legal analysis of business Firac


FIRAC Model for Legal Analysis


Summarize the relevant FACTS. Do not simply restate the scenario (even in your own words); instead, determine what facts are essential to solving the legal business problem the scenario poses and only include those. Any facts that you refer to in the application section of your paper should be stated first in the fact section.


Identify and state the legal ISSUE (or question that has to be decided), incorporating the relevant facts. It can be phrased as a question or as a statement, e.g., “The issue before the court is whether a defendant driver who ran a red light and struck the plaintiff, a pedestrian, while she was crossing the street in a cross-walk, is negligent and liable for her injuries.”


After you state the question that a court would need to decide if this case were litigated, you need to state the appropriate legal RULE (or rules) accurately and thoroughly, including all the elements or components of the rule, as well as any pertinent exceptions or defenses that will factor into your analysis.


Use the rule as a legal checklist of each point you need to discuss as you APPLY the rule to the facts of the problem, demonstrating what specific information given in the problem proves each part of the appropriate rule. After you write this section, go back and compare it to your facts — any facts that you used in applying the legal rules also need to be in your fact statement. [Many students have told me that they rewrite their fact statement after writing the application!]


State your CONCLUSION in one or two sentences, but not as a lengthy paragraph that simply restates your whole paper as a way to increase your word count. Your conclusion should be the answer to the legal issue that you believe best resolves by the problem raised by the scenario.

Physiological Psychology and Political Psychology


P/siological Psychology

Purpose: The purpose of this activity is to help you learn about neuronal communication and prepare for the upcoming exam.One of the best ways to know whether you understand a topic is to teach it to someone else, so use this assignment to teach your classmates about a topic. The more you think about how to clearly explain it to another person, the better you will learn it. Teach the topic as if your classmates know nothing about it. Once you have submitted your assignment, you will be able to review your classmates’ posts and learn from them, and it will help you identify which parts you need to study more.

Option 3:

Describe the steps involved in an action potential. To answer this question fully, you will need to 

  • Define threshold
  • Define action potential
  • State where in the neuron the action potential begins
  • State which ion channels open, describe what causes these ion channels to open, state which direction the ions will move, and explain how the concentration and electrical gradients work to make the ions move in that direction
  • Political Psychology
  • The Big 5 is one of the most popular personality assessments because it easily summarizes a wide range of individual characteristics. Do you think personality traits can be distilled into five basic categories? Reflect on your own results from the Big 5 test and how accurately they capture your general disposition. Is there another basic trait that you would include in this personality assessment?  The reading for this week, titled ‘The Big Five Personality Traits in the Political Arena’, highlights how these five personality traits map onto political attitudes and behaviors. What do you make of this body of research, both in terms of measurement validity and its practical use within contemporary politics? Are personality approaches to explaining political attitudes and behaviors compatible or in conflict with evolutionary approaches to explaining pollical attitudes and behaviors? Explain.  

Case Studies Question


It is important for you as an IT professional to reflect on personal strengths and influential leadership skills. Being aware of these strengths and skills will help you manage conflicts, maximize your leadership potential, and apply appropriate leadership tactics to respond effectively in various workplace situations.

In this task, you will complete the CliftonStrengths self-assessment. Based on your results, you will engage in self-reflection and develop one SMART (i.e., specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely) goal as a framework to develop an influential leadership growth plan.


Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The similarity report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

After completing the CliftonStrengths self-assessment, reflect on the connection between your strengths and the development of influential leadership skills by doing the following:

A.  Describe what you learned about yourself based on the results of your self-assessment, including the following:

 how your strengths contribute to your thoughts, decisions, and behaviors

 how you can use these insights to add value in your current or future professional role

1.  Provide evidence of completion of the self-assessment.

Note: You may provide evidence of completion by attaching a PDF file of your test results or a screenshot demonstrating the self-assessment was completed.

B.  Create one SMART (i.e., specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely) goal for developing influential leadership skills, based on your reflection of your self-assessment results, by doing the following:

A Letter to the Editor


Letter to the Editor

As this is a relatively simple assignment, we will be working on the letter to the editor for one unit only.  The paper will be due at the end of Unit 4.


How many times have we heard someone complaining about something happening in our communities–but offering no solutions for the problem?  This assignment is designed to develop your problem-solving skills and engage you in a substantive conversation concerning a current local issue.  This assignment will also encourage you to begin seriously considering your audience as a writer.  When you are writing a letter such as this, you’ll want to consider who will be reading it, particularly in terms of what words, examples, facts, or appeals might best convince this particular group.

The Assignment:

Write a two to three page double-spaced (minimum of 500-750 words) letter to the editor, proposing a solution to a current local problem.  List the newspaper to which you would be sending this to at the top of your paper.  Begin the letter with:  “Dear Editor,”  Throughout the paper, be as specific as you possibly can in terms of:

1.) Defining/describing the problem and who it affects

2.) Describing your solution

3.) Defending your solution as the best means of dealing with this problem

As you’re writing this letter, also do keep in mind your audience.  As a reminder, your audience is not the actual editor of the newspaper. Instead, it is the local community that constitutes the readership of that newspaper.


IMPORTANT NOTE: Papers on the following topics will not be accepted:

* abortion
* capital punishment
* euthanasia

I’ve already read more papers on these topics than anyone should in an entire lifetime, so I won’t read anymore. I encourage you to be more creative in selecting your topic.  For the Letter to the Editor, you should also be choosing a topic that is far more specific and local than any of these broad controversial issues.

Need help writing my supplemental questions for an applications


The Central Coast PA (CCPA) program was started through a partnership with the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) to train and deploy PAs to serve in community health centers (CHCs). After reviewing the NACHC ( Community Health Centers Research materials, describe how your prior experience serving the underserved has motivated and prepared you for a career as a Physician Assistant (PA).

  1. The CCPA mission organizes all we do, from the classroom to the clinic. Each student is invited and expected to actively contribute to the fulfillment of the program’s mission during their education and after graduation. Provide personal examples to show how you have specifically prepared to fulfill the CCPA mission in the classroom and as a graduate.
  2. Culture is an essential component of life in community and has a strong impact on health and illness. Tervalon and Murray-Garcia describe cultural humility for clinicians as “a lifelong commitment to self-evaluation and self-critique”, navigating differences in power in the patient-clinician relationship, and developing clinical and advocacy partnerships with communities a clinician serves without paternalism.1 Provide personal examples to show how you are specifically prepared to learn to practice medicine as a PA with cultural humility.

1 King TE, Wheeler MB, eds. Medical Management of Vulnerable and Underserved Patients: Principles, Practice, and Populations. 2nd ed. McGraw Hill; 2016.

4. Our program lives our mission, and asks students to do the same. During the 35 weeks of clinical training, CCPA students are assigned by the program to community health centers (CHCs) across the nation providing care for medically underserved communities which might be different from their own communities. What personal resources have you identified through prior experience which enable you to be adaptable in relocating and learning to live and care for communities new to you? Which personal biases have you identified and addressed through prior experience regarding interacting with persons and communities different from your own?

hsa756 help


Purpose: This assignment aims to understand the impact of supply chain management on healthcare organizations’ business processes. It will help students apply the supply chain management concepts that healthcare operations managers use in various healthcare organizations.

Instructions: You were recently hired as supply chain manager for McKesson Corporation, one of the largest healthcare distributors in the world. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, their supply chain was greatly affected by the inability to provide Flu vaccine supply, purchasing, and distribution for pharmacies (i.e., CVS, Walgreens) accessed by Palm Beach State College students and employees. This caused a decrease in the company’s economies of scale and efficiency. As the supply chain manager, identify and recommend new supply chain management trends in the healthcare industry that would help improve McKesson’s operation processes for the flu vaccine supply chain for Palm Beach County pharmacies and PBSC stakeholders (i.e. students and employees).

Information to Know Before Getting Started

?McKesson-Vaccine Supply, Purchasing, and DistributionLinks to an external site.


Distributors-brokers, intermediaries, or other middlemen that aggregate supply, store inventory, and serve to connect the manufacturer with retailers and consumers.

Economies of scale-cost advantages that arise with increased volume. (more output at a lower price).

Efficiency-one of the primary goals of operations management. Measures the degree of resources and costs consumed per unit of output.

Supply Chain Management (SCM)-the integration of supply and demand management within and across companies.


GrammarlyLinks to an external site.

APA 7th edition Style Resource CenterLinks to an external site.

?To complete this research assignment, conduct the following:

Discuss the primary focus of supply chain management, identify new trends in health care supply chain management, and make recommendations that will benefit McKesson’s business processes and increase supply and distribution. Submit in a Word Document in Canvas, using APA 7th edition format, an introduction, conclusion paragraph, with a minimum of six academic sources used.

Multiple choice questions.


EDEL 4150 Sec 02 Midterm Spring 2024

This midterm is made up of 40 multiple-choice questions and three essay questions. The maximum point for this midterm is 64. However, your score will be converted to something over 15.  This is because google form does not allow for decimal points.  

For the objective section, select one best answer from the four choices. For the “constructed response” essay section, type your responses in the “Long answer text” of the test form.  Use the language and format you have used while responding to the weekly RICA-Like CYK Tasks.  The first two essay questions are 2-paragraph responses and the third essay question is a 3-paragraph response.  When you have completed and revised all of the responses, click the “Submit” button at the end of the test, on or close to, but before 3:30 p.m. March 19, the due date and time.  Google test form will save all your objective and essay question responses and send them to me per each respondent. You do not need to do anything else.  Please do not make link the midterm to the Canvas Course.

This midterm will be about the length of one-half of the whole RICA exam.  To know your pace of taking this type of exam, see how much of it you can do in 2 hours, without notes or the book. This will inform you if you need to work faster or slower when you take the actual RICA later.

This is a take-home and open-book, open-notes midterm, and you have six days to complete it. It is due 3:30 p.m. March 19. Therefore, after taking the midterm in a RICA-like condition, click on the “Save” button to save your work and you can go back to it, using your notes, the power points, and the book to complete it. You have only one submission of the midterm.  

Eng111 AMS Topic Proposal


Outlining Your AMS Essay’s Path

While learning how to summarize, respond, critically analyze and identify the problems in individual sources, you have examined throughout the course so far, you have noticed that one of the qualities of good academic prose is engaging different voices and allowing these voices in turn to engage you in a dialog. You need to spend time “listening” to what other published authors have said, before you enter their conversation.

This assignment asks you to share your way of joining the conversation on adult learning. You will write a short proposal and persuade an academic audience that you have arrived at a point, where you can bring your own ideas into the conversation the other authors have already established. Your goal is to identify and problematize an issue with adult learning and discuss briefly:

. What is the problem with college learning?

Why is this issue significant or problematic for an academic audience?

Why does it occur?

  • How does it affect learning?
  • Who shares a stake? ( Besides college and professors, is there anyone else who is expected to join the conversation)
  • What are the consequences if we do not engage in a dialog about ways of dealing with the problem?
  • What different perspectives or ways of looking at this issue are represented in the readings you have done?

Since you are entering into an academic conversation, the depth and complexity of this issue must be notable. Your purpose for this assignment is to zoom in on an idea that you noticed was illuminated in the context of multiple readings you have done throughout the first half of the semester. Communicate that idea via a proposal of about one page in length to a group of English Faculty.  Give your reader an idea of your essay’s path.

  • What is not acceptable: A simple pro/con issue would not be a worthwhile topic for an academic conversation. 



Assignment Content

  1. Competency
    Develop strategies for training and mentoring future leaders in early childhood education. Student Success Criteria
    View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane. Scenario
    You are the current director at All Kids Childcare and Education and want to design a succession planning program for educators in your program who may want to apply for promotions or leadership roles in the future. You anticipate retiring in the near future and know you will have interested applicants, but will they be ready? You create a leadership training and mentoring plan that will cover leadership skills needed to be an early childhood education program leader. You identify the leadership skills needed, what those skills entail, and how those leadership skills might be practiced.  Instructions
    Step One: Review what it means to be a leader, the challenges a leader might face, and what leadership development entails. Determine at least ten specific leadership skills you feel are the most important for a program director to encompass.
    Step Two: Create a three-column chart for the director. The first column should state each leadership skill determined. The second column will describe the skill, and provide an example of that skill being used in early childhood education. The third column will include suggested ways the skill can be learned or practiced for professional development.
    Part Three: Create a one-page position overview letter explaining to the candidates what makes a high quality director of the childcare program. Use early childhood terminology and concepts to explain your vision. Use examples of your leadership work with children, families, or in the community. You will distribute this along with the chart to educators who may be interested in applying for future leadership roles in your program.Submit both the position overview letter and the chart. Resources




An understanding of the respiratory system is a critically important component of disease diagnosis and treatment. This importance is magnified by the fact that oftentimes, the respiratory system works closely with the cardiovascular system. A variety of factors and circumstances that impact the emergence and severity of issues in one system can have a role in the performance of the other.

Effective disease analysis often requires an understanding that goes beyond these systems and their capacity to work together. The impact of patient characteristics, as well as racial and ethnic variables, can also have an important impact.

An understanding of the symptoms of alterations in the respiratory system is a critical step in diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. For APRNs, this understanding can also help educate patients and guide them through their treatment plans.

In this Assignment, you examine a case study and analyze the symptoms presented. You identify the elements that may be factors in the diagnosis, and you explain the implications to patient health.

The Assignment

In your Case Study Analysis related to the scenario provided, explain the following

  • The pulmonary pathophysiologic processes that result in the patient presenting these symptoms.
  • Any racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning.
  • How these processes interact to affect the patient.

A 38-year-old female presents to the emergency room with complaints of dyspnea and left leg pain. Patient reports that her left leg started feeling heavy a few days ago and has also been red since she returned from a recent trip. She denies any injury to her leg. She reports that she started having some dyspnea in the last 24 hours. Patient history is remarkable for systemic lupus erythematosus and a history of recent airplane travel. She is also taking oral birth control. Her bp is 130/84, heart rate 100, R 24, and temp is 100.4F. Physical exam reveals unilateral +2 pitting leg edema to left leg with erythema.