Select one option below for this week’s Discussion.


Scholars continue to debate the academic nature of Buddhism as to whether it should be identified as a religion or a philosophy. Based upon your studies and research this week, compare and contrast these two positions and then academically defend ONE SIDE of this debate by clearly demonstrating your position as to why you believe the practice of Buddhism is best identified as a religion OR a philosophy.


The Four Noble Truths serve as the foundational teachings of Buddhism as they seek to address the issues of human suffering in the world. Given the major premise found within the Four Noble Truths, what relationship do you find in Buddhism for offering a response to the practice of gaining self-identity through the practice of Consumerism found in our society today and illustrate the prospect for the growth of Buddhism in America as it relates to your research? In addressing this issue, you will need to identify, define, and apply the Four Noble Truths from which you will academically defend your position.

airizona college of nursing Islamic civilizations questions


first part. 200 words for each question. For this discussion, choose 3 of the following options:

  • Explain the importance of history to the study of intercultural communication
  • Explain why stereotypes interfere with intercultural communication. How can we avoid stereotyping?
  • What is the doctrine of “Manifest Destiny” and what was its impact?
  • Explain the four functions that prejudice may serve and give an example for each one.
  • Identify and explain the major social issues facing modern Japan.
  • What social issues are faced in modern India?
  • Explain the major social issues facing Islamic civilizations today?
  • 2nd part , 200 words each For this discussion, choose 3 of the following options:
    • What is perception? Explain the characteristics of perception.
    • Define values and provide at least two intercultural examples.
    • List and explain six of the thirteen values identified by Kohls as “the values Americans live by.”
    • Identify and explain three common U.S. phrases that reflect the American value of directness, openness, and honesty.
    • What do the terms high-context and low-context mean? Provide cultural examples of each.

Week 10 Discussion


  1. Select one of the versions of “Little Red Riding Hood” you’ve chosen to work with for this unit.
  2. Identify this version and, after reviewing “Conventions of Fairy Tales,” explain how the version you chose does or does not fit the fairy tale genre.
  3. Based on the materials explored so far in this unit (i.e., all the sources you’ve found for MA 3), what have you found the most interesting or surprising?


  1. Share the MLA citations and completed annotations for at least four sources from GA 6, one of which MUST be a peer reviewed journal (see Unit 3 Assignments sheet or the GA 6 dropbox for instructions).
  2. Each annotation should appear directly beneath the citation.
  3. Please copy and paste your work into the discussion post box so that your peers can easily read your work; don’t upload the document or link to a Google doc.)
  4. Then, type a question that you have about the assignment, OR discuss your plans for completing the assignment. You might also discuss how difficult/easy it was to find a journal article related to your source.

Describe how sociocultural factors influence what are considered “normal” sexual behaviors.



Your assignment must:

Evaluate the behavior of the individual in each case.

Explain whether is sexual behavior is “normal” or abnormal and why.

  • If you were to give each person advice, what would you tell them?


  • Mr. Jones is a 72-year-old man. He lost his first wife four years ago, but recently began dating another woman. He is concerned because he is “only able to have sex twice a week” and is seeking an intervention that will enhance his sexual performance.
  • Kenny is a 14-year-old boy. Recently, he and his best friend Rob have begun mutually masturbating together after school.
  • Sarah is a 28-year-old female. She has been married for 5 years, but has never had an orgasm with her husband. She reports that she is not concerned about not having an orgasm because she finds the sexual contact with her husband pleasurable in other ways.
  • Pat and Jan have been in a monogamous relationship for 8 years. They usually have sex with each other once a week. During their sex, Pat enjoys slapping Jan in the face and Jan enjoys being slapped.

Poetry Question



you pick one of the poems from the poetry packet

Explication (Short Paper), Poetry Presentations

For this assignment, you will write an explication of a poem from the Poetry Packet. The explication will take the form of a close reading of the poem in (approximately) 2 pages. Your explication should consider the 10 steps listed on the “How to Explicate a Poem” handout  It is worth 10 points. For more information, consult Purdue OWL at

For this typed, double-spaced assignment, you need write only 2 pages. For details on formatting, consult my handout on Blackboard entitled “Formatting Your Essays.”

Consider the explication as a line-by-line reading of the poem. You may need to find a way of dividing the poem into logical “thought unites” (such as stanzas or sentences) to do justice to the poem in its entirety.

For this assignment, use appropriate literary terms from the handouts on Blackboard. [However, don’t simply say, “There is a metaphor in this poem” identify it!]

A close reading of the poem will allow you to identify “how” the poem gets its effects.

Personal Effectiveness



You should begin by an introduction to concept of personal effectiveness. 

You should also give a brief overview of tasks 1, 2 and 3. 


Using Gibbs Reflective Model, reflect on how you attempt any task at work or university to identify your own skill set. Identify both strengths and weaknesses. 

Analyse the skills you identified with reference to your choice of career or job. 


Using Covey’s model, critically analyse the skills of a business leader of your choice. 

Compare the skills of the business leader with your own. Identify areas of development that will help you improve your personal effectiveness. You should consider a business leader that you would like to follow or that is in a career you would like to succeed in. 


  • Based on your response to Task 1 and Task 2, choose two areas of development and create a short-term plan to improve these areas. As part of your plan, analyse one method for enhancing your personal effectiveness for each area of development.
  • Conclusion You will need to summarise the key points of the assessment tasks.

Module 17 Homework 1


Progress Check

Use this activity to assess whether you and your peers can: 

Calculate a 90% and a 95% confidence interval.

Relate the interval width of a confidence interval to its margin of error (MOE).

  • Compare interval widths of two confidence intervals and draw conclusions.
  • Directions
  • Use the drop-down menu to learn about the three steps needed to complete this assignment.


Harris Interactive® conducted a poll of American adults in August of 2011 to study the use of online medical information. Of the 1,019 randomly chosen adults, 60% had used the Internet within the past month to obtain medical information. 

Use the results of this survey to create an approximate 95% confidence interval estimate for the percentage of all American adults who have used the Internet to obtain medical information in the past month.

Calculate the 90% confidence interval.

Which confidence interval has the smaller margin of error? Why does this make sense? 

Which confidence interval is more likely to contain the true percentage of all American adults who have used the Internet to obtain medical information in the past month? Briefly explain your reasoning.

Medical Errors discussion


This week we are discussing some of the issues surrounding the use of AI in healthcare, medical errors, and the systems approach to digital healthcare. To spark a lively discussion, choose either the article by Melnyk, et al., or delve into the inspiring work of the medical futurist, Dr. Mesko.

Melnyk, B., Kelly, S., Stephens, J., Dhakal, K., McGovern, C., Tucker, S., Hoying, J., McRae, K., Ault, S., Spurlock, E., & Bird, S. (Nov. 2020) Interventions to improve mental health, well-being, physical health, and lifestyle behaviors in physicians and nurses: A systematic review. American Journal of Health Promotion, 34(8), 929-941. doi: 10.1177/0890117120920451 . PMID: 32338522; PMCID: PMC8982669.

The Medical Futurist

  • For either choice, please answer the following questions; however, the answers to all three will require your investigation into the literature. Please provide one reference for each question.

Why is it important and relevant to be concerned about the wellbeing of providers and nurses?

Is AI considered a threat to healthcare? Explain.

  • What are the strengths and limitations of a systems approach to data management? 

Reading and writing


After reading “Fern Hill,” “The Dogs at Live Oak Beach, Santa Cruz,” and “Puppy,” please answer the following questions:

Regarding “Fern Hill,”

1. How does color imagery play a role in the poem? What emotional impact does this imagery provide? 

2. Explain the behavior of “time” in the poem. 

Regarding “The Dogs at Live Oak Beach, Santa Cruz,”

1. What is the purpose of the poem? How does it serve as a commentary on human behavior? 

2. In an interview with The Nashville Review, Ostriker stated, “I think ‘dog’ represents “freedom” to me.” How is this revealed in the poem?

Regarding “Puppy,”

1. What role do games play in the story? Why do you think that the author included both real games and fictional games? Explain your answer.

2. Did you find yourself “siding” with Marie or Callie or both? Explain your answer.

3. How does Saunders’s depiction of dogs differ from Ostriker’s?

Note: Your initial response must be at least 250 words.


Dylan Thomas – “Fern Hill” :

Alicia Ostriker – “The Dogs at Live Oak Beach, Santa Cruz”:

After you watch the film please answer these questions


The link is for the documentary film “American Photography: A century of Images“.

After you watch the film please answer these questions:

-What iconic images do you recognize that have lasted for years?

-How has the affordable “snap shot” camera changed the way people document their

life stories.

-Now we all have phone cameras, how do you think that changes the way we document

our own lives?

-Early photographers used the photomontage technique. For example, they can take a shot of a plane and combine it with another shot of a street from a completely different picture. The plane was never there but, like today, we have to discern what is real or not. Do you think

it’s a prelude to AI? What’s your take on this?

-How did early photography portray people of other cultures? Edward Curtis vs Frank Matsura

-Name an example of how photography started social awareness that brought about change.

-What’s your take on photography as art?

-What’s your take on photography used as propaganda?video link