Discussion English


Understanding Visual Rhetoric: A simple beginning definition of visual rhetoric and its applications are as follows:

Use of images as argument

Arrangement of elements on a page

Use of typography (fonts, etc.)

  • Analysis of existing images and visuals
  • Assignment Instructions:
    1. Conduct an online search for relevant/controversial visuals (static or dynamic). Select at least 3.
    2. Reflect on the visuals you have selected and revised, then conduct a rhetorical analysis.
  • Apply the following strategies: 
  • 1. Describe/Observe

First, describe what you see in the visual quite literally. Begin by focusing on colors, shading, shapes, and font if you’re analyzing an advertisement. As you describe them, observe the texture, shape, contour, etc., of each element. For this initial stage, you are simply describing what you observe. Do not look deeper at this point.

2. Respond/Reflect

Next, respond to the ways in which the things you described have impacted you as a viewer. What emotions are evoked from the various shadings and colors in the image? If there are words present, what does the artist’s font selection do for the image? At this stage, you are questioning the elements used so that you may move to the final stage of analysis.

3. Analyze/Question

After you’ve described and reflected upon the various elements of the visual, question what you have noted and decide if there is an argument presented by the visual. This assessment should be made based on what you’ve observed and reflected upon in terms of the image’s content alone. Ask yourself if the arrangement of each item in the visual impacts the message. Could there be something more the creator wants you to gather from this visual besides the obvious? Question the criteria you established in your thesis and introduction to see if it holds up throughout your analysis. Now, you are ready to begin writing a visual rhetorical analysis of your selected image.

Annotated Bibliography


Final Project–Annotated Bibliography

1. Choose one (1) topic related to sociology. You may choose something that we
have discussed in the class; or you may choose another topic of your interested
that we may not address in our short 5-week journey!
2. Find 10-12 articles, books, webpages, or other data related to that topic.
3. Create an annotated bibliography in MLA or APA format with the articles that
you have found.
An annotated bibliography is simply an [always alphabetized] works cited page
with a summary of each source situated just below the citation. Here is an
example of an annotated bibliography that is properly formatted.
This is just a sample! Remember: Strive for 10-12 sources for this assignment.

Sample Annotated Bibliography
“Assessment of the Potential Impact of Regulated Marijuana in New York State” PDF. July. 2018. Mar 12. 2019.
In the Criminal Justice and Public Safety section, the authors bring statistics from the recent years to bring into
light how people of color are disproportionally target for cannabis possession than people who are not of color. African
Americans in New York are four times more likely to go to jail than anyone else (Assessment). During a report in 2014 when
stop and frisk laws were still in effect, white people were 50 Percent more likely to have an arrest made in adjournment in
contemplation of Dismissal meaning there was no conviction (Assessment). In 2017, African Americans made up 48 percent
of marijuana arrests, 38 percent were Hispanic, and 9 percent were white (Assessment). It is also important to note that the
arrests made in marijuana possession were nonviolent and did not lead to any guns or violent crimes.
Blaszczak-Boxe, Agata. “Marijuana’s History: How One Plant Spread Through the World.” LiveSciemce. Perch. Oct 17,
2014. March 10. 2019.

Create a presentation or summary about what you learned from doing this research. Your presentation may come in any of the following forms or more:

Writing assesment for geography


INSTRUCTIONS: Answer all of the following three questions. One or two well-developed paragraphs per question will suffice.

1. Think about a migration flow within your family, whether internal, international, voluntary, or forced. The flow can be one you experienced or one you only heard about through family. List the push and pull factors. Then, hypothesize how the migration flow of your family was tied to larger migration flows at the time. Does your family’s migration flow fit into the global map in Figure 3.6 (in the 12th edition of the textbook)? Was your family’s migration at a different scale – nationally or locally? Determine both the scale of your family’s migration flow and identity how the scale of the flow impacted your family – did they find others like themselves at their destination? How would finding or not finding others like themselves impact the identities of your family members who migrated?

2. Analyze Figure 3.30 (in the 12th edition of the textbook), migration to the United States by region. Choose one region and one time. Research an example of a migration flow to the United States from that region at that time (e.g. east European migration in 1900). Describe where migrants from that region primarily settled in the United States. Explain relocation diffusion. Imagine how the migration flow you chose can be seen in the cultural landscape of the destination region in the United States both at the time of migration and today.

3. The fast fashion industry takes runway looks and turns them into low-cost, disposable clothing immediately available to consumers. The fashion industry accounts for $1.2 trillion globally, and the amount of clothing being produced has doubled since 2005. How has time-space compression enabled fast fashion to knock off a celebrity look and make it available to consumers in 24 hours?

read the two articles and do a 20 minutes presentation slides


The slides need to include these materials from both readings:
1. Research Question(s)
What are the main research questions?
• State the main research questions. If there are many research questions, either identify the main
question or the question that interests you most.
• These will usually be found in the abstract and the introduction or background sections.
• Not all research questions will be clearly delineated, but to help you find them, remember the general
research question formulation: “How does “A” (Independent Variable) relate to (influence/shape/affect) “B”
(Dependent Variable?”
2. Theory/Background/Literature Review
What main theory (or theories) is guiding the research?
• Write a sentence or two about the theory or theoretical framework. Don’t go into detail here.
• Often the headings and subheadings in the theory/background section will help you delineate the
theoretical framework.
3. Hypotheses (If Applicable)
Are there specific hypotheses (derived from the theory)? What are they?
• If not, simply state “no specific hypotheses.” Often, qualitative research won’t have hypotheses.
4. Methodology (If Applicable)
What method did they use?
• Identify and describe the research method used by the researchers to empirically examine the topic
(do they conduct an experiment, a survey, field research (e.g., interviews, observations), archival
research, etc.)? Do they gather their own data or use a secondary data source?
What is the population of the study (the group about whom the authors want to draw conclusions)?
• Describe the population and how the authors selected a sample from this population.
5. Results (If Applicable)
What are the most important results from their data analysis?
• Delineate the main results of the study e.g., a bullet point for each main finding. Don’t worry about
statistical detail.
6. Conclusions
What do the authors conclude about their research findings?
• Finally, delineate the main conclusions the authors make about their results. How do they think their
results support (or not) their hypotheses? How do their results fit with past theory and research? What
are major limitations? 

FBI Consultant Presentation (Objs 41- 43),powerpoint


Background: You have just received an urgent message from the FBI, who desperately need your help! For this assignment, pretend you are Social Psychologist who specializes in obedience, group behavior, and conformity. After their initial investigation of a research experiment gone awry, the FBI has hired you for your expertise. They have asked you to present your expert analysis of the experiment, hoping the information you share will help them prevent similar situations in the future. You will prepare a thorough PowerPoint Presentation to their team of agents, explaining how and why the experiment proceeded as it did. 

For this assignment, you will be analyzing Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Study. Prepare an 8-10-slide PowerPoint presentation (including a title slide and reference slide). An effective presentation will include the topics outlined on each slide, with the detailed written explanation in the speaker notes area below (with supportive citation). Images may be used as a supplement to your written content. Thoroughly address the following prompts:

Provide a 200-word minimum summary of Stanford Prison Study. Identify the goal of the study, research methods, population used, etc.

Identify and explain at least three examples of implicit expectations in the study (address both conformity and social roles).

Identify and explain at least three examples of explicit expectations in the study (address both compliance and obedience).

  1. Assess the role of deindividuation, disinhibition, and anonymity in the participants’ behavior.
  2. In what ways did the group affect individuals’ behavior? In what ways did individuals affect the group’s behavior?
  3. Offer examples of cognitive dissonance in the study, and explain how it played a role in participants’ experience in the study.
  4. Discuss how this study is different than other major studies conducted on obedience (i.e., Asch conformity study, Milgrim experiment). Identify for your audience the major ethical concerns as a result of this study.

phcy 110 ta


This week’s discussion is all about Newton’s Third Law. Make sure you’re comfortable with his third law before going in to discussion.

Find some objects that are experiencing forces. These objects can be real or virtual, and they can be at rest, moving, or even accelerating.

Take a picture of those objects (if they are in the real world) or grab a screenshot of the online objects, or sketch a drawing of some imaginary objects. 

  1. Reply to this discussion with the photo you took/screenshot, and if it’s from a YouTube video, the link to the video with motion. Include a brief QUESTION of the scene and how the objects are moving (since pictures don’t always convey motion well).
  2. This part you are just providing an image to others. Really, nothing else here.
  3. This initial reply is worth 5 points and is due February 23, 2024.

After posting your image, go find someone else’s image within this thread.

  • You will then download that image and draw on it with whatever program you can.
  • Paint is ideal for this.

Any tablet/phone sketching/note taking app could do this.

  1. If it’s difficult to download the image and draw on it, then just sketch it out yourself with pen and paper, and you will submit a photo/scan of your sketch.
  2. Once you have someone else’s photo and the ability to mark it up, sketch every force pair you can find on it.

You do not have to find every force pair that exists, just all of the ones you spot.

  • Provide a bit of explanation with each one.
  • This should include information such as, what object is applying force to what other object.
  • What/why this might be the case.
  1. The vector length should be the same for each vector in a pair.

Reply to the other student who’s picture you marked up with your force pair image. 

Healthcare Topic


My topic is Healthcare issues of elderly population.

Think of a healthcare topic you are interested in researching and reporting on in your final paper.  This week, submit a 1 paragraph QUESTION of your proposed final paper topic and your rationale for selecting that topic.  The instructor will approve your topic.  For example, perhaps you are interested in proper hand hygiene or hospital acquired infections.  Submit that topic and how it impacts quality healthcare. Note the example paper title for this topic provided below:

Abstract: One paragraph on the second page; tells what the paper is about

Introduction and Review of the Literature:  Provide an overview of the topic by describing the nature of the healthcare topic you selected, your rationale for targeting this issue as needing improvement. Based on your review of current literature and related reference (no literature older than 5 years), provide information and/or data that demonstrates the population that is impacted by this issue and what specific health quality problems this population experiences. (Who, what, when, where and how?)

Significance:  Based on your literature/reference review, describe the current state of the problem identified, the reasons that the topic selected poses a risk to health care quality, what kinds of interventions have been implemented (or maybe something new and innovative that you would implement) to address the quality issue identified (What have other people done to address this issue?) Focus on data analysis that demonstrates the program’s effectiveness, efficiency, and quality of health care for the targeted population. You may want to consider how the IHI Improvement Model questions relate to your topic:

  • What are the authors trying to accomplish?

How will they know that a change is an improvement?

What changes can they, or have they made and did those changes result in an improvement?

Thomas Edison state University Foreign Terrorist Organizations summary


The overall purpose of this chapter is to state the contribution of your capstone project to a particular discipline or field of study. This is the So What? chapter that gives the reasons for your work.

Keep in mind that readers may skip your entire first four chapters and read only Chapter 5. Thus, all the necessary information must be included here.

Chapter 5 should be structured according to the outline given below, which lists the different subheadings you need to include. Consult the explanations given for guidance regarding what information to include under each of these subheadings.

This is based on the introductions in Chapters 1, 3, and 4. Present the focus of the capstone project. Use referenced information from Chapter 2, with appropriate in-text citations to provide the reader with background material.

Statement of Problem
Copy this from Chapter 1. Include the major question and sub questions you have researched.

Review of Methodology
Explain what you did to research your project, but avoid going into any detail. Give a general explanation of how you carried out your research.

  • Summary of Results
    Return to Chapter 4. Review each sub question and what you learned from the research. Separate each sub question as a subheading. Interpret the results of each sub question to enable the reader to understand how these results answered the major question.

Relationship of Research to the Field
Explain how your research supported or did not support the research described in your draft of Chapter 3. Use referenced material and in-text citations to validate your research.

Discussion of Results
What was the significance of your findings? Explain how your work adds to the body of knowledge in your field.

Provide a concluding section that explains how your project answered the major question that served as the impetus for your study and research.

ESOC 300 Digital Storytelling


3) How important do you think linguistic style is for storytellers to gain and hold an audience’s attention? Were you, or was your designated reader, concerned about enunciating words, pitch and intonation, verbal tics, or the speed of speaking when reading one of the “Where I’m From” poems aloud? Remember, Julie Beck, Senior Associate Editor of The Atlantic, notes that popular YouTube vloggers tend to extend vowels, extend consonants, and aspirate words in their YouTube performances to capture the attention of an audience.

4) What is your reaction to critiques of young women using vocal fry (a lower-register oscillation, a glottal creaking, or a guttural growl sound at the back of the throat) or uptalk (rising intonations on declarative sentences) in their speech? Are you concerned about how you present yourself verbally? Why or why not? What does your voice say about who you are and where you’re from? Have you ever been mocked or criticized for your speech patterns or voice? Please refer to Terry Gross’s Fresh Air interview for examples of verbal creak and uptalk as you respond to this question and reflect on the voice track as the spine of any digital storytelling project.

5) What are three interview techniques that you found helpful in the readings about interviews? Why? How will these suggestions influence the interview required for your project? (Cite sources.)

6) Prepare the artist’s statement by describing and reflecting on the importance of narratives and the digital storytelling theories that influenced you in this unit. (See question #3 from your artist’s statement.) Specifically, answer in a paragraph:

What three course sources helped you with your a) understanding and design of digital storytelling and podcast, and b) your own writing, podcasting and thinking? Cite sources.




Interview a pharmacist in a hospital


This assignment has three parts. First, you will interview a pharmacist in a hospital. Address the specific topics by using the list of questions below. You must include the answers to the questions in Part I: The Interview Transcript (below). 

Part I: The Interview Transcript

Interview the pharmacist using the questions.

Please provide a transcript of the interview in this part.

What type of technology (technologies) does your pharmacy utilize? Response: DB Pyxis, barcodes in medications packages.

How does the technology you use enhance internal and external communications between pharmacists, technicians, physicians, advanced medical care providers, and nurses?

Describe the process from the time the pharmacy receives an order to the time the medication is dispensed?Response: 1-Order Entry, 2- Order Verification, 3- Medication Preparation, 4- Medication Labeling, 5- Dispensing.

What are some of the processes or policies that are implemented to ensure patient safety?

  1. What challenges, related to the use of technology and electronic information, have you experienced? What solutions have you implemented, or changes have you made in your practice to address these challenges?

How has informatics helped and/or hindered patient education and awareness?

  2. Part II: Integrate the Findings from the Literature

1-Perform research on the type of technology (the type of platform used, equipment used to document, or applications used, etc.). Select two academic articles to support your research

Part III: Summarize What You Have Learned (3-4 paragraphs):

1-Elaborate as to what you learned about the specific type of technology utilized by the pharmacist; explain its uses and functions, pros and cons, etc.

  1. 2-Summarize what you’ve learned by explaining both the positive aspects and negative aspects of the technology used by the pharmacist you interviewed.
  2. 3- Select two academic articles to support your discussion.