Revise, Annotate and Explain Sources


SKIM at a couple sources from Parts 2 and 3. EDIT and expand (=WRITE) your previous work, developing it into a more organized, clearly formatted Project 3 Plan with 3 sections:

1. Working thesis (not just one sentence; ~200 words) including a specific, persuasive claim about one or more parts of the Boeing plane crash events and what readers can, should, do to avoid such events in the present and future. Readers being regular citizens (or employees) — just not Boeing executives. (i.e. avoid “Boeing needs to…” statements without detailed focus on how individuals can make that happen.). NOTE: This #1 “working thesis” QUESTION resembles the 4th bolded question from Project 3 directions:

What should employees do in such a situation, and what should the general public do about such an issue (that affects most citizens).

Thus, students don’t have to answer this —^ completely right now (it’s just a plan document) but at least try to get some ideas down about it, to help the overall direction your essay may take next week, and to help your essay intro. and conclusion parts. 

2. Source 1 S-R — one source that stood out to you in particular, and why (from any of the 3 sections)

3. Source 2 S-R  —      ”       ”       ”       ”       ” 

I have attached the document as a pdf that has the sources from part 2 and 3 provided. Remember, only use the sources from part 2 and 3 for this assignment. 

Discussion “Language, gender, and sexuality”


Discussion “Language, gender, and sexuality” (75pts)

Read Cameron “Language, gender, and sexuality

Watch posted videos of Judith Butler.

Answer questions over Cameron’s “Language, gender, and sexuality”

Answer questions 1 and 2, and then either 3 or 4 (25 pts each).

Butler’s videos will be useful for Q. 2. As usual, you should be writing in your own words, quoting only when absolutely necessary. Don’t repeat my questions; just give me your answers. You should write a long paragraph for each.

(A) Question over section: (Re)Conceptualizing Gender section on pp. 483-491

1) Make clear what the dominance framework (Lakoff) and (cultural) difference framework (Tannen) had in common and explain the ways that the diversity framework differs from them both. You can refer to what you know about these approaches from earlier readings.

(B) Question over section: The Linguistic Performance of Gender Diversity on pp. 491-493. You may use Butler’s videos here too.

2a) What does it mean to say that gender is an accomplishment? “Gender is the repeated stylization of the body, a set of repeated acts within a highly rigid regulatory frame that congeal over time to produce the appearance of substance, of a ‘natural’ kind of being.” AND 2 b) How can a study of a group of high school nerd girls illustrate gender performativity?

(C) Questions over section: Gender, Sexuality and Heteronormativity on pp. 494-496

3) What is the difference in how Tannen and Eckert view same sex interaction?

4) Why is “sexuality” in the title of Cameron’s article?

University of Kentucky Integrated Health Science- Patient Case Study


Guidelines: ? Read the Case Study below. ?Role 1 – Funding organizations (government & private)   ? You may use knowledge of integrated healthcare and team-based care and outside research to gain further insight into current healthcare trends and real-world ideas. ? Using this perspective,  address the needs of the patient in the case study below and answer the 2 questions. 

Case Study Scenario: An 80-year-old female widow lives by herself in a small, government apartment building. She has two sons (50 & 60 years old) who are both married, have families and unfortunately live more than an hour away from her house. She has breast cancer which has been managed for the last 20 years. She visits the nearby Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) for follow-ups every three months. She has missed a few of her appointments, and lately, she has been losing weight, feeling tired, and depressed, can’t sleep well at night, and has no appetite. She made an appointment to visit her doctor at her routine FQHC. 

answer these questions as if your role is Role 1- Funding organizations (government & private) and add citation for any outside resources. No plagiarism or AI work please and thank you. 

1. Based on your knowledge and research, what impact does your role have on patient care and the healthcare system as a whole?

2. What contributions will your role make to the case study and your team? Be as specific as possible.

Replay to a Discussion’s peer


Operant conditioning is the art of behavior alteration through consequence. The addition or lack of consequence in operant conditioning are used to modify behavior. If you would like to see behavior repeat, a reward is given; if you rather not see the behavior repeat, then a punishment is given, too. – **Rewards (Reinforcement):** There are positive and negative consequences within rewards. If you positive reinforce you will add something pleasant to increase the behavior; negative reinforce is to take away something that is unpleasant to increase the behavior. – **Punishments:** There are positive and negative consequences to punishment as well. Positive punish you to give something unpleasant to decrease a behavior; negative punish is the process in which you remove something pleasurable to decrease the behavior.

Classical conditioning or Pavlovian conditioning involves learning to associate stimuli. This learning process involves a neutral stimulus being paired with the unconditioned stimulus which produces the unconditioned response. Then the neutral stimulus becomes the conditioned stimulus, which produces the conditioned response. This conditioning is unconscious and creates physical responses and behaviors and many emotional reactions.There are three important parts to the classical conditioning process that we should never forget: the unconditioned stimulus (UCS), the unconditioned response (UCR), and the conditioned stimulus (CS). To have a good understanding of classical conditioning provides the key to manipulating stimuli causing behavior to be influenced. Classical conditioning can bevery helpful in behavior modification and even in therapy situations.

policy responce genises flores


Improving hospital performance requires a multifaceted approach that addresses clinical and business aspects. By enhancing outcomes, reducing costs, optimizing payment structures, and improving the overall patient experience, hospitals can achieve comprehensive improvement. There are clinical solutions such as implementing evidence-based practices, (EBPs) to ensure that clinical interventions are grounded in the best available research. This can lead to improved patient outcomes and safety (Institute of Medicine, 2001). Focusing on patient-centered care involves engaging patients in decision-making, enhancing communication, and considering their preferences thus increasing patient satisfaction (Epstein et al,2010). Another service that contributes to better outcomes and patient satisfaction is telehealth and remote monitoring, implementing telehealth service es and remote monitoring can enhance access to care, reduce hospital readmissions, and improve chronic disease management (Mehrotraet al.,2013). There are also business solutions such as the value-based care model; transitioning to a value-based care model, such as accountable care organizations ( ACOs) or bundle payment systems, aligns financial incentives with improved outcomes, fostering cost-effective and high-quality care (Conrad & Perry, 2009).

In conclusion, the integration of clinical and business solutions is essential for comprehensive hospital improvement. By focusing on evidence-based clinical practices, patient-centered care, value-based business models, and the integration of data analytics and Lean methodologies, hospitals can achieve better patient outcomes, reduce costs, optimize payment structures, and enhance the overall patient experience. Ongoing research and continuous quality improvement efforts are crucial for adapting strategies to the evolving landscape of healthcare.

discussion 7


module 7: discussion intro to modren medicine

1) In at least 100 words, describe the ways in which you think modern medicine marginalizes some groups of people. You can make this as broad or specific as you would like! Comment on the posts of at least two of your peers (minimum 50 words each comment). You are welcome to post media or articles to support your argument.


Module 7: Discussion – Women & Childbirth

Read Walzer Leavitt (1983).Walzer Leavitt (1983)

Imagine you are a woman preparing to give birth in the mid-1800s. In at least 200 words describe your plan for your childbirth. Be sure to include information about your geographical location (urban or rural), and what instruments or techniques may be used on you, along with some of the possible problems that are associated with these instruments or techniques.

For peer responses: Imagine you are a physician in the mid-1800s, in at least 50 words each, comment on the birthing plan of two of your peers. How would you respond to the birthing plan of this patient and what would tell them to make them more comfortable with some of the instruments or techniques that you may use?

Read and Annotate Sources


SKIM at a couple sources from Parts 2 and 3. EDIT and expand (=WRITE) your previous work, developing it into a more organized, clearly formatted Project 3 Plan with 3 sections:

1. Working thesis (not just one sentence; ~200 words) including a specific, persuasive claim about one or more parts of the Boeing plane crash events and what readers can, should, do to avoid such events in the present and future. Readers being regular citizens (or employees) — just not Boeing executives. (i.e. avoid “Boeing needs to…” statements without detailed focus on how individuals can make that happen.). NOTE: This #1 “working thesis” QUESTION resembles the 4th bolded question from Project 3 directions:

What should employees do in such a situation, and what should the general public do about such an issue (that affects most citizens).

Thus, students don’t have to answer this —^ completely right now (it’s just a plan document) but at least try to get some ideas down about it, to help the overall direction your essay may take next week, and to help your essay intro. and conclusion parts. 

2. Source 1 S-R (about 300 words for this section) — one source that stood out to you in particular, and why (from any of the 3 sections)

3. Source 2 S-R (about 300 words for this section) —  one source that stood out to you in particular, and why (from any of the 3 sections) 

Social work 120


For this short assignment please only provide answers for ONE of the docuseries, Gabriel Fernandez, or Kalief Browder. NOT BOTH. 3 pages MAXIMUM, using APA formatting. Answer the following questions for the docuseries you choose to watch:

Gabriel Fernandez


If your supervisor instructed you to do something against your code of ethics, how would you respond and what actions would you take?

If you were assigned Gabriel/Kalief to your caseload what would you do to support his health and well-being?

What areas of Gabriel/Kalief’s life would you make sure were being addressed and why?


What did you learn about yourself from watching the docuseries you chose? Start this paragraph with: “After completing this assignment I realized (feelings, thoughts, experiences)…

Did anything show up for you personally or what about this case was challenging?

What did you learn about yourself?

Kalief Browder


If your supervisor instructed you to do something against your code of ethics, how would you respond and what actions would you take?

If you were assigned Kalief Browder to your caseload when he was released from prison, what would you do to support his reintegration into society?

What areas of Kalief’s life would you make sure were being addressed and why?


What did you learn about yourself from watching the docuseries you chose? Start this paragraph with: “After completing this assignment I realized (feelings, thoughts, experiences)…

Did anything show up for you personally or what about this case was challenging?

What did you learn about yourself?



Professional certifications, professional associations, and having the knowledge of industry software can give you the edge you need in securing a top position. Invest yourself into learning which of these are available to you and how you can achieve them prior to graduation. Use the Occupational Outlook Handbook, linked below, to investigate these resources. Submit a reflection that details which of these will most benefit you and how you plan to acquire them (200-word minimum).

Identify three (3) internship or job opportunities, each at a different company, that relate to your major and are of interest to you

The purpose of this activity is for you to gain an understanding of potential career paths/career options and help expose you to the internship/job search process. Begin by identifying three internship or job positions. After identifying the 3 positions, please submit a written reflection that includes the following: The position title and source used to find this [such as website, event, networking, or organization]. What key search words did you use to find these positions? What makes these positions applicable to your major and why do these jobs interest you? Do you currently meet the requirements for these positions or is this a future goal? Use prompts from the position Question (i.e. required skills, duties, or knowledge) to support your answer. Once you have completed your reflection, upload a single pdf with all three job listings

ocean 120


Background Information

While the basic principles that lead to the formation of subtropical gyres applies to the circulation seen in each of the 5 Subtropical Gyres, there are differences that can still be seen in each of the major oceans.


Create a document that addresses the following prompt. For this assignment, you will be doing some writing and some drawing. Complete the two questions below:

Using the image provided below, complete the following:

Label the specific current names for the each of the Northern, Western, Eastern and Southern Boundary currents found within the five major subtropical gyres. You do not need to label the subpolar gyres.

  1. Color (or label) whether each of the currents are warm currents or cold currents.

If you color them, red=warm and blue=cold

For this next question, choose one major ocean to focus on. (North Pacific, South Pacific, North Atlantic, South Atlantic, or the Indian Ocean). In a paragraph, written in your own words, describe the circulation patterns witnessed in that ocean. Use these questions to help guide your writing:

  • Are there any ways circulation differs in this ocean compared to other main oceans?
  • What are the unique chemical and physical properties of this ocean? Are there any unique processes that occur in this ocean? Explain