

What does success mean to you? (Success can have a different meaning for different people. Tell us what is means for you)
2. What characteristics do you think a person needs to have to be successful in college?
3. What are your thoughts on the following quote: “Education is the great engine of personal development. It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, that the son of a mineworker can become the head of the mine, that a child of farmworkers can become the president of a great nation. It is what we make out of what we have, not what we are given, that separates one person from another.” – Nelson Mandela
4. Do you have other responsibilities while you are in school (examples: work, children, taking care of a parent etc)? How are you finding (or trying to) find a balance?
5. What does having a college degree mean to society? What does having a college degree mean to you?
6. What are some strategies or resources you can share with the class that have helped you in college?
7. What are some of your goals?
8. How are you feeling about this semester?

ECE 405 Devlopmentally Appropriate Practices in Preschool and School Age Settings


Write an essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer the questions for each point. There should be separate sections, one for each bullet below. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which items you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support your ideas with at least three (3) citations in your essay. Make sure to reference the citations using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and reference page do not count towards the minimum word amount.

Step 1: Lesson Plan

Which teaching strategies would you use to teach preschoolers the concept of sharing? Write a lesson plan to teach sharing to this age group. Be sure to include activities that are developmentally appropriate and that utilize at least two pieces of children’s literature.

Step 2: Lesson Plan Essay

Explain the lesson plan and your rationale for each activity. Describe the literature you would use and how you would specifically use it. How might multimedia be used as a resource to teach preschoolers social skills? Identify three multimedia resources and describe them with particular attention to how they teach social skills.

Engagement with the media


This assignment aims to analyze the shifting dynamics between producers and consumers of media content in both traditional and online media and critically reflect on its impact on the media landscape.

Assignment Instructions:

1. Reading and Understanding:
  -Ch 1 Ridell attached in canvas.

  – Take notes on the chapter’s key concepts, arguments, and examples.

2. Comparative Analysis:
  – Write a comparative analysis contrasting the relationship between producers and consumers of media content in traditional media versus online media. Discuss the author’s viewpoint on the media landscape, mainly focusing on their perspective on the changing roles of producers and consumers.
  – Evaluate whether you agree or disagree with the author’s viewpoint and provide reasons for your stance.
   Discuss and identify similarities and differences in power dynamics, interactivity, and participation between the two forms of media.
  – Use specific examples and evidence from the chapter to support your analysis.

3. Cultural background – Choose an example from your own cultural background that illustrates the shifting relationship between producers and consumers of media content.
  – Describe the example and explain how it reflects the changing dynamics in the media landscape.
  – Analyze the implications of this example on media consumption, cultural representation, and power structures within your cultural context.

Capstone ids


#1.   2 ) Tim Cresswell wrote:

“This is the most straightforward and common definition of place—a meaningful location.”  (p. 132)

Please explain first how Cresswell distinguishes “space” from “place,” and then give an example of how the problem statement of your portfolio can connect with the idea of place as a “meaningful location.                                  5) Brandt cites the following definition of Interprofessional Collaborative Practice from the World Health Association:

“Interprofessional collaborative practice ‘occurs when multiple health workers from different professional backgrounds provide comprehensive health services by working with patients, their families, carers (caregivers), and communities to deliver the highest quality of care across settings.’” (p. 10).

In roughly 3 sentences please adapt this concept of “interprofessional collaborative practice” to the objective of your portfolio’s problem statement, naming at least three kinds of professionals from three different fields who should be collaborating to achieve an optimal outcome.

The course readings are selected both as examples of interdisciplinary thinking and also as models for how you might think about your own portfolio.  With that in mind, please write 2-3 paragraphs about how at least 2 of the readings from the class contribute to your thinking about the problem statement for your portfolio.

Progress Report.


    We have gone through the brainstorm assignment and annotated bibliography. You have all discussed well your interests and creative ideas. Since then, I hope you have thought about and maybe even worked on the final product some. It is now time to submit a progress report or a plan of attack for your creative project. This progress report should be at least a page. In it I want you to mention the following.

  1. Theme/topic you are engaging with from the course.
  2. Creative outlet you have chosen, or if you plan to do an essay.
  3. Did you find any new sources since the annotated bibliography? If so, what are they? This will likely be the bulk of the report.
    1. Of course, the textbook and primary sources are useful, but if you watch any YouTube cooking videos, do other readings, engage with other primary sources, I want to see that.
    2. Plagiarism is a no-no, so make sure to show the sources you are consulting, drawing inspiration from, or even quoting directly.
    3. As a side note, any YouTube video worth its salt will have lists of sources in their video QUESTION typically.
  4. How is the project moving along overall? Any adjustments or concerns?

Housing market


We have discussed housing market in general. Now let’s look at how it affects you.

  1. If you are a homeowner, describe: [go to real estate websites (Zillow, Redfin, etc.) to find out relevant information]
    • number of years of homeownership
    • how much your house has appreciated since purchase
    • average annual percentage increase since purchase
    • whether you are cost burdened (compare with 30% threshold)
    • your neighborhood is a buyer’s market (cool) or seller’s market (hot)
    • the reasons why you decided to buy a house
    • whether you think you made a good decision and why
    • whether you are satisfied with your living conditions
    • whether you have difficulty paying monthly payment during COVID
    • government policies that help homeowners during COVID
  2. If you are a renter, describe:
    • number of years of renting
    • how much your rent has gone up during these years
    • average annul rent increase since you/your family moved in
    • whether you are satisfied with your living conditions
    • whether you are cost burdened (30% threshold)
    • whether your place is protected by rent control
    • whether you have difficulty paying rent during COVID
    • government policies that help renters during COVID
    • whether you plan to buy a house eventually and explain the reasons of your decision
    • if you would like to buy a house, what are the hurdles towards your homeownership

Lesson Plan for Adapted Physical Education: Bowling


Please follow this outline: You will give a 10-15 minute oral presentation of the game you chose to do. Briefly go over the lesson plan and explain how you will include the students with disabilities throughout the game using modifications and accommodations for each student with disabilities.

These will be the students with disabilities for your lesson:

A student in a wheelchair with normal upper extremity capabilities

Low function student with Autism

A Life Skills students that has Down syndrome and has low to medium physical and cognitive capabilities.

A visually impaired student with mild to moderate cognitive and physical capabilities, that has a 1 to 1 aide

You will have one other aide that comes with the class besides the 1 to 1 aide.  Use them for the entire class.

Addresses DAP, rational for defense/promotion of chosen activity    __________

Address examples of equipment, rules, space, personnel adaptations/how the aides are used and typical peers  __________

Addresses re-teach, checking for understanding, clarifications, feedback(to self and students)_______

  1. Presenter able to explain material with minimal reliance on written plan or notes ________

Defines curricular skills/ how the students with disabilities(aides) are included in the lesson and the all the modifications and accommodations used ________

Complete Annotation for one source


Assignment: One Annotation completed by the end of the class (no exceptions) 

Topic: Your research paper

Follow this Sample:

Lindenfeld, David. “Jungian Archetypes and the Discourse of History.” Rethinking History 13.2 (2009): 217-234. Print.

Jungian Archetypes and the Discourse of History is a journal article, which will be crucial for this research paper. This source argues that Jung’s concepts can potentially be used to better understand human history and culture and thus help humanity uncover the meaning of being an individual. Jung’s archetypes can be used to help us understand the connection between images we see throughout history and the human psyche of a singular person. The paper argues that the discourses of his psychology have the ability to connect the dots when it comes to universal symbols that we are all bombarded with from a young age.

The article is written by David Lindenfeld, from the Department of History at Louisiana State University, it was published in Rethinking History in June of 2009. The source itself was found on the library database from Rockford University, and is considered reliable and scholarly. The voice of the author is firm and academic. It is also well researched. 

Reading Reflection


READ ONLY p. 99 to 120, 126-127

Answer each of the following in a fully developed paragraph. In your responses, include short quotations from the text or paraphrase the author’s language, providing page numbers for content referenced at the end of sentences, i.e. (p. 25).

What political circumstances surrounded the sheltering of 1,000 people in the Castillo de San Marco in San AgustÍn? (4-6 sentences)

What role did women play in warfare and how did this influence their actions in the fort? (4-6 sentences)

  1. What challenges did the Spanish face as they sheltered in the Castillo? (4-6 sentences)
  2. Chapter: 5 – “Narrating War and Loss”
  3. Answer each of the following in a fully developed paragraph. In your responses, include short quotations from the text or paraphrase the author’s language, providing page numbers for content referenced at the end of sentences, i.e. (p. 25).

According to the chapter, in what ways were women directly affected by the siege of San Agustin? (4-6 sentences) 

What was the purpose of the women’s petitions and what did they demonstrate about women’s power and status in San Agustin society? (4-6 sentences)

What evidence of social inequality is presented in the chapter? (4-6 sentences) 

Communication Studies – Genocide in Gaza


Dear freelancer, write an 8-page APA style paper on Zionist Settler Colonialism in Palestine. Underline Israeli government’s aggressive ethnic cleansing campaign, what happened before/after Nakba, the displacement of Palestinians, and the current Gaza Genocide. The paper will be heavily scanned through Turnitin and AI detectors so do not use any plagiarism/AI. 

I. Instructions: Final Term Paper on Zionist Settler Colonialism in PalestineFor the Final Term Paper you discuss Zionist Settler Colonialism in Palestine. The paper will explore the issue thoroughly and understand the various details of the issue. With a solid understanding of the major components of the social issue at hand, you will look back at all the theories from the course and select THREE THEORIES that help us “make sense” of this issue. You should apply the appropriate terms and concepts from the theories to the social issue in an effort to “see” the social issue from a different perspective. You can select any three of the following theories: Communication Theory, Symbolic Interaction Theory, Cognitive Dissonance Theory, Expectancy Violations Theory, Uncertainty Reduction Theory Relational Dialectics Theory, Communication Privacy Management Theory, Uses and Gratifications Theory, Face-Negotiation Theory, Standpoint Theory.