writing assesment


THE BOOK YOU WILL NEED : Human Geography: People Places, and Culture by Fouberg, Murphy, and DeBlij, 12th Edition, Wiley.

1. Study the cultural landscape of San Francisco’s Chinatown in Figure 1.14 (in the textbook). Using the geographic concept scale, consider what role San Francisco’s Chinatown plays at three different scales: locally (in San Francisco), nationally (along the west coast of the U.S.), and regionally (as part of the larger Pacific Ocean region). If you were to walk around San Francisco’s Chinatown, what might you see in the cultural landscape that reflected this Chinatown’s identity locally, nationally, and regionally?

2. Look at the map pattern in Figure 1.26E (in the textbook). Note that this map is more “zoomed in” than 1.26 B, C, and D (in the textbook), and the three Hawai’ian islands to the farthest north, Nihau, Kauai, and Oahu, are placed to the west of the other four islands so that you can see more detail on the map of each island. Describe the pattern of likely mosquito habitats on the map. Then, describe the relationship between mosquito habitats and populated areas. Finally, imagine you are advising the government of Hawai’i who wants to conduct a pilot study on the island where dengue will have the biggest impact on people. Which island should Hawai’i use for its pilot study and why?

3. Geographers who undertake fieldwork keep their eyes open to the world around them and, through practice, become adept at reading the cultural landscape. Take a walk around your campus or neighborhood and try reading the cultural landscape. Choose something that you see and ask yourself, “What is that and why is it there?” 

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PhET Forces and MotionLinks to an external site.

Note: This week you will need a stopwatch. This can be either your phone, a physical stopwatch, or an online one. If you need an online one, simply Google “stopwatch” as Google has one built in to its site.

Select the tab labelled “Motion.”

Play around with the simulation to get familiar with it.

Investigate and click around making sure you try everything out.

Reset via the yellow reset button on the right side of the screen.

Turn on “Speed.”

At the same time, start your stopwatch and press the +50N button once.

Stop your stopwatch when the speedometer maxes out.

Question 1: Describe the motion of the crate on the skateboard.

Question 2: How long did it take to reach maximum speed?

  1. Reset, and turn “Speed” back on.
  2. At the same time, start your stopwatch and press the +50N button twice.

Stop your stopwatch when the speedometer maxes out. 

  • Question 3: Compare the observed motion to your answer in Question 1: what changed? Why?
  1. Question 4: How long did it take to reach maximum speed?
  2. Reset, and turn “Speed” back on.
  3. Stack any other item on top of the crate.

Question 5: What item did you pick? Why?

  1. At the same time, start your stopwatch and press the +50N button once.

Stop your stopwatch when the speedometer maxes out.

  • Question 6: Compare the observed motion to your answer in Question 1: what changed? Why?

Question 7: How long did it take to reach maximum speed?

  • Question 8: By comparing your answers between questions 1, 3, and 6, are there any rules that you can suggest for the relationship between mass, force, and acceleration?

Question 9: Which of Newton’s laws did we investigate via this experiment? 

7.1 ✳️Issues Today Review


Think about what families experience daily or what children are exposed to today. Which three areas do you feel are the most critical and share why. Consider what can be done to help children and families within these areas. Consider the role of the politician, the teacher, the parent and society at large when answering this question. Please provide five (5) paragraphs in your review of Issues Today. This is a personal reflection, and a discussion is not required.

Please answer all areas with detail and depth. Please label each section. Post Assignments and Discussions on the Discussion board in one thread.

CD/FS115 Fall 2022 Issues Today

COVID-19 and Variants


Mass Shooting/School Shooting


Technology Access/Social Media Facebook/IG/Snap/YouTube/Instagram


Lack of Parent Involvement or Supervision

Drug Overdose / Fentanyl Opioid Deaths

Bullying/Cyber Bullying


Sexism, Classism, Cissexism, Ableism – social prejudice against people with disabilities

Violence, Trauma, Crisis

Lack of Appropriate Communication or Face- to- face Communication

Limited Family Support

Video Game Content


Childcare Issues

Poor Role Models/Bad Influences

Violent Movies

Foster Care/Extended Care/Grandparent Care/After School Care

Unhealthy Relationships

Eating Disorders

Immigration Issues

Mental Health issues/Lack of services or Treatment or Diagnosis

Expectations TOO High for Children


TV role models

Lack of cultural awareness or lifestyle or beliefs or traditions


Street & Over the Counter Drugs

Gang Affiliation

Peer Pressure

Physical, Emotional, Mental, Sexual Abuse & Neglect

Extensive Sexual Exposure

School Dropouts

Poor Self Esteem and Concept, Warped Self Image

Teen Pregnancy


Learning Disabilities


Poor Gun Laws

Domestic Violence/Violence in the Home

Elder Abuse

Single Adult/Parent/Guardian Homes

Difficulty Finding Childcare in Off Hours


Inappropriate Toys

Unsafe Neighborhoods

Financial Swings & Instability

Online Dating

Gender Issues

Sexual Orientation

Family Separation like Deployment

Political Drama

Lack of Parenting Skills like Overly Permissive or Unstable

Generational Differences

Health Care Issues


Lack of stability and constant change

Lack of social-emotional training/education

Reading no longer as important as media among children and adults

The news!

ENGL 1040 Reading Literature: Coming of Age


The purpose of this essay is to explore the novel Paper Towns by paying attention to the story’s use of literary devices. Writers will use their own opinions and reasoning, coupled with research, to craft a meaningful commentary on the novel.

Writers may choose one of the following prompts for their essay:

1. Watch the film version of Paper Towns (20th Century Fox, 2015) and compare and contrast the book with the movie. Writers may consider differences or similarities in theme, characters, plot, or other elements. Ultimately, the essay will decide which genre is most effective in getting the message of the story across, and how meaning is changed with the difference of genres.

2. Discuss the genre of Coming of Age literature in general, by using scholarly research that explores or defines this genre. Writers will then use Paper Towns as an example, showing how the novel highlights or challenges aspects of the genre.

This essay should be between 3-5 pages (double-spaced, size 12 font) in length. Writers may choose to use either MLA or APA, but must pick one and cannot blend the two.

All essay prompts will use Paper Towns as a source, and additional research will be required depending on the prompt used. All essays must use at least three total sources: Paper Towns + a minimum of two additional sources.

Writers may choose the types and content of sources they feel best support and/or add background to their ideas. Writers should take care to find high-quality, verifiable sources. Scholarly sources are highly preferred (and in the case of prompt 3, they are required). The JSTOR database (jstor.org) is recommended.

Quality Healthcare: Measuring NP Performance


Preparing the Assignment

The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) was formed to ensure the quality of patient care and measurement of patient outcomes with set standards.

Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) is a performance measurement tool used by millions of health insurance plans. There are 6 domains of care:

  • Effectiveness of Care
  • Access/Availability of Care
  • Experience of Care
  • Utilization and Risk Adjusted Utilization
  • Health Plan Descriptive Information
  • Measures Collected Using Electronic Clinical Data Systems

You may access the 6 domains of care by clicking this link:

(NCQA, n.d. https://www.ncqa.org/hedis/Links to an external site.)

As an APN, productivity will be an important measurement for the practice to determine reimbursement and salary. Fee-for-service practices will require a set number of patients per day to maintain productivity. A capitated practice will require the APN to have a large panel of patients but also will focus on controlling costs. This can be accomplished through effective primary care that is accessible, convenient for the patients, and has a method of measuring the quality of care.

Write a formal paper in APA format with a title page, introduction, the three required elements below, conclusion, and reference page.

You are now employed as an NP in primary care. Choose one performance measure from one of the six domains of care, i.e. Adult BMI Assessment, Prenatal, and Postpartum care, etc.

Develop three different patient interventions for that one performance measure and how you would specifically implement the intervention and measure the outcomes for that particular performance measure in clinical practice.

How would these primary care interventions result in improved patient outcomes and healthcare cost savings?

How can these interventions result in improved NP patient ratings?

does the concept of the “third side”


Thinking about your Week 6 project and the conflict you chose to analyze, does the concept of the “third side” seem relevant to the international negotiation process? Why or why not?

I look forward to reading your posts and providing feedback on the discussions! I may ask follow-up questions after you have presented the initial post, 


This is an interesting paper on the Arab-Israeli conflict and the negotiation efforts of the international community. This conflict is categorized as an “ethno-territorial conflict,” meaning that one group’s gain in territory results in the other group’s loss. The Israelis are firm believers in a unitary state, while the Palestinians advocate for a partitioned country. Unfortunately, neither side is willing to accept the compromise solution or consociationalism, which makes the conflict incredibly challenging to resolve. In addition to this, the conflicting ethnic and religious identities of various sectarian groups living in the region add to the complexity of the situation. If one group prevails, the other group’s territorial identity will be erased. To complicate matters further, non-state actors such as Hamas and Hezbollah make finding a negotiated solution even more difficult. In my opinion, it would be beneficial to allocate more space for the analytical aspects of future discussions and less for descriptive ones.

With all that said, In the future, please, use more space for the analytical part and less for the descriptive one. This could have been done by incorporating the points on the relevance of Steven Walt’s “too-hard box” to the Arab-Israeli conflict. Most importantly, you need to use your own analysis and less points borrowed and paraphrased from others.  

CLC Evidence-Based Practice Project: Intervention Presentation on Diabetes Part 2


Collaborate with your group from Topic 2 to develop a presentation using your instructor-approved article on a specific intervention or new treatment tool for the management of diabetes in the aging/elderly population or children. The article must be published within the last 5 years and relevant to nursing practice.

Create a 12-15-slide PowerPoint presentation (not including the title and references slides) on the study’s findings and how they can be used by nurses as an intervention. Include speaker notes for each slide and additional slides for the title page and references.

Include the following:

Describe, using the PICO(T) question format, the specific population and intervention or treatment tool used in the article.

Summarize the PICO(T) outcome evaluated by your selected article. The research presented must include pathophysiological findings that are current, thorough, and relevant to nursing practice.

  1. Provide a Question of how the treatment tool or intervention can be integrated into nursing practice. Provide evidence to support your discussion. Reflect how the treatment tool or intervention will affect nursing practice and the disease process.
  2. Explain why psychological, cultural, and spiritual aspects are important to consider for the patient population which your article reviews. Describe how support can be offered in these respective areas as part of a plan of care for the patient. Provide examples.
  3. You are required to cite a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice.
  4. Refer to the resource, “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.

Tolerance and Diversity


Tolerance and Diversity

Scenario 2: Cultural Differences 

You are part of a group project, and one of your team members comes from a different cultural background. Their approach to teamwork and communication is significantly different from yours. How do you handle these differences?

When someone from another culture celebrates a holiday or tradition that is unfamiliar to you, what steps can you take to learn more about it and show respect for their customs?

Scenario 3: Gender and Identity

In your office both females and males are working, what could be done to let everyone feel accepted and have equity.

How can you avoid making assumptions about people’s gender, gender expression, and instead promote an inclusive environment?

Scenario 5: Accessibility and Disability

You have a classmate who has a disability and may require accommodations. How can you be understanding and supportive of their needs in the academic environment?

In public spaces, such as the university campus, how can you contribute to making them more accessible and inclusive for individuals with disabilities?

Scenario 6: Language and Communication

You have a classmate whose first language is not English, and they occasionally struggle with communication. How can you help them without coming across as patronizing or insensitive?

What steps can you take to improve your own communication skills when interacting with people who speak a different language or have varying language proficiencies?

Scenario 7: Socioeconomic Differences

You have friends from varying socioeconomic backgrounds. How can you be mindful of these differences and avoid making anyone uncomfortable or excluded based on financial constraints?

What can you do to promote economic inclusivity and support students who may be facing financial challenges in your university community?

Journal Critique: Community-Based Supports and Services



? Articles must present original research (quantitative, qualitative, mixed-methods, or
meta-analysis are acceptable). Do not choose articles that argue a position but don’t
present new research. These are important articles but don’t help you build the skills you
will need to successfully complete a dissertation
? When composing your reviews, practice using graduate professional writing. Do not
begin with “This article is about…” and don’t relate your personal stories.
? Current APA format must be used, including:
o A title page,
o A reference page, and
o Writing in third-person. Avoid “I” statements or personal stories. The reader
knows something is your opinion because you are the one writing it. You don’t
need to statements like “I think that …”, or “I believe …”
? Critiques must be 2–5 pages in length, not including the title page or reference page.
The following general format should be followed:
? Statement of the problem: What is the issue this research is trying to address? You need
to make a case for why the research is important based upon the background information
provided in the article. For example, when reviewing an article about a new reading
methods instruction you could report poor student reading outcomes.
? Statement of a research question: The research question is almost always found in the
paragraph directly before the methods section. The research question is a clear, one-
sentence explanation of what the researchers wanted to find out in their research. How
will this research expand what we know about SPED?
? Methods: In this section, you need to explain how the researchers conducted their study
to answer the research question. Who participated in the study? What did they do? How
was the data collected?

Govt 2305 federal government


Disucssion Board: Presidents’ Foreign Policy Decisions

This week you will watch a video, titled  “The Most Dangerous Man In America  This video should be free through Kanopy – you should not have to pay to watch this. If you have trouble accessing it, then email your Professor immediately. 

The Most Dangerous Man isn’t a gangster or a terrorist, but rather he is a whistleblower, Daniel Ellsberg.  A whistleblower is someone who tells the truth about another’s illegal behavior.  In this instance Mr. Ellsberg worked for a military contractor, Rand Corporation. This business was responsible for a study of the Vietnam War, which concluded in 7,000 pages that president after president was told that the war in Vietnam was unwinnable, but each one of them continued to send thousands of troops and spend billions of dollars to keep communism from spreading.  Mr. Ellsberg was so horrified by what he read that he leaked the whole study to The New York Times.  Once you watch the film, answer the questions below in a discussion post.  If you use any other resources in your discussion post be sure to include  correct MLA citation format for

each source.Links to an external site. Additionally, this response needs to be your own, original thoughts. You may not use Artificial Intelligence to answer this post, if you do you will receive a zero. 


Summarize the film.

What shocked you most about the revelations in the Pentagon Papers?

Who should declare war, Congress or the President? And, why?

What did you learn?