-based practice supports the ethical decision-making process.
  • Describe your personal thoughts on the decisions that are specific to the legal case you chose.
  • Explain what could have been done to prevent the ethical and legal issues from occurring in the first place.

IDSC 4000 Research Project Rough Draft


The rough draft has to be a minimum of 6-8 pages long excluding the works cited page. Must include a minimum of 4 scholarly, peer-reviewed literature from 2 separate disciplines. The disciplines I have chosen are Education and Psychology. I will attach the outline for the paper. I already have 2 resources for each discipline, however, my professor said that it would be great for background knowledge, but if I would like to “get my point across” I would need more that are peer-reviewed and scholarly. Below is my working thesis statement:

Thesis Statement: Socioeconomic status, or SES, can be defined as the social standing or class of an individual or group. This is also dependent on a person’s working-class level, the area in which they reside, or the school they attend. I plan to argue the effects socioeconomic status has on the success or failure of a student.

Research 1



In this Milestone 1 assignment for your Literature Review Project, you are required to create a title page and an abstract, using the provided APA template. This will lay the groundwork for your overall project and allow for peer and instructor review of your intended area of research.


  1. Running head: Include a running head aligned to the left at the top of the page.
  2. Page number: Right-align the page number at the top.
  3. Title: Centered, in bold, and capitalized.
  4. Your Name: Centered, beneath the title.
  5. Institution: Centered, beneath your name.


  1. Single Paragraph: Your abstract should be one paragraph only.
  2. Length: Limit your abstract to 150-250 words.
  • Variables:Independent Variable: Clearly state the independent variable you intend to manipulate in your experimental design.
  • Dependent Variable: Clearly state the dependent variable that you will measure.
  1. Proposed Relationship: Explain the relationship you propose to exist between the independent and dependent variables. Make sure your hypothesis is testable and experimental in nature.

Create 2 slides for a power point presentation on Transition plans for ESE students


develop a ppt presentation to educate parents about the collaborative approach to designing an education plan for transition. Include all of the IDEA requirements and include a discussion of how collaboration with families, teachers, and community members a crucial component for transition at all levels are. Provide a minimum of 2 each culturally responsive and practical approaches to establish effective partnership with families, educators, and community. Design your ppt specifically for families and keep in mind the diversity of who they may be (i.e., ELL, uneducated, professionals, advocates, etc.). All members of the team should have a speaking part on the ppt. Your presentation should include:

Transition planning definition.

IDEA requirements and recommendations

  • Role of each team member with an emphasis on the teacher
  • Explain EIP and Examples of transition activities (include Elementary students)
  • Provide an overview of how progress monitoring is conducted.
  • Saint Leo Core Values
  • Slides needed: 
  • IEP & Examples of Transition Activities and 

Progress monitoring 

I need quick response for my question


Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

Joe entered a store and approached a display of china. He was examining an extremely valuable vase and carelessly dropped it, destroying it. Which of the following is correct with respect to his liability?

A) Joe is responsible only if the store has no insurance coverage.

B) Joe cannot be sued for the loss because he is not a party to the insurance contract.

C) If the store has insurance coverage, the insurance will pay the store for the loss, but the store can go after Joe for repayment by suing him for negligence.

D) If the store does not have insurance coverage, they should have, and Joe has no responsibility in these circumstances.

E) If the store has insurance coverage, the insurance will cover his careless conduct, and he doesn’t have to worry about anything.