What if Romeo and Juliet had to be told according to the rules of Greek Theatre?


You know the story of Oedipus and you know the rules of Greek Theatre we’ve looked at the limits those rules placed on the telling of the story. For instance, it had to start less than an hour before its end, and it had to move in unbroken time. It could not show any violent episodes from the story.

You know the plot of Romeo and Juliet, which demonstrates that Renaissance Theatre was very different. What if Romeo and Juliet had to be told according to the rules of Greek Theatre (one setting, continuous time, no violence, etc. etc.)? That’s the topic of this essay. Of course it would cause enormous problems, but why? Be specific about what would be lost, what would be distorted. Romeo and Juliet has been a perennial crowd-pleaser for over three centuries… how would a version written according to Greek rules affect an audience?

Suggestion: it would be a good idea in your introduction to mention that there were these two very different styles of theatre, Greek and Renaissance… then give a very quick synopsis of Romeo and Juliet, written for the Renaissance style. THEN present a Thesis Statement about what the effect on a modern audience might be if Romeo and Juliet had to be told in the Greek style. (Would they be bored? more excited? more confused?)

Project Charter and Draft a Mail



The purpose of this assignment is to identify an opportunity for process improvement at your workplace, or anotherorganization that you are familiar with, and develop a charter to analyze and implement using the Lean Six Sigma (LSS)problem-solving methodology. The second part of the assignment is to draft a cover “email” to the leader of the area for approval to launch your project.

How to Proceed

1. Complete the assigned reading, and watch the assigned videos for Unit 5.

2. Choose a process that you believe could be improved in your organization, or another organization that you are familiar with. Start by thinking about the 8 types of lean waste. Examples with non-value added steps or wastecould include: manual entry of information that is slow and prone to error, processes that include long wait times,or excessive motion (running around to get what you need).

3. Create a project charter to document what project you have selected and what you want to accomplish. Acharter template can be found here. Other formats will be accepted, provided they cover as a minimum, all of thesections in the provided template.

4. Draft a cover “email” for approval to launch your project your call for action, and why you propose to follow theLSS methodology. Your email should be a maximum of 3 paragraphs and should be as concise as possible.

Case Study Analysis.


To prepare:

By Day 1 of this week, you will be assigned to a specific case study
scenario for this Case Study Assignment. Please see the “Announcements”
section of the classroom for your assignment from your Instructor.

The Assignment

In your Case Study Analysis related to the scenario provided, explain the following

  • The pulmonary pathophysiologic processes that result in the patient presenting these symptoms.
  • Any racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning.
  • How these processes interact to affect the patient.Here is the Case Study for Week 4 Scenario: A
    38-year-old female presents to the emergency room with complaints of
    dyspnea and left leg pain. Patient reports that her left leg started
    feeling heavy a few days ago and has also been red since she returned
    from a recent trip. She denies any injury to her leg. She reports that
    she started having some dyspnea in the last 24 hours. Patient history
    is remarkable for systemic lupus erythematosus and a history of recent
    airplane travel. She is also taking oral birth control. Her bp is
    130/84, heart rate 100, R 24, and temp is 100.4F. Physical exam reveals
    unilateral +2 pitting leg edema to left leg with erythema.The AssignmentIn your Case Study Analysis related to the scenario provided, explain the following

    • The pulmonary pathophysiologic processes that result in the patient presenting these symptoms.
    • Any racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning.
    • How these processes interact to affect the patient.

Research Journal 8


Research Journal 8: Writing about a Different Position 


By completing this research journal, you will be able to:

Identify a different perspective on your research topic and thesis

Represent this perspective by assuming this perspective on your topic and arguing for this perspective

Task (same topic – MLB steroid age)

For this research journal, you will write a draft portion of your argumentative research paper that represents and responds to a different perspective on your research topic and argument. This different perspective may be a complete counterargument, or it may be a position that is similar to your own position but has a critical difference (for instance, a position that offers a different solution). You will write two substantial paragraphs for this journal entry. Your journal entry should include the following:

  • Paragraph 1 (250-500 words): You should adopt the different perspective on your research topic/argument and write as if this is the claim that you want to make. Use the different argumentative strategies and organization  and support this position with relevant sources.
  • Paragraph 2 (250-500): After writing the different perspective paragraph, write a paragraph that would fit into your argumentative research paper that identifies alternative perspectives on your argument and responds to these alternatives. Consider how you will fairly represent this alternative perspective but also respond to it so that your position is strengthened.

Activity 2.1: Role of Community Leaders



For this discussion, you will have the opportunity to describe the role community leaders play in your chosen community issue. 

First, let’s define “community.” In the context of this course, we are attempting to involve you in your local community or a community you have access to. Think of your church, the community center in your city, local business groups, an organization you may belong to, or even your workplace. All of these local communities represent a larger community. Think global. Act local.

Community leaders are integral within communities, and the power and influence they possess can impact communities positively or negatively. Community leaders are defined as any person who possesses decision-making capabilities within the community (a school principal, pastor, mayor, club president, etc.). Therefore, gaining further understanding as to some of the specific roles community leaders play in your chosen issue will help you to more clearly understand a potential solution.

Initial Post Instructions

Consider your understanding of community leaders and provide responses to the following questions:

Based on your current understanding of your community issue, describe what role you see leaders in your community playing.

What approaches would you use to identify and contact those main thought leaders and decision-makers in your community?

  • Why might it be important and valuable to identify these community leaders based on the expectations of the final project?

GCCCD Getty Museum Virtual Exploration Question



Museums are awesome! They provide a service to humanity by collecting, preserving, and conducting research on art and artifacts that they then share with the public. They can be educational, entertaining, informative, and fun. Plus, they often have gardens, cafes, and restaurants. Seriously, if you have not been to a museum, it is a good time!

The global pandemic highlighted an aspect of museums that may have been undervalued before: Their online presence. Many museums have terrific websites that learning experiences in and of themselves. For this discussion, spend at least a half hour in a virtual visit of one the museums below and report back. Tell us: (1) what museum website you visited and why; (2) how your spent your time and something you learned about; and (3) what cool or fun thing you would recommend to your classmates about the museum or its website.

Some activities you might encounter include collections research, videos, zoom features, augmented reality, art activities, articles, and podcasts. Choose your museum to visit from the following list: Asian Art Museum, SF; Getty Museum, LA; Louvre, Paris; The Met, NY; Museum of Anthropology, CDMX; National Gallery of Art, WDC; The Prado, Madrid.

Project Management


Process Map

1- Read the Quantitative Primer (or refresh your memory if you have already read it earlier in the Statistics Ramp Up tab under Course Resources in Content). Then post a response to the following two questions:

  • Provide an example of a probability distribution (other than the example provided in the Quantitative Primer) and argue clearly whether or not you believe that this probability distribution is a normal distribution.
  • Suppose you look at the outline of a probability distribution and it appears bell shaped but you are not certain whether it is normal. You then estimate that the area under the outline curve (of the distribution) of a two sigma (two standard deviations) band centered around the mean is 85% of the total area under the outline curve, meaning that the band bounded by two standard deviations to the left of the mean and two standard deviations to the right of the mean has area roughly equal to 85% of the total area. Explain why this distribution would not be normal. (Hint: eyeball this site: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/normaldistribution.asp.)

2- Please create a detailed process map with all tasks, decision points and loopbacks for a function that you are responsible for or familiar with. Then use the approach illustrated in, Value-added Flow Charting, to analyze its cycle-time.

SEC520 Clinical Field Experience C STEM Lesson Plan Implementation


Part 1: Lesson Plan Implementation

For this field experience, you will deliver your STEM lesson plan created during Topic 5 to either your whole mentor classroom or to a small group of students that your mentor teacher has chosen. (SEE ATTACHED)

Remember to focus on:

Method of teaching: Project-based, inquiry-based, or engineering design based

Strategies to develop cross-disciplinary skills and encourage engagement

Alignment of standards and learning objectives

  • Fostering innovation and problem solving
  • Use of technology and resources
  • Part 2: Reflection
  • Following your lesson plan implementation, meet with your mentor teacher to discuss your lesson and receive feedback. Below is a list of questions to ask your mentor teacher. Obtain specific examples for each area:
  • Mentor Feedback:

How well was the overall lesson presented?

How well did I communicate the learning objectives and expectations?

How well did I demonstrate knowledge of the content of the lesson plan?

Where did I struggle?

What can I do to improve my instruction?

What did I do well?

  • Reflection on Students and Learning Objectives:
  • Did students meet the learning objectives? How do you know?
  • Could the objectives have been communicated more clearly?
  • Professional Reflection for Future Instruction:
  • What do you feel went well? What do you feel that you could still improve upon?
  • How will this experience influence your future instruction?

Use any remaining field experience hours to assist the mentor teacher in providing instruction and support to the class. 

EDMG515 AMU Hazard Mitigation and Resilient Communities Discussion


Discuss the current federal grant programs available for disaster mitigation, response, or resiliency. Include issues such as sequestration and budgetary constraints.

Be sure to include information from the week’s readings. In addition, provide a minimum of 2 academic resources published within the last five years (if available) to support your response. Please respond to at least two other students. You may challenge, support or supplement another student’s answer using the terms, concepts and theories from the required readings. Also, do not be afraid to respectfully disagree where you feel appropriate; as this should be part of your analysis process at this academic level.

Discussion posts are graded on timeliness, relevance, knowledge of the weekly readings, and the quality of original ideas. Sources utilized to support answers are to be cited in accordance with the APA writing style by providing a general parenthetical citation (reference the author, year and page number) within your post, as well as an adjoining reference list. Refer to grading rubric for additional details concerning grading criteria.

Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant Program | FEMA.gov

A Positive Programme for Laissez-Faire Capitalism* – ProQuest

Flood Insurance | FEMA.gov
Policy Tenure Under the U.S. National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP): EBSCOhost (apus.edu)

ProQuest Ebook Central – Reader

ProQuest Ebook Central – Reader

486961.pdf (menlosecurity.com

Advanced Principles in Global Supply Chain Management



Time Context: TIME PERIOD January 2020 until Present (January 2024).

Chosen Company: Aston Martin

Identify the challenges that this organisation has or are facing through their supply chain.


– A) Briefly introduce and describe the organisation (who they are and what they do) (100 words)

– B) Briefly describe how and why their business and customers are affected by the challenges. (200 words)

– C) Identify the key elements in their supply chain (the main vital suppliers and/or customers) (100 words)

Main Section 

– A) Identify what the chosen organisation did or needs to do, to secure their supply chain and enable continued trading. (300 words)

– B) Identify and describe any strategic actions that the business and/or supply chain have taken (describe the expected outcome of the action). (300 words)

– C) Describe the key current risks to the organisation (provide a risk register). (300 words)

– D) Assess the key risks, and the strategic choices that the focal organisation has implemented. (300 words)

Conclusion and Recommendations 

– A) Findings From Section 2, discuss whether the risks were foreseeable, and how might the organisation have done things differently. (200 words)

– B) Conclusion and Recommendations Is the chosen organisation likely to be successful and with hindsight, would you have changed the strategic choices of your chosen organisation