Every day we read alarming stories in world news. The overall goal of your three assignments is to combat distressing news and disinformation using information literacy and the concept of global citizenship. You will achieve these goals:

Gather factual, scholarly information on the problem to combat disinformation and to build public awareness (Assignment 1)

Compose a public service announcement (PSA) that will inform a broad audience of well-sourced information and data (Assignment 2) 

Compose a realistic action plan with well-vetted resources to encourage public engagement and global citizenship (Assignment 3) 

  • It all begins with a Global Studies problem. Start by perusing the news stories in our lesson content: Global Studies Topic Options. Pick one story that strikes your interest and then proceed to the next part of the instructions. Then complete these steps: 
  • Open a document and add your name.
  • Indicate the news story you selected using a full reference in Chicago format. The story must be from the Global Studies Topic Options list.

Local four scholarly, peer-reviewed articles on this topic in the online library. Here’s how:

Open the APUS Trefry library page, making sure you are logged in. 

Enter your search terms. You can mine these from the article you picked. 

Select “peer-review” in the menu on the left.

  1. Use filters on the left menu to narrow the dates (2018-present is recommended).
  2. You can search here as well: It is recommended to select “open access” so you can access the article immediately.

4. Cite the four sources in a list using full references in Chicago format.

5. Next: For each of the four sources, tell us how you know the source is reliable. Comment on: 

The author

  1. The journal and its review process

The database where you found the source

Discussion problem


As a professional and even in our everyday lives, we need to be able to understand different perspectives or points of view. You have to be able to put yourself in another person’s shoes and think about what you would do or how you might react in the situation. For this discussion, you will select a piece of writing and consider the writer’s perspective when answering the questions. 

Before responding to the discussion question this week, read 1 of the following selections from the University Library:

Option 1: “Building a Bridge: Founded by Marine Veteran-Turned-Actor, Arts in the Armed Forces Seeks to Unite Military, Theater Communities” 

Option 2: “Tuolumne”

 respond to the questions that correspond to the reading selection you chose: 

Option 1: “Building a Bridge: Founded by Marine Veteran-Turned-Actor, Arts in the Armed Forces Seeks to Unite Military, Theater Communities” 

  • Which reading did you choose?
  • What is this selection about (i.e., topic)? 

What observations can you make about its writer, intended audience, genre, context, or structure? 

Adam Driver believes studying plays helped him put his feelings into words and become less aggressive as he transitioned from military to civilian life (Bock, 2020, p. 51). How might art and self-expression be used as tools for making change and building connections?

Option 2: “Tuolumne”

  • Which reading did you choose?
  • What is this selection about (i.e., topic)? 
  • What observations can you make about its writer, intended audience, genre, context, or structure?
  • Deborah A. Miranda (2017) shares this thought at the end of her narrative, “In that moment, even if he could not articulate why, the river was the one thing Tom could offer to a son in need of a ceremony to begin his life over” (p. 67). Can a relationship with the natural world help a person heal and move forward?

Discussion an reply


Initial Post:

In preparation for the initial post, consider two (2)?of the historical selections below: 

The Lewis and Clark Expedition 

The Missouri Compromise 

Independence of Texas 

Mexican War of 1846–1848 

  • The California Gold Rush 
  • Then, in one (1) to two (2) paragraphs, address one (1) of the following:  
  • Which of your two selections do you consider most impactful on Westward Expansion during 1800–1848? Explain why. 
  • Analyze the effects of the ideology of Manifest Destiny on the two historical events that you chose from the list above.
  • Use your own words. Use 2 scholarly sources. APA format. Cited.

Reply Post:

The two historical selections I chose this week are the Lewis and Clark Expedition and The Missouri Compromise. Both selections were impactful to the Western Expansion during 1800-1848.

    In 1803, President Thomas Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark out to explore the western lands, including the Louisiana purchase. They traveled from St. Louis, MO to the pacific coast. During their travels, they interacted with Native Americans tribes in attempt to establish trades (Corbett, 2023).

  •     The Missouri compromise was an agreement passed in 1820 to address slavery in Western territories (Iber, 2003). Missouri remained a slave state and Maine a free state. The goal was to maintain a balance of free and slave states and to establish a line where slavery would be permitted. 
  •     I would consider the Lewis and Clark Expedition more impactful on Western Expansion because this journey that Lewis and Clark took was specifically to explore the western lands. The expedition lasted two years, in which the men explored the lands, found routes along the land, discovered plants and animals upon the lands and met with Native Americans and offered trades with them. This expedition gave a great deal of valuable information to lay the foundation of the Western Expansion.

Environmental Science Question


Watch video:

Write essay on it:

Please no complex words, simple answers

Part I: What is your current perception of the United States’ Congress? Offer the reader insight into your understanding of Congress and its role in addressing the concerns of the nation. In what way(s), if any, do you believe Congress can be an effective tool for addressing environmental concerns? Also, reflect on your own level of political engagement. For example, do you pay attention to politics, vote (or plan to) in elections or participate in other political processes such as town halls, have an interest in running for office someday? If so, why, if not, why not? Conclude this section of the paper with a question you would like to ask Al Gore. (1-1.5 full pages)

Say I dont plan to vote and that I dont know much about politics other than I lean towards more democratic. No intention in doing anything government.

Part II: After watching the interview, reflect on what you learned. Did your perception of Congress change? If so, why? If not, why not? Based on what you heard, what role do you now think Congress has in addressing environmental concerns, and what role do you think you can play as an engaged citizen in that process? Did Al Gore answer your question from part I? If so, was their answer satisfactory (why/why not)? Using a credible peer reviewed source, fact check something significant that you heard them say about the environment or the political process that affects how you think about the role of Congress and/or engaged citizens in caring for the environment. Be sure to offer a proper in text and bibliographic citation for your source. (1-1.5 full pages)

Environmental Discussion and 2 responses


The future for you and the environment!

Part 1:
First I would love to hear about your future endeavors and so please take this opportunity to reflect on your progress in accomplishing your educational goals as you move forward in your academic career.

Part 2:
More than half the world’s population now lives in cities around the globe and that number is expected to rise to 2/3 by 2050. When thinking about sustainable development, that means cities will be ground zero for innovation and achievement. This week you studied what sustainable development means and some great examples of those leading the way. Here let’s discuss how your city is doing! Using the following resources (and those you used for your projects) look up your city to see where they place. Then check out other cities and pick out a few ideas that you think would work well where you are and why you believe it would be successful in your area. 

United States Sustainable Development Report 2021 (find your state here by clicking on state profiles at the top) –

Then find your city in the 2019 report –

Princeton, Sustainable Cities Review (examples of what others are doing –

Answer the following questions:

How is your state doing overall?

Where does your city fall on the sustainable development report list? (A screenshot is great but make sure to embed it in the post rather than attached and discuss your findings too). Highlight some of the SDG dashboards and trends that your city is “doing well” and “not so well”. 

What are a couple of practical ways the city could become more sustainable? 

  • After completing your project what are your overall final thoughts?

Psychology Question (need in 4 hours)


Drug addiction can be a part of daily life. You may be addicted right now! It is likely that you use either nicotine or caffeine in your daily life. Choose one of these and document how this drug fits into your life. If you use one of these, you are required to track it so that you are able to use the provided charts. If you use neither, you may track your consumption of sugar, though this might require a bit more ‘homework’ to acquire the additional data on the sugar content of your consumed products. If none of these substance options work for you, please contact me for an alternative.

Your task: Track your consumption of nicotine/caffeine for three days: Monday, 2/19, Tuesday, 2/20, and Wednesday, 2/21. Record the time of your use and the amount you consume. The following websites have charts documenting the nicotine/caffeine content of various products. I have also attached a caffeine chart.



After the three days are up, refrain from using nicotine/caffeine for 48 hours (Thursday, 2/22 & Friday, 2/23). Document any withdrawal symptoms you may experience and the types of support you have during this time (emotional support from friends/family, use of other drugs to relieve symptoms). Take careful notes about your physical and mental health. Try not to relapse, but if you do, describe the context surrounding the relapse—physical withdrawal symptoms at time of relapse, social setting, time of day, etc.

The report: The data should be collected such that you could write up the results for a scientific report. Develop an appropriate strategy for documenting your data and keep careful records of your progress over the duration of the experiment.

ECE 411 Early Cognition and Learning: The Preschool Years



The purpose of this assignment is to have students familiarize themselves with the NAEYC position on the topic of diversity with young children. By familiarizing themselves with the position statements of this organization, students become more informed, intentional, politically active, and effective educators.

Read the NAEYC Position Statement on Diversity. Complete the steps described below. 

Create a table that includes the following headings: a) Summary, b) Classroom Application, and c) Course connections. Fill-in the table for the NAEYC Position Statement from the website provided. This information can be simple bullets and/or short sentences.

Summary- A synopsis of the important points from the article.

  1. Learning Environment Application- Provide four ideas for how the information in the article can be used in the learning environment for developing diversity.

Course Connections- Make at least two connections from the article to the content from this week’s readings.

  1. Using the details from your table in Step 2 above, write an essay discussing:

A detailed summary of the article

  • A detailed explanation of how you can use these ideas in the learning environment to specifically influence children’s behavior. Pick four ideas and describe them in detail, with information on how you would set-up the diversity idea and any materials you would need
  • A detailed QUESTION of how information in the article relates specifically to content you have read this week or during this course so far.
  • Your essay should be 1250-1500 words and should include at least four (4) citations. The sections should be clearly marked with headings so that your instructor knows which points you are addressing. Follow the guidelines for APA writing style. The title page and references page do not count towards the minimum word amount for this assignment.

ENC 1102 MDC Morrisons Literary Triumphs Discussion


M1: L2 – Discussion on Plagiarism (D-02)


Choose only ONE of the following options below and, in your post, write a paraphrase that avoids plagiarism of the paragraph you have chosen. Your paraphrase can be as long as the excerpt you have chosen, but should not duplicate any phrasing from the excerpt. If you must, you can quote up to three words in a phrase.

Choose to paraphrase ONE of the excerpts below taken from

Option 1

Morrison began writing Sula in 1969, a time of great activism among African Americans and others who were working toward equal civil rights and opportunities. The book addresses issues of racism, bigotry, and suppression of African Americans; it depicts the despair people feel when they can’t get decent jobs, and the determination of some to survive. Eva, for example, cuts off her leg in order to get money to raise her family. Morrison shows how, faced with racist situations, some people had to grovel to whites simply to get by, as Helene does on a train heading through the South. Others, however, fought back, as Sula does when she threatens some white boys who are harassing her and Nel.


Option 2

In 1993, Morrison was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature, and thus became the first African American and only the eighth woman ever to win the award. According to Maureen O’Brien in Publishers Weekly, Morrison said, “What is most wonderful for me personally is to know that the Prize has at last been awarded to an African American. I thank God that my mother is alive to see this day.” In 1996, she received the National Book Foundation Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters.




You have recently taken a new position as a training manager. Your workplace is experiencing rapid growth and expansion. As the number of new employees increases, company leaders have recognized the need for a formalized new employee training program. They have asked you to participate in developing this new training program for the organization. They are relying on you to develop a training program that is based on solid research about cognitive processes and the ways individuals learn, as well as to identify key adult learning concepts that should be applied to the program. They want you to make recommendations for this new program that will help ultimately help them become a more successful learning organization. Your research and recommendations on key cognition and learning concepts must be provided to the company leadership in a formal paper for their review.

What you have learned throughout the course will help you make recommendations for a program that utilizes effective adult learning principles and helps create a successful learning organization.

Please include the following sections:

Include an introduction that addresses how cognitive psychology can be applied to the new employee training program.

Discuss key cognitive psychology concepts as they apply to individuals, the workplace, adult learning, and creating successful learning organizations.

  • What are some of the important items you would want to consider regarding concepts such as perception, attention, and memory when developing a training program?
  • How would you develop your training program to ensure it supports adult learning?
  • What are some of the items you would want to keep in mind regarding language and comprehension when designing a training program?
  • What are some helpful strategies for judging an individual’s learning, knowledge acquisition, and comprehension?

A Pawsitive and Challenging Impact Human–Animal Bond and Social Work


Title: A Pawsitive and Challenging Impact Human–Animal Bond and Social Work; Evidence Based-Animal-Assisted Therapy Animal Assisted Therapy Interactions 

Describe the purpose and rationale for the paper. Briefly state the main issue/problem that is discussed in the paper. Discuss the prevalence of the problem at the national data, state, and even local data. For example, if you are working with an agency impacted by the COVID-19, describe the prevalence of the problem at the national, state, and even local level. Discuss the demographics based on race, gender, socio-economic status, education, etc. Describe the significance of the topic examined in social work practice and the intent of the assignment. A review of the current literature should be reviewed. Should not exceed  2-3 pages. Should be double-spaced,and in APA format. Please include a cover page with the names of all group members listed. Also, must include references (a minimum of 5 references, not more than the last 5 years. However, demographic information and the prevalence of the problem should not be more than 3 years).

Included in this section should be: 1) Introduction to your capstone topic and rationale for choosing this topic; 2) QUESTION of the client system you are researching (ex. children, families, veterans, aging, etc.); 3) What data is presented in scholarly articles and other literature as it relates to what you would like to learn more about? Include the prevalence of the problem at the national data, state, and even local data; 4) Describe the significance of the topic examined in social work practice and the intent of the assignment.

Again, a review of the current literature should be included in your paper, along with a reference page.