Education RICA case study

Question Description

I have attached two RICA case studies, and a case study templet.

Pice ONE of the RICA case studees to fill out the template. Use the RICA case studies to fill out the template. The template explains exactly what needs to be filled in. USE the template.

Discussion work

Question Description

In Federalist Paper #78, Alexander Hamilton describes the judiciary. What is his description of the judiciary and its structure? Why does he say that it is the “least dangerous branch” of government? Do you agree with his assessment of the judiciary? Why or why not?

Week 12 Answers, Notes

Question Description

    Case Study

    Question Description


    I am needing assisstance with a case study.

    There are 2 questions with 6-7 points that needed to be answered.

    This needs to be in APA format, and also with references that are legit like .org, and etc.

    I need the refrences to be less then 5 years old.

    Relationships Brochure

    Question Description

    Assignment Content

    1. Create a brochure in which you communicate the following to engaged couples:

      • The effect of intimate relationships on wellbeing
      • Strategies to maintain healthy relationships

      Submit your assignment.


    Please revise document to the best of your ability. Remove/add sentences / words as you please.

    Question Description

    Essay that needs revision:…

    For further reference and help here are the paper instructions:…
    For EVEN FURTHER REFERENCE here are the papers that were referred to in my professors instructions as paper 1 and paper 2.
    1:… 2:…

    Group dynamics: Team Leader challenge

    Question Description

    I have 4 team challenges , and every challenge has like 2-4questions , I need them all done , each challenge only one page MLA , separate them please like when you done send me papers of each challenge dont put them all together thank you

    Research Essay Assignment writer choice check attachment

    Question Description

    For this essay papers as beginning I only need rough draft of 2 pages then after teacher feed back I will request you to do final draft. You can find all details on attachment file please choose number 2 or 3 from option provided on the attachment.

    The Draining of Owens Lake by LADWP

    Question Description

    2 pages, one inch margins, double-spaced, Arial 12 pt Font.

    You need to address :
    1. What happened?
    2. When did it happen
    3. How did it happen?
    4. Who or what caused it?
    5. What is the mitigation, remediation, fix?

    Include your personal point of view.

    I need to do a presentation reflection

    Question Description

    I need to list content from the curriculum and international presentations from my classmates that have helped me further in my understanding of teaching young children and my future role as a teacher I will attach the reflection grid and I will attach the classmates presentations