Software and Internet Technologies Labs


You will now switch gears to learn about IT concepts in the TestOut IT Fundamentals Pro course. In the TestOut IT Fundamentals Pro segment of this week, you work on a series of lab simulations to practice and learn about software and the Internet. This knowledge builds your foundational understanding of computer and digital technologies you will need in this course, in your studies, and in your career.

Prior to beginning this assignment, complete the following labs in Chapter 4 of the TestOut IT Fundamentals Pro course:

4.2.8 Explore the Windows 10 OS

4.2.10 Change Windows Settings

4.2.12 Explore iOS

4.5.11 Explore iOS

4.5.13 Use Microsoft Word

4.5.15 Use Microsoft PowerPoint

  • 4.7.4 Manage Applications
  • 4.7.6 Manage Repair Programs
  • For this assignment, consider at least 2 labs from this week that interested you the most, and how you can benefit from the knowledge gained from working through these labs. This assignment is worth 4% of your course grade.
  • In this assignment,
  • Identify at least 2 labs from this week that interested you most. Include screenshots of the “Score Lab” screen for each lab.
  • Explain why you chose these labs for this assignment.
  • Discuss how these skills are relevant and useful in your life and in your potential career path.
  • The Software and Internet Technologies Labs assignment

Hi pleas I need help for my home work


Health and Safety as Curriculum

Children in a preschool classroom are learning something new every day!

Health, safety and nutrition are very important concerns for teachers of young children. This semester you will all be creating a lesson plan that focuses on one of these three topics.

This week we have an opportunity to share some of the ideas for activities that focuses on one of these topics-health, safety or nutrition. This discussion will help you start to think about lesson planning that includes topics related to health, safety and nutrition.

If you have been teaching, or volunteering or working in a preschool classroom, share an idea for an activity you have seen or used with young children. How did the children enjoy the activity and what did they learn?

What kinds of basic health information have you seen teachers focus on with the children? Think about how teachers help children prevent illness, how they teach children to be safe, and how they help children learn about healthy foods.

Look through your textbook. Can you find ideas for health, safety and nutrition lessons? What pages did you find the information?

Reply to two of your peers

After you post your response you will see the posts of your peers.



Week 1 Scenario

Patricia Ann Speaks

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Scenario :

Patient is an 18-year-old female with a diagnosis of cystic fibrosis who presents with complaints of increased productive cough and fatigue in the last few days. The patient denies a fever but reports that her appetite hasn’t been good because she is so tired. Patient vital signs: BP 110/70, P 110, Res 28 labored, temp 98.4. Physical exam: Lung sounds Diminished breath sounds bilateral lower lobes with crackles in upper lobes. Post an explanation of the disease highlighted in the scenario you were provided. Include the following in your explanation:

  • The role genetics plays in the disease.
  • Why the patient is presenting with the specific symptoms described.
  • The physiologic response to the stimulus presented in the scenario and why you think this response occurred.
  • The cells that are involved in this process.
  • How another characteristic (e.g., gender, genetics) would change your response.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on 2 different days and respectfully agree or disagree with your colleague’s assessment and explain your reasoning. In your explanation, include why their explanations make physiological sense or why they do not.

Law individual project


Topic Domestic Violence: Your goal is to educate law enforcement to use best practices in the investigation of domestic abuse cases. Include the following topics in your PowerPoint presentation of 10-15 slides with notes and links to video for self-paced review:

  • How to approach a domestic violence situation when responding to an emergency call
    • When the parties should be separated
    • How to interview parties
    • What information needs to be in the report and why
    • How to best help a victim
    • What laws protect victims, including the use of protection orders
    • Why victims return to abusers
    • Length of time it may take to stay away from their abusers
  • Arrests
    • The legal standard that is needed to make an arrest in a domestic violence case
    • What evidence should be collected at the arrest
    • Whether dual arrests are effective law enforcement
    • How to assist domestic violence victims
      • Reluctant victims
      • Help for victims
  • Signs of child abuse and categories (e.g., physical, sexual, and emotional)
  • Difference between the terms abuse and neglect
    • Legal Question of neglect
  • Use of guardian ad litem
    • The legal standards that must be met in a child’s removal from the home
    • Termination of parental rights
  • Requirements of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)
  • Role of court-appointed special advocates (CASA) in child abuse and neglect cases
  • Role of Social Services in abuse and neglect cases

Poem Links


1. Casandra Lopez – Hottest June:
2. Xochitl-Julisa Bermejo – Battlegrounds
3. W.S. Merwin – By Day and by Night

This assignment is a combined reading and writing exercise, and your impressions are expected as though applying the literary theory of the reader’s response to the poem you choose to read from the wide selection below.

Enter a typed text separating the analyses of the poems into paragraphs as if writing brief paragraph (mini) essays for each. Type 350-400 words and enter observations and impressions about 3-4 poems, relaying your reactions after reading each one of the poems you’ve chosen to read at least twice. Record your physical responses to poetry from your first read and how you made sense of words, imagery, metaphor, etc., on the second read. This response is expected to be subjective since reading literature is subjective. However, we will strive in this class to write objectively and make strong arguments as we analyze other forms and genres of literature. Poetry is the ideal form of literature to generate such a sensual reaction to the poems. Think of how your senses react to metaphors alluding to or appealing to your five senses.

Advocacy tool kit


Module 06 Content

ScenarioIt is now time to put all the pieces together and create an Advocacy Tool Kit for yourself, your program, or families. Use the information you have learned from this course and previous courses to develop each piece. Directions
For this assignment you will create an Advocacy Tool Kit for programs in your community to use. Include each of the elements below in one document but separate them as if you were putting them into a binder or notebook. You may want to use section dividers to introduce each item. Your Advocacy Tool Kit will include the following items:

Cover Page or Title Page


Write a short introduction to your tool kit (1/2-1-page, double-spaced)

  1. Content: What is the tool kit? Who is the tool kit for? How can it be used?

Table of Contents

Content Pages:

A Question of advocacy and the different types

An overview of bills and the law-making process

An agenda of the top three issues you want to address, including explanations of importance

Information on how all members of your ECE community can communicate with your legislators

A sample letter for contacting legislators

A sample phone guide for speaking with legislators

A sample guide to working with the media

A sample guide for educating community members

OUTLINE- Glengarry Glen Ross



Follow the outline template attached below exactly.

Make sure you achieve the following requirements


A. Title: Clear, Concise, and Creative. Type the Title of the Play (in italics), followed by a colon, followed by your clear, concise, and creative position on the prompt you chose. (2 points)

B. Opening Strategy: A complete draft as a full paragraph(s) that starts with a story based example of your Opening Strategy (OS). Your Introduction paragraph must be one of the following strategies: Personal Experience (PE), Other People’s Experience (OPE), Case Scenario (CS), Hypothetical (HYPO), or Hypo-Combo (HC). (10 points)

C. Thesis: Your thesis statement is the main idea and focus for the entire essay. Your thesis should end your introduction as the last sentence of the final paragraph of the introduction. Remember: Introductions should be limited to three paragraphs or less. (3 points)


1. Topic sentence 1, minimum of three quotes, and your analysis. (10 points)

2. Topic sentence 2, minimum of three quotes, and your analysis. (10 points)

3. Topic sentence 3, minimum of three quotes, and your analysis. (10 points)


You must conclude your essay with a Book End that revisits the Opening Strategy (OS) example you started your essay with in the introduction. (5 points)

Reader Response 2


After reading ALL of the assigned readings, summarize them into two-page minimum in total in WORD, and submit through BB. Please summarize your readings with facts only not your opinions. After the due date is missed by one week a zero will be recorded and cannot be submitted.

(1) it is shorter than the source,

(2) it repeats the ideas of the source in different phrases and sentences. 

The purpose of the summary essay is to convey to others an understanding of a text you have read, without their having to read it themselves. Thus for your readers, your summary essay functions as a substitute for the source that you are summarizing. You don’t want to misrepresent your source or mislead your audience. Certainly, an important feature of the summary essay, then, is its fidelity to the source; you must represent your source accurately and comprehensively, with as little of your own interpretation as possible. (Anytime you read and repeat a source, of course, you are interpreting it; but the summary essay asks you to minimize your interpretation as much as possible. Do not add your own examples, explanations, nor opinions for instance.) A summary does not need a conclusion. 

Poem explication


Explicating a Poem

Write an Explication and Analysis of no less than 300 words of the poem The Word by Chilean author Pablo Neruda. Following this is how to write a poetry explication, and a paragraph sample written. “On Pablo Neruda’s “The Word,” the third stanza delves in the notions that words are pregnant with meaning, and the comparison suggests that words are personified, as though they were a woman with child. When integrating lines from the poem, be sure to enter a parenthetical citation with the number of the line (Line 3) (Neruda, Lines 3 and 7)”

1-Identify literary devices such as allusion, tone, metaphor, style, etc.

2-When you integrate actual verses or lines from the stanza, as to provide evidence to your interpretation, be sure to insert these lines into quotation marks.

3-Avoid writing “Pablo’s poem entitled “The Word” is about… Instead, Neruda’s poem relies upon language , and the power of word as a means to convey notions of existence and the human need to communicate experience. Never call the author by their first name. 

4- Always introduce the title of the work you are responding to, and the author’s full name. Subsequently, use only the author’s last name 

Problem solving- for profit colleges


Watch the following 60-minute documentary on for-profit colleges in the United States

and an entrepreneur operating in this space:
College Inc., (full documentary) | FRONTLINE

After watching the documentary and reflecting upon your own personal experiences
(including your friends and acquittances), come up with a ‘problem tree’ to the 5th layer that
highlights potential problem areas with the for-profit college education market space. Given
the potential problem(s) and potential root causes(s) that you have identified, come up with
a potential ‘solution tree’ to the problem(s)/root cause(s) that you have identified to the 5th
After you have created your two trees, draft a letter to US Education
Secretary Arne Duncan that states your concern(s) and propose potential resolution(s) to the
potential problem area(s) that you have identified.
Notes regarding grading:
You and your partner(s) should be able to get a passing grade with low-to-medium effort. If
you want to pursue a viable career in international business, I hope you and your partner(s)
will show some initiative and sophistication to demonstrate both your creativity, effort and
mastery of the materials. I will be more than happy to look at your tree diagrams and pyramid
structure (of the letters).
Q10 should be in a form of letter with several appendices that illustrate your trees and some
quantitative analysis.