Discussion *


While psychological disorders still have a stigma, steps have been taken by some individuals to help others understand the disorders a little better. For example, photographer John William Keedy captured images to express anxiety disorders, OCD, and varied neuroses in “Photos Reveal What It’s Like to Have Anxiety Issues.” Review “What It’s Like to Have Schizophrenia,” which attempts to show viewers what it’s like to have schizophrenia. (Warning: the video is graphic and may be disturbing.)

Then there is a personal story from Healthline called “In Their Shoes: Understanding What Bipolar Disorder Feels Like” and another from Mills Baker called “What Does It Feel Like to Have Bipolar Disorder?” Both stories are told from the point of view of someone with bipolar disorder and try to capture what it’s like living with the illness.

After reviewing the readings and videos and further researching the topic, post a two-paragraph response to the following: 

How do our history and culture affect our understanding of psychological disorders? What, if anything, can be done to reduce the stigma attached to psychological disorders? Do the photographs, videos, and stories mentioned above help people to better understand the disorders, or do they serve to further stigmatize the disorders? Explain.

Studies have shown that having a low socioeconomic status (SES) increases the risk factor for developing a mental illness. Why might this be the case? Think about some of the symptoms of psychological disorders. What connections do you see between the symptoms and low SES?

Week 3: Response to “Investigating Writing”


Read “Investigating Writing: Threshold Concepts and Transfer” (PDF available in Readings & Videos). 

After reading the chapter, take notes on the following prompts:

? Writing is . . . 

? Good writing is . . . 

? Good writers do or are . . . 

? Writers are influenced by . . .

? Learning to write involves . . . 

Then, do a mini “interview” with another person (not one in the class, please), asking them to respond to these prompts. (That person should NOT have read the chapter.) 

In your response, do the following for this assignment: 

First, compare your new responses to those you wrote to these same prompts in the Week 1: Writing Is … Response. *** Since I forgot to ask you to save your responses, I copy-pasted each of yours in Teams > Class Notebook > || > [Your Name] > Notes > Week 1 Writing Is… Original Responses. 

Comparing your first responses with the new versions you took notes on after the reading, think about what has changed or remained the same about your concept of writing. Explain. You may find it helpful to use examples from your original response during your discussion. In your response, include at least two cited sentences or passages from the assigned reading that contributed to changes in your response to the prompts. 

Next, discuss two or more of the responses from your mini interview: in what ways do they differ from yours, and did you gain any additional perspectives on writing? 

? In-text citation format for this reading: (Wardle & Downs, 2023, p. #).

Report on Digital Business


Introduction (outlining the aim the report; overview to the chosen digital business (reference the website); discuss/ overview of digital business (present the growth of digital business globally/ nationally, supported with evidence such as statistics, news etc.) (250 words) 

Overview of Key Trends and Advantages (900 words)

Provide an overview of key trends and advantages of digital technology and implications for managing virtual business in the global environment by drawing on your chosen business

Advantages of Digital/Virtual Business

Key Trends in Digital/Virtual Business 

Application to using digital business with advantages and key trends applied to your chosen organisation 

Critically evaluate new and emerging digital business models in the context of key business issues such as cyber security and ethics that your organisation uses or may use (900 words)  

Emerging digital business models  

Discussion on new, emerging digital business models in the context of key issues such as cyber security and ethics 

Apply how your chosen organisation is using / could use any of these new, emerging business models 

Evaluate the impact of new collaborative relationships and strategic alliances through digital technology for your chosen organisation (900 words)

  • Collaborative relationship and definition of strategic alliance/s 

Advantages and disadvantages of new collaborative relationships and strategic alliances through digital technology  

Application to your chosen organisation on how they use or could use new collaborative relationships and strategic alliances through digital technology 

  • Identify and evaluate at least 4 e-commerce merchant software solutions (900 words)
  • Artificial Intelligence and its importance in general. 

Critically evaluate at least three applications and select the appropriate one which can enhance your operations, with justification, for your chosen business. 

Leading through Digital Disruption


Task 1: Case for Change Analysis 

Provide a clear background to your chosen company, including the type of organisation, size of the firm, range of products and services, customer base and which markets it operates. 

Evaluate and critically discuss current technological opportunities that your company needs to capitalise to retain its competitiveness in the market. 

Finally, present clear digital change objectives that will be introduced to improve customer satisfaction, simplified processes and generates higher revenue. 

  • Task 2: Gain Digital Agility 
  • Critically analysed and advise on which techniques your chosen company can use to detect the changes that are appending in the market it operates. Specifically, explain how your company can capture insights about its competitors. 
  • Recommend 3 innovative technologies that your chosen company can use to make fast decisions to quickly adapt to the changes in its market.

N.B: your arguments must be critical with the support of academic literatures and real case example. Please use the below figure as a guide to drive your analyses and recommendations. 

Task 3: Steer Collaboration to Create a Digital Culture 

Critically examine which collaboration tools your company can use to enable individuals to contribute to decision-making and give leaders visibility into such contributions. 

  • Afterwards, please provide an analysis on how your organisation can develop and support digital-ready ready culture across team member, sparks innovations and strengthens customer relationship. 
  • Task 4: Adapting Different Leadership Styles 

By using the Goleman’s leadership styles, critically evaluate, and advise which Goleman’s styles should your organisation develop to support its digital transformation. 

Finally, propose how those digital leadership styles should be implemented by using the GROW Model. 

Case study Lv Fragrance – Leaders, Creators, and Innovator


Purpose and Objectives: Each student will identify an individual, a brand, or an enterprise that has made a substantial and meaningful contribution to the practice of fragrance marketing. Each student will research and assess the contributions of their topic and how their mission and vision have worked together to make these contributions possible. In this way, students will gain an appreciation for the role innovation and entrepreneurship play in the evolution of the fragrance industry.

Resources: The following resources are recommended for preparing this assignment:

Ellena, Jean-Claude, Perfume: The Alchemy of Scent (2011), Chapter X The Players on the World Market. ISBN 978-1628721706



Framework and Process: Each student will identify an individual, a brand, or an enterprise that has made a substantial and meaningful contribution to the practice of fragrance marketing. Each student will conduct research into their topic to prepare and present a slide presentation sharing the following information:

  • A clear statement of brand identity that identifies the mission, the vision, and the values that define their topic. What role does your topic play in the ongoing operation of the fragrance industry, and what makes them unique?

Identify for your topic their sources of inspiration and their core competencies. What does your topic do especially well?

  • Identify the milestone moments and significant projects that represent key contributions for your topic to the practice of fragrance marketing.

Close with a summary of the overall contributions of your topic to the fragrance industry. What makes your topic a leader, creator, or innovator?

TCH-520 Brain-Based Learning


Differentiation and engagement are hallmarks of brain-based learning. Individuals’ brains are unique and, consequently, have different needs and require different forms of engagement to learn best. By recognizing unique configurations of the brain, as well as how best to meet the needs of various individuals in your professional setting, you will create a richer and more responsive learning environment.

For this assignment, create a 3-5 minute video for colleagues describing how differentiation and engagement, through brain-based learning, can be used in your current or future professional setting related to your program of study.

In the video, include the following:

An introduction of yourself and your current or future professional endeavors.

What differentiation is and how it relates to brain-based learning in your professional setting.

  • At least 1-2 specific ways to bring differentiated brain-based learning into your professional setting.
  • What engagement is and how it relates to brain-based learning in your professional setting.
  • Minimum of 1-2 specific ways to bring engagement through brain-based learning into your professional setting.
  • Support your video with 2-3 scholarly resources on a separate APA Style references page.
  • Remember that video and audio quality are important and should be taken into consideration. Ensure your video is filmed with sufficient lighting and the volume is adequate for viewers to hear. Intonation, expression, proper speech, and professional attire are expected.
  • Use an online video platform such as Loom, YouTube, or Vimeo to upload your completed video. Ensure that others can access and view your linked video prior to submitting the assignment. If you upload your video to YouTube, select the “unlisted” option.

please read through the following info


n 1600, Sir Walter Raleigh ( 1552-1618 ) wrote:

“The Nymph’s Reply to The Shepherd”

https://rpo.library.utoronto.ca/content/nymphs-reply-3Links to an external site.

Sir Raleigh’s poem was written as a response to Christopher Marlowe’s “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love”. 

Sir Walter Raleigh was a controversial figure during the Elizabethan Age (a time of great prosperity as well as artistic and cultural growth for England). Also, during this  time, Europeans engaged in frequent exploration and colonization of the “New World”.

Sir Walter Raleigh’s Biography:


While Christopher Marlowe’s “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love” is regarded as an idealistic poem of attraction, romantic expression, and pursuit, Sir Walter Raleigh’s  “The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd” is regarded as a more pessimistic or realistic response to the pursuit of a potential romantic partner or would be lover. 

In the link below, please carefully review, read, and compare Marlowe’s “Passionate Shepherd to His Love”, and Sir Raleigh”s “The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd”.

https://www2.latech.edu/~bmagee/201/marlowe/shepherd_&_notes.htmLinks to an external site.

Your assignment;

Based on the rhyming patterns, symbolism, and imagery of each of these poems, please construct/write your own  4 to 6 stanza poem in which you either make promises to your love, or you reply to a potential lover’s request.

Remember that the rhyming pattern for Marlowe’s and Sir Raleigh’s poems is iambic tetrameter, or 8 syllables per line with the first two lines of a each quatrain rhyming or having 2 syllables (aabb).

Please incorporate your own unique voice and creative vocabulary to express yourself as either the pursuer or the pursued. 

WU Controversy Associated with Dissociative Disorders Essay


The DSM-5-TR is a diagnostic tool. It has evolved over the decades, as have the classifications and criteria within its pages. It is used not just for diagnosis, however, but also for billing, access to services, and legal cases. Not all practitioners are in agreement with the content and structure of the DSM-5-TR, and dissociative disorders are one such area. These disorders can be difficult to distinguish and diagnose. There is also controversy in the field over the legitimacy of certain dissociative disorders, such as dissociative identity disorder, which was formerly called multiple personality disorder.

In this Assignment, you will examine the controversy surrounding dissociative disorders. You will also explore clinical, ethical, and legal considerations pertinent to working with patients with these disorders.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 



Review this week’s Learning Resources on dissociative disorders.

Use the Walden Library to investigate the controversy regarding dissociative disorders. Locate at least three scholarly articles that you can use to support your Assignment. 


Explain the controversy that surrounds dissociative disorders.

Explain your professional beliefs about dissociative disorders, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.

Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a client that may present with a dissociative disorder.

Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to dissociative disorders that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.

Yoga videos


Part of the requirements of this class is exercise. As the Catalog QUESTION states, “A combination of physical activity and lecture providing regular exercise to develop physical fitness.” 

You are required to exercise 3 times per week.

Each week I will provide 3 recorded yoga classes so you can exercise at home at your convenience. 

Each class is approximately 35-50 minutes long. 

When you have completed all three classes you will submit your answers to the following questions.

What did you enjoy about each of the three classes? Please designate each class. For example, in Class #1: I enjoyed the feeling of relaxation after I was done taking the class. I enjoyed the shoulder stretches because I have limited movement in my shoulders. I had a difficult time with the one-legged balance. You may discuss specific poses and exercises that you experienced in each of the videos. You will say something about each class. Please talk specifically about the classes so I know you are practicing along with each video.

What was difficult about the class, or did anything hurt? Be specific. For example, in Class #1: I can’t sit cross-legged on the floor. Is there another way I can complete the exercise without my legs hurting? That way I can help. You may also ask a question and I will answer your question in the comments area when I grade your weekly exercise assignment. 

Class 10Links to an external site.

Class 11Links to an external site.

Class 12

excerxcise 1 and 2



Read the essay and look closely to see how the writer has integrated quotations in the argument. How has the writer introduced the quotations in the argument? What, if anything, has the writer said to explain the quotations? How has the writer tied the quotations to the essay? Based on what you read in this chapter about how to sandwich quotations, what revisions would you suggest?

Below is a passage from Christine Michel Carter’s 2019 Harper’s Bazaar essay, “How Feminism Is Stifling Our Sons.” In this essay, Carter points out how gender stereotypes are harmful to both girls and boys, and she argues that popular media needs to present more positive models of masculinity. Read this passage and choose a phrase or sentence to quote as a “they say” for an argument of your own. Use the templates from this chapter to sandwich this quote: introduce the quote, explain what it means, and connect it to your own ideas. Your entire response (the introduction, quote, explanation, and connection to your ideas) should be three or four sentences long.

We’ve committed so strongly to teaching girls they’re equal to boys that we’ve forgotten to extend the message to the boys themselves in a healthy, inclusive way. Along with our focus on feminism, we need to embrace a new men’s movement too—one that pays attention to the young boys who are discovering their manhood against a backdrop of hashtags and equality campaigns that tend to either overlook or vilify where masculinity fits in.