NRS-415: Nursing leadership and interprofessional collaboration


The Topic 1 Resource, “The Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education,” represents the core competencies of professional nursing education and provides a framework that nursing programs use to prepare professional nurses. The RN-BSN program at Grand Canyon University meets the requirements for clinical competencies as defined by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), using both direct and indirect care experiences for practicing nurses. In your practicum course, you will complete these hours with a preceptor and work to develop a change project.

Which of the 10 domains in the The Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education” are you interested in learning more about and why? Based on the readings in the Class and Topic 1 Resources, what are some characteristics of successful students and what strategies can you implement to be a successful student? Identify a role model or mentor who would be able to support your professional growth.

SEC520 Differentiation Case Study


Differentiation is an important component of a lesson plan because it guides the teacher in meeting the diverse needs of all students during instruction. In the planning process teachers must observe the students or review academic data in order to determine when and how to differentiate. Sometimes, there may be discrepancies between formative and summative data for individual students. Students may demonstrate mastery of concepts on formative assessments, but do not demonstrate mastery in a summative assessment.

Differentiation includes a full spectrum of accommodations and modifications, in order to enrich or remediate to meet the needs of diverse students. Gifted and high-achieving students are often overlooked when it comes to differentiation, but are no less important than the student who needs intervention. As part of the planning process, it is important to consider enriching the learning experiences for gifted and high-achieving students. Enrichment does not mean more work; it means creating opportunities for students to develop deeper levels of understanding.

Multimedia Reflection


This assignment will ask you to reflect on the role of leadership in promoting inclusive workplaces. Your task is to identify which inclusive leadership approaches appeal to YOU, based on what you’ve learned about it so far.

  1. Using course materials on leadership theory, you can reflect on any aspect of leadership that you think you could adopt to promote inclusivity in a diverse workplace.
  2. Review the reflective practice theory in Week 2 for possible approaches to your Reflection.
  3. Regardless of the format you choose, use key concepts and terminology from the course, and make sure you define inclusive leadership!
  4. Answer this—why does that leadership approach appeal to you, and what challenges would it pose for you?
  5. Grading Criteria—see Rubric below.

When pulling the assignment together, ensure you are answering the following 4 questions:

  1. What is leadership?
  2. What is inclusive leadership?
  3. What is reflective practice + model
  4. What leadership style (or styles – i.e transformative? Democratic? Laissez-faire, etc?) most appeals to you, why, and what challenges they would face?

Do Annotated Bibliography – Draft


do the draft and the final paper this is my problem that I choose :The Problem in Kuwait:

In Kuwait, women often get paid less than men for doing the same job.

Who is Affected:

  • Women who work in Kuwait

Who Can Help Fix It:

The Government: They can make rules to ensure everyone gets paid equally for the same work.

  • Groups and Organizations: Some groups fight for women’s rights and can help make things fair.

Companies: Businesses can decide to treat all their workers equally, giving everyone the same pay for the same job and the same chance to be in charge.

Why This Matters:

  • It’s Only Fair: If two people do the same job, they should get the same pay.
  • Everyone Loses Out: When women aren’t given the same chances as men, we all miss out on their ideas and skills.
  • It Makes Society Worse: It’s bad for everyone when women feel undervalued. Plus, when women have the same opportunities as men, it’s good for the economy.

Task number 1


A.  Observe each of the videos from the combination chosen from the “Video Observation Groupings” document and analyze the classrooms by doing the following:

1.  Using the attached “Observation Table,” identify each video and describe your observations on each of the following characteristics for each of the three classrooms:

level (i.e., elementary school, middle school, high school)

setting (i.e., rural, urban, suburban)

instructional topic or content of the lesson

technology use, including examples of how technology is used in the classroom

2.  Compare and contrast each of the three classrooms based on your observations from the “Observation Table,” including three of the classroom characteristics described in A1.

3.  Describe one historical, cultural, or legal influence on education and its impact on each of the three classrooms observed.

  • 4.  Explain how high-leverage practice is applied differently among each classroom setting
  • B.  Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
  • C.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Hb HED 120 NUTR 158



1. Provide answers to the 2 questions below in a Discussion Post. (5 points)

  • Provide the definition of health literacy from the assigned reading? (a direct quote from the reading is fine)
  • In your own words, explain the importance of health literacy and possible problems associated with a lack of health literacy.


1. Watch the following videos:

2. Based on the videos, answer the following questions:

a. What is metabolic syndrome and how it can be prevented? (explain fully)

b. What are two of the risks associated with sitting?

Discussion Posts


Task 1 

Please consider the following questions over the two weeks of the discussion (there is no need to try to cover everything in the first post): 

The word ‘marketing’ means      many different things to many different people (whether they are directly      involved in ‘marketing’ or not). Why do you think this is? 

There are many definitions      of marketing in the Lecturecast, and in the required and additional      reading materials. What are the pros and cons of some of these definitions      and which one(s) best represent(s) what marketing is truly about? 

Task 2

  • What arguments are there for      and against the practice of marketing?

Task 3 

What is the most significant ethical challenge in digital marketing today?

Task 4 

  • What are the effective modern strategies for marketing?

Task 5

As an Engineer, how would you define Marketing?

Task 6 

What are the key differences between the traditional definition of marketing and other modern interpretations in the business world?

  • Task 7 

Which definition of marketing do you find most relevant, and why?



1. Please select only one (1) of the following questions to discuss in a minimum of 100 words. Don’t forget to read and respond to at least one other student’s post. 

1) From the Ideas vs. Opportunities video, discuss the framework that should be used to determine if ideas can be viable business opportunities. 

2) From the 2022 Breakthrough Brands report, please discuss the one breakthrough brand that you find most compelling. What is the simple idea? What is the business opportunity? 

2. Week#3’s essay will look at Managing Interdependence.  As you will read in Chapter #2, social responsibility, ethical behavior, interdependence, and sustainability are important concerns to be built into management control.  Keeping in mind those discussions and others referenced in our text, this essay will express your personal views with supporting information and must include the following points:

  • how a specific company has addressed at least two of the following: social responsibility, ethical behavior, interdependence, and sustainability

Leadership and Business Environment Case Study


Introduction Perform a SWOT and PESTEL analysis for chosen business. (500 words)

  • From the analysis in task 1, in your opinion, evaluate how the changes in PESTEL factors has influenced the Opportunities and Threats for the chosen business. Critically comment on how the business is using their Strengths to negate Threats and address Weaknesses affecting their Opportunities. (500 words)
  • Based on the analysis of the PESTEL factors, identify any two leadership styles that will suit the business, and two leadership style that will not suit them using justifications. Your answer should include relevant theory and use of literature. 
  • In your opinion, what is the impact of organisational culture and structure on ability of the organisation pf your choice to respond quickly to the environmental challenges and opportunities. 
  • Comment on the policies and efforts of your chosen company on the environmental sustainability in terms of response, responsibility, and social obligations. In your view is the chosen company meeting stakeholders’ interests.

Reading and answering questions


After reading “The Lesson” and “Dum Dum Boys,” please answer the following questions:

Regarding “The Lesson,”

1. How does Sylvia feel about Miss Moore? Do her feelings change over the course of the story?

2. What lesson is Miss Moore trying to teach the children by taking them to FAO Schwartz? Does Sylvia learn this lesson? Does she learn a different lesson? If so, what? 

3. What evidence is there that Sylvia has been changed by the visit to FAO Schwartz? 

Regarding “Dum Dum Boys,”

1. On his return home, the narrator asks himself, “I wonder what the hell they are doing wrong.” Who is the “they” he refers to? Why does he ask this question? Does he answer it? 

2. Reflect on the significance of the moment when the narrator hears that Cameron has renamed himself. What is the effect of the particular name the author chooses to give him? Why do you think it is important to the story?