Business Communications


Basically i will send u right now all you need to follow: and the following documents of these instructions: You have to make an essay with all the instructions i will send and a presentation about the book: Straight from the gut by Jack Welch.

Business Book Slam – CEO Edition Each student is required to sign up for and thoroughly read one of the business books from the list. Each book can only be chosen once so that we cover as many books as possible. Be prepared with a second and third choice in case you do not get your first choice. This is a two part assignment based on your reading of the book. Part One

Write a four page essay about the CEO as a communicator, addressing the following: • State what you perceive the CEO’s Communication Style to be, and why. Be sure to name at least one of the four styles we studied in class. • In your discussion of the CEO’s Communication Style, be sure to include: • Is the CEO a good communicator? Why or why not?

part two from 9/11 outline


For Milestone 2 provide your final outline for the paper. Additionally, provide an annotated bibliography containing at least 4 scholarly sources for your paper, in APA format. An annotated bibliography provides the citation for each source, as well as approximately one paragraph for each source assessing its credibility and how it is useful in your research. The How to Prepare an Annotated Bibliography resource Download How to Prepare an Annotated Bibliography resourcecan help you as you develop your annotated bibliography.

For the Course Project, you will write about a historical event between 1865 and the present day from the perspective of a historical figure who participated in the event. Here are some examples:

  • The March on Washington from the perspective of Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • September 11th, 2001 from the perspective of George W. Bush
  • The attack on Pearl Harbor from the perspective of Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • The ratification of the 19th Amendment from the perspective of Alice Paul
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis from the perspective of John F. Kennedy

edward waters university


Using the link provided and any other resources Select 4 of the following questions. Provide detailed answers, no less than 1 paragraph per answer.

  • Do you make any assumptions about yourself because of age – and, if so, are they accurate?
  • When a healthcare office staff member uses elderspeak, what are some specific comments we could use in response? How can we each be ambassadors for ending this practice?
  • What are some respectful ways patients can express their concerns so they are heard?
  • What can healthcare professionals do to bring out that expertise and make sure patient voices are not only heard but understood?
  • What can healthcare systems and providers do to show allyship?
  • What can healthcare systems do to decrease ageist assumptions?
  • What could you do in your own practice?
  • What can be done to encourage more people who are in your field and who are entering your field to work with older adults?Thinking about policies impacting the health of older adults, how can we as healthcare professionals, patients, or caregivers of older adults influence policy decision making to create equitable care throughout our life span?

revision and peer review


Please provide a succinct (approximately 250 words) reflection below on how you incorporated feedback and/or other revisions you made to your draft. We are aware that there are many potential ways to refine your work (e.g., visiting the writing center, consulting AI editing tools) beyond the peer review process, so discuss whatever is part of your process. We recognize that not all feedback is useful, so you’re welcome to discuss that as well.

Revision comments from peer

(Paragraph 4) I think it might help your argument here if you found a primary source article that does exactly what youre describing here, such as an article about a hate crime that stereotypes a Muslim man /perpetrator as a terrorist. This would also work toward the “primary source article” part of the prompt!

(Paragraph 7) Maybe be careful here? I noticed youre using many different types of protected classes as examples, but in the footnotes of the prompt it said to focus on one status provision. I think it is probably fine to use as examples, but focus more on one if that makes sense!

eassy on How to protect your rights in the age of AI Joy Buolamwini


Choose a TedTalk you want to : in this case it will be How to protect your rights in the age of AI

Joy Buolamwini |

TEDAI 2023

October 2023

  • Decide whether the talk offers a persuasive and convincing argument. in this case it does now

If you decide it is persuasive and convincing, discuss why. You may use the structure of the argument, the tone, the use of rhetorical appeals, and any other argumentation strategy as proof of the argument’s success. Make sure that your essay has an introduction that contains a hook and a thesis, body paragraphs that discuss one proof at a time (one paragraph per example), and a conclusion.

You may also discuss how the talk is successful with reservations. In this case, point to both the weaknesses and the strengths you have found in the work.

You are not offering personal or historical commentary, commentary on the writer/speaker, or responding to the ideas in the argument; you are only evaluating the argument itself in rhetorical terms. This is an opportunity for us to learn from other writers/speakers’ approaches to posing an argument. 

Finding your way



In preparation for being an advocate for issues in the field, it is important to know and understand that you have a story to tell. Your story is one of the most effective ways to begin the advocacy journey. Think about why you do what you do. What is your passion – the thing that keeps you here?

Initial Post
  • For your initial post, select two of the topics below. Share your thoughts in your post by using only six words to describe your selected prompts.
  • What was your first experience working in the field or what made you decide to pursue early childhood as a profession?
  • What is your “why”?
  • What have been the highlights of your experiences thus far?
  • What have been your key take-aways thus far?
  • What do you see as your future contributions to the field?
Reply Post

In your reply post, write a reflection on at least two other student’s initial posts and address the following:

  • Read your peers’ six word thoughts.
  • Make a statement about your peer’s stories from their six words. What qualities or characteristics can you identify? Can you identify their why?

Hodges University CIE- Interprofessional Collaborative Project for Online Students- Case Study


CIE- Interprofessional Collaborative Project for Online Students- Case Study assignment: 

The following assignment will be utilized in several courses throughout your RN-BSN program at UWF. For this course, the purpose of the study is to discuss pharmacological interventions  as they relate to the provided sample case scenario. This sample case is on a maternal health patient. You will review the following TWO items (video case scenario and written case scenario) for this assignment and then answer the two questions provided at the end of the written case scenario (Pharmacology question and Reflection question). Be sure to address all questions asked of you. Be sure your information is original. If you have already completed this case study in another course, you CANNOT copy and paste information. The reflection question must be specific to this course. You can just download the written case study and answer the questions directly onto the document and then submit to Canvas for grading.

Read about importance of interprofessional collaborationLinks to an external site.

Sample case scenario- video 

2. Written case scenario

peer reviews


Peer Review Responses  the following

What is the paper’s thesis?

Do you agree with the paper’s main points? Are there some sources the author could have used to support his or her points more?

  • Do you disagree with any part of the paper? Could you play devil’s advocate? If so, what sources would you quote to counter the paper’s argument?
  • Do you feel like the paper was misreading the points of any of the authors or taking them too much out of context?
  • Did the author adequately set up the debate? Did the author leave out any voices he or she might want to address?
  • Did you feel lost in the paper at any time? If so, what did you find confusing?
  • Are there any questions about the paper’s argument that popped into your mind that you thought the paper could address?
  • Did the paper feel organized? Did you feel guided through the paper or like you had to figure out where it was going?
  • What parts of the argument did you feel were the strongest?
  • Do the introduction and conclusion do the job they are supposed to do?

Discussion Topic #2 : Explanation


I would suggest that most (if not all) of our knowledge is theoretical. That is, there is very little that we take ourselves to know, which is wholly based on simple “direct observation.”

What I would like each of you to do is to explicitly articulate a theory that you have come to accept as a result of your studies (college, high school, independent reading, whatever). This can be a theory in the sciences or the humanities. It does not matter. It need only be an account that you have come to accept for its seeming ability to provide the “best explanation” for a phenomenon that you take to be observable or well-confirmed.

I then want you to evaluate this theory using the criteria of theory choice in lecture #3 (and the Schick and Vaughn material it concerns). Your answer should be several well-chosen paragraphs long.

To repeat, do the following:

(1) Clearly articulate a theory you have come to accept as a result of your studies.

(2) Evaluate this theory using the criteria of theory choice discussed in lecture #3.

Powerpoint Question


Architect: Sophia Hayden

Writing an original research paper is challenging; it requires the interest, ideas, and capacity to do independent research. An architecture theory research paper poses an original topic and idea related to architecture. Your research paper should be about an architect, a building, or an urban environment. It should take as a point of departure either the study of a renowned architect and architectural thinker or a site and the architectural ideas that influenced it and propose an investigation of ideas and works related to this architect or site. The choice to study an architect and their work will focus the ideas surrounding your investigation. Choose an architect, work, or site most related to something of interest and value to you. You may also choose to study an event surrounding an architect or architectural thinker that leads to a discussion and analysis of their work. A built work can be an urban site, sculpture, or multi-media project and does not have to be a building if it can be shown to relate to the field of architecture.