EJU Calculate the Coefficient of Determination Questions


All Canadians have government-funded health insurance, which pays for any medical care they require. However, when traveling out of the country, Canadians usually acquire supplementary health insurance to cover the difference between the costs incurred for emergency treatment and what the government program pays. In the United States, this cost differential can be prohibitive. Until recently, private insurance companies (such as BlueCross BlueShield) charged everyone the same weekly rate, regardless of age. However, because of rising costs and the realization that older people frequently incur greater medical emergency expenses, insurers had to change their premium plans. They decided to offer rates that depend on the age of the customer. To help determine the new rates, one insurance company gathered data concerning the age and mean daily medical expenses of a random sample of 1,348 Canadians during the previous 12-month period.

a. Calculate the coefficient of determination.

b. What does the statistic calculated in part (a) tell you?

c. Determine the least squares line.

d. Interpret the coefficients.

e. What rate plan would you suggest?

NURS530 Week 3 Case Study


Part 1:

Compare and contrast the 3 conditions in the chart below: 


Migraine Headaches 

Tension Headaches 


Risk Factors 


Clinical Manifestations:

Part 2:

Choose a pain syndrome to explore. 

Present a hypothetical case that includes the following:

Vital information about a person who might be predisposed to this condition (I.e., a person who may have risk factors for this condition). 

The pathophysiology of the disease, including clinical manifestations.

Which diagnostic tests you’d recommend and a rationale for the one(s) you choose.

How this condition compares to other differentials.

The evidence-based recommendations from the AHRQ GuidelinesLinks to an external site. or guidelines recommended from a professional organization. Based on these recommendations, discuss how  to manage the condition best.

A patient safety issue that could be associated with the condition presented in this case.

Part 3: 

Answer these reflection questions:

What information would a master’s prepared nurse gather from a patient with this condition?

How could the master’s prepared nurse use this information to design a patient education session for someone with this condition?

What was the most confusing or challenging information presented in this case?

Identifying Infective Endocarditis: Clinical Presentation and Key Signs Case Study


A 22-year-old woman presents with fatigue, shortness of breath, and loss of appetite. Her symptoms started 2 weeks ago and have progressively worsened. She has had a fever for the past 3 days and night sweats. Her past medical history is unremarkable except for a wisdom tooth extraction approximately 2 months before she came to the clinic. On physical examination, she has a temperature of 38.6° C, heart rate of 120/min, respiratory rate of 22/min, and BP of 110/85 mm Hg. She has a 4/6 holosystolic murmur that radiates to the left axilla. Skin examination reveals scattered petechiae on her extremities.

1. What is the most likely diagnosis? Justify.

2. What are common clinical findings on physical exam that are associated with this condition?

3. What risk factors are associated with an increased incidence of this condition?

4. What are the most common pathogens associated with this condition?

5. What are the most appropriate next steps in the investigations of this patient?

6. What are the possible complications of this condition?

500-750 response


Week 5: Self-Reflection Assignment

Provide an overview of your childhood development and the factors/experiences that shaped your development. Include an analysis of areas of privilege or marginalization that shaped your social identity development.
Identify three relevant theories that help explain your development from a micro, mezzo, and macro perspective.

Explain how your development may impact your approach to social work practice. Your discussion should indicate a titled section for each stage of development and subtitles for the multidimensional factors.
I would suggest that you support your arguments with research.  And, if there are specific milestones you do not remember, consult family members and caretakers or make presumptions based on your post-childhood development.

You may complete your reflection through a paper, Voicethread, or video response, whichever you prefer
Your response must meet the rubric criteria and the guidelines for this assignment, regardless of the medium you are using to complete it

Guidelines (10 points):

If you choose to complete with a VoiceThread, make sure to upload the VoiceThread link with or as your completed assignment

Homework questions


  • What do I value? Do these values assist or hinder my leadership activities?
  • Are my behaviors/actions guided by personal values?
  • What personal values of mine may conflict with my role and responsibilities as a leader?
  • If I have written a narrative describing my leadership style, does it make reference to my personal values? Did I write this narrative to impress a search consultant or a potential employer, or did I do it to evaluate my strengths and weaknesses?
  • Does my definition of leadership include some reference to values?
  • What is my definition of leadership?
  • Q2.

    Watch the 2 YouTube videos that outline and demonstrate the Institute for Healthcare Improvement Model. Model for Improvement (Clip 1)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCYghxtioIYModel for Improvement (Clip 2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MIUqdulNwQBriefly explain why this model is critical to achieving targeted outcomes when attempting to improve an identified performance problem. Select one of Kotter’s Eight-Stage Process of Creating Major Change provided on page 47 of the text and explain how it may impact the success of using the IHI Improvement model.

ENGL 1040 E Reading Literature: Coming of Age


“The House on Mango Street. Written by Sandra Cisneros. 25th Anniversary Edition, Penguin Random House 2009. ISBN 9780679734772″

The instructions for the assignment is as follow: 

Answer the following questions in a response at least 1 page in length. Responses should be typed, double-spaced, in size 12 font. If you use a source in your response, please include citations to give credit to that source. 

1. In The House on Mango Street, What does Esperanza’s name mean to her? How
does it connect with her identity/the kind of person she wants to be? Include some lines/quotes from the story that tell us this.
2. Even though Mango Street is Esperanza’s home, we can tell that she is surrounded by a lot of dysfunction and violence. In your opinion, what effect does violence have on Esperanza? Is she aware of it, or is she oblivious? Include some examples from the story to support your opinion.

3. What questions do you have about this story so far, and/or what details did you notice? 

G124/ENC1101 section 08 English composition


Because good writing is always a process, our persuasive essay will be written in two parts: a first draft due this week and a final draft due in next week .

As you prepare, here are a few reminders for this week’s draft:

In week 3 you posted a thesis for peer review. Use the revised thesis, based on your classmates’ and teacher’s feedback as the basis for your persuasive paper.

Use your sources to support your thesis. Research and prepare the passages you will consider using. Remember to review methods of paraphrasing, summarizing, and using direct quotations.

  1. Prepare the body paragraphs by deciding where to place supporting information. Remember, each paragraph of the paper should act to build the momentum of the argument.
  2. Apply pathos, logos, and ethos whenever possible.
  3. Finally, remember that it’s okay if your ideas, opinions, or sources change during process of writing this paper. Writing makes us think, and it’s fine – even beneficial – to have our thoughts change as we express them on paper.

Organizational change


There are a couple of different ‘schools of thought’ for notifying patients if there is an error. 

One school of thought is to notify a patient of any error, even if no harm was done. 

Another school of thought is to notify patients only of errors that have the potential for harm or harm were done. 

What is the best policy on this for provider practices and why?

2. Strategy Implementation

To prevent further episodes of any illegal actions a mandatory practice meeting should be held to review and reiterate company policy, the roles and responsibilities of each staff member and the protocols. The purpose of the staff meeting is to untangle systemic risks by identifying and explaining the serious risks that threaten patient safety (Macrae, 2019).  The MA should have a private meeting with the medical director and the NP under whom she sent the prescription under and be placed on probation with all duties supervised and her verbal prescription privileges suspended pending a probationary period.  




The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate knowledge of how the federal system of government works. Examine what the different branches and layers of government do to address a policy using a current issue to illustrate it. It is NOT to give your personal opinions on the issue.

Complete a research essay on how the federal government creates healthcare policy.

The U.S. healthcare system has been a controversial topic for decades. Here are the aspects and questions to address for this essay:

Identify a current policy problem for the American healthcare system, and then state a preferred policy solution to it and why it’s preferred (This is your thesis statement).

Briefly explain two competing solutions to this problem while addressing the responsibilities of each level of government (federal, state, and local) and the three branches of the federal government (executive, legislative, and judicial).

Build the argument for why your chosen solution is preferable, what critics say about the solution, and finally why the critics are wrong.

American Government 1


Respond to one of the two following prompts:

1) What influence does public opinion have on health care policy? Provide a recent (last eight weeks) poll or news article on healthcare policy illustrating the power of public opinion to affect policy. Be sure to apply concepts from the text book and/or weekly content.


2) Using concepts and terms from the readings, compare and contrast the 2008 and 2016 presidential election campaign tactics by reviewing one Democratic ad and one Republican ad from each election (four ads overall).

Remember to analyze the ads. Don’t simply describe them. Leave out personal opinions, and stick to facts and concepts in the readings, which also should be cited where appropriate.

Here are some web sources which you might want to consult: