Create your story


Module 05 Content

OverviewLet’s get to the heart of the matter – what is YOUR story? What is your background, knowledge, and experience? What brings you joy and passion? What are the next steps in your career? Understanding yourself better will help you advocate and lobby for issues close to your heart and your career. Your personal story will help influence stakeholders and legislators. Directions
You will write a personal story following the steps below.

Head, Hands, and Heart Model: Using the included graphic (or another graphic of your choice), explore the following questions. Write down or draw your answers on the model. You will use the information on your model for your written work. Be as creative and you want. You will submit a photo of your model with your final work.

Head: What do you know about? What is your data background experience? What knowledge, data, and information do you know about? What knowledge do you draw upon?

Hands: What action will you do or take? How will you use your hands to make change? What skills and tactics will you use?

  1. Heart: What motivates you? What are your passions? What brings you joy? What inspires and empowers you?

Feet: Whose shoes do you need to walk in to learn more about others? What grounds your practice – in terms of values, standards, ethics, etc.?

Module 05 Model.pdf 

YOUR Story:

Share your story! Use your Head, Hands, and Heart Model to write your two-page story. Incorporate content from this module and outside research (as necessary) as you share your story with the lens of advocacy. Write as you would speak. Unlike your course essays, this writing is all about YOU. Let your personality shine through!

Make sure to include the following items in your story:

Your background, experience, and knowledge

Your passion areas

Who/what you need to learn more about in order to understand other people

Next steps in your career

  • If you include citations, please include a reference page in APA format.

All work should be formatted professionally and use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Reading then disscusion and response


Read Branding in the Age of Social Media.

1. Describe 5 key learnings from your readings in this Discussion area.

2. Respond at least once to two cohorts about what you:
-Agree on and why

-Area you wish to amplify on and provide opinion and insights

– Areas you disagree on and why

classmates 1. Traditional branding strategies that focused on differentiating products by attributes have become less effective in the social media era. Instead, successful brands now leverage cultural branding, which involves aligning with or shaping cultural movements to build deep connections with consumers. This approach requires understanding and engaging with the cultural currents that resonate with the brand’s audience.

2. Social media has given rise to “crowdculture,” a phenomenon where groups of people unite around shared interests, ideologies, or hobbies, creating fertile grounds for cultural innovation. Brands that want to thrive in this environment need to tap into crowdcultures by contributing to or facilitating these cultural conversations, rather than just broadcasting commercial messages.

3. While content creation is crucial, the context—being culturally relevant and engaging—is equally important. Brands must create content that not only entertains but also resonates with the cultural narratives and values of their target audiences. It’s not enough to produce high-quality content; it must strike a chord with the issues and topics that matter to the community.

4. Brands need to participate in social media in an authentic way that aligns with their identity and values. This might involve collaborating with influencers who are genuine advocates of the brand or directly engaging with users in meaningful conversations. Authentic participation helps build trust and loyalty, which are critical in a landscape where users are increasingly skeptical of overt marketing tactics.

5. The pace at which cultural trends and conversations evolve on social media requires brands to be agile in their storytelling approaches. Brands must be ready to adapt their narratives, engage with emerging trends, and respond to the cultural zeitgeist in real-time to remain relevant and resonant with their audiences.

Sb nutr155



Your Tasks


Please discuss the following in your original post:

  1. Provide a brief explanation on how supplements are currently regulated in the United States. (5 points)
  2. Discuss whether or not you believe the supplement industry requires more or less regulation. (10 points)
  3. The post must be at least 250 words. (2 points)
  4. Include at least 1 outside reference, cited in APA format. This reference needs to be cited both in-text and at the end of the post in a reference list. (3 points)



This week, I want you to think about what nutrition is, and to then assess your current nutritional habits. This will provide insight and guidance as we move forward in the class in tracking our nutrition.

Your Task

Please answer the following questions in complete sentences:

  1. Create a list of foods that you generally eat (this doesn’t need to be in sentence form). What are the reasons for gravitating toward some of these foods (stress, family tradition, cheap cost, etc)?
  2. In regard to the list you just created, do you think that these foods align with principles of a healthy diet? Do you believe that these foods will either help or hinder your current and/or future health…why?
  3. Do you believe that you are getting too much, too little, or the right amount of the following? Explain:
    1. Calories
    2. Fat
    3. Carbohydrates
    4. Protein
    5. Water
    6. Vitamins and Minerals (you can be general or specific for this one)
  4. How often do you eat out vs. eat meals at home during the week? What would you say the primary reason for eating out is? (Examples: lack of time, it’s cheaper for me to eat out, socialization with family/friends, I don’t know how to cook, etc.)
  5. How often do you (or a family member) cook your own food versus eating frozen or packaged foods?
  6. What are your thoughts on dieting? Have you ever tried dieting and if so what was your experience like?
  7. What is one insight that you are hoping to get about your personal health and nutrition from these assignments?

A3: Operational Manual


A4: Digital Presentation of Operation Manual 

Submitting a media recording

  • For this assignment, you will take the content from your operation manual and present it in a digital Mp4 format — a movie or video presntation. 

You will use slides, moving videos, graphic elements, pictures, and illustrations in your video. Use the design principles you learned in this unit as you make your presentation. Use white space to your advantage. 

Remember, all digital elements (pictures, graphics, etc.) and written elements must be original to you. If you are using an image of Houston, you must take it yourself. No stock pictures. Use of unoriginal materials is considered plagiarism and will result in a zero. 

For this project, I recommend you use WeVideo, but you may use whatever software you desire as long as your final submission is an Mp4.  Your video should be at least four minutes and no more than five and contain a variety of visual elements (see above), as well as a voice-over explaining what your audience is seeing. DO NOT READ TO YOUR AUDIENCE.

The manual you wrote may help you to organize your thoughts, and you may even use whole sentence from it, DO NOT READ YOUR PAPER TO YOUR AUDIENCE. You will have to revise and edit your writing so that your voice over is appropriate to the images that your reader is seeing while listening. A written version and an oral version are not the same. DO NOT READ YOUR PAPER TO YOUR AUDIENCE. Students who read their papers to the audience will receive a 50/100. 

If you would like a WeVideo account, please send me a Canvas Message and I will send you the link to get one through HCC. 

You may not use TikTok to make this project. Use of TikTok and TikTok files on state networks is a violation of state law. 


  • Use the link below to record your submission. Click “Save” when you’re finished and ready to submit. Record / Upload Media

Hb ( NUTR 155)



Your Tasks

Task 1- Original Post

Please discuss the following in your original post:

Provide a brief explanation on how supplements are currently regulated in the United States. (5 points)

Discuss whether or not you believe the supplement industry requires more or less regulation. (10 points)

The post must be at least 250 words. (2 points)

Include at least 1 outside reference, cited in APA format. This reference needs to be cited both in-text and at the end of the post in a reference list. (3 points)

  1. PART 2– 


  1. This week, I want you to think about what nutrition is, and to then assess your current nutritional habits. This will provide insight and guidance as we move forward in the class in tracking our nutrition. 

Your Task

  1. Please answer the following questions in complete sentences: 

Create a list of foods that you generally eat (this doesn’t need to be in sentence form). What are the reasons for gravitating toward some of these foods (stress, family tradition, cheap cost, etc)? 

  1. In regard to the list you just created, do you think that these foods align with principles of a healthy diet? Do you believe that these foods will either help or hinder your current and/or future health…why? 

Do you believe that you are getting too much, too little, or the right amount of the following? Explain:






Vitamins and Minerals (you can be general or specific for this one)

How often do you eat out vs. eat meals at home during the week? What would you say the primary reason for eating out is? (Examples: lack of time, it’s cheaper for me to eat out, socialization with family/friends, I don’t know how to cook, etc.)

How often do you (or a family member) cook your own food versus eating frozen or packaged foods?

What are your thoughts on dieting? Have you ever tried dieting and if so what was your experience like?

  1. What is one insight that you are hoping to get about your personal health and nutrition from these assignments? 

Discussion Post


Ass 8 (300 words)

Apart from new opportunities opened in the digital era, what are the challenges of digital marketing. Please provide an example.

Ass 9 (300 words)

Considering the varying perspectives on marketing, how do you think the evolution of technology will further shape the definition and practices of marketing in the future?

Ass 10 

What are some strategies that companies can adopt to ensure that their marketing practices are ethical and beneficial for both the business and its consumers?

Ass 11 

How can businesses differentiate their offerings without falling into the trap of misleading marketing?

Journal Entry 

Write a short Journal Entry to explain:

The key things you learned      during the last two weeks.

How can they relate to the      workplace?

How they can aid your      personal and professional development?

Remember to be specific and      give examples.

Main Topics in Unit 1

In this unit we shall:

Look at and compare      different definitions of marketing.

Consider key concepts      including ‘value’, ‘satisfaction’, ‘the marketing concept’ and ‘market      orientation’.

Introduce the ‘marketing      mix’.

Contextualise marketing      activities within the wider business environment.

On completion of this unit you will be able to:

Evaluate different      perspectives on the meaning of the word ‘marketing’.

Describe different types of      business orientation.

Use the terms ‘marketing      concept’ and ‘market orientation’ appropriately.

Give a number of ways in      which having a ‘market orientation’ will affect what an organisation does.

Give an overview of the key      activities that marketers undertake.

  • Describe the different      ‘environments’ that affect marketing decision-making.

Main Topics in Unit 2 

  • In this unit we shall:

Consider the STP process as      a whole.

  • Look at how both      business-to-consumer and business-to-business markets can be segmented.

Discuss the factors that      influence targeting, and the different possible targeting approaches.

  • Consider what positioning is      and how it can be undertaken.

Discuss the associated      concept of repositioning.

On completion of this unit you will be able to:

Suggest an STP process      appropriate to a market of your choice.

Propose appropriate      segmentation criteria for a variety of B2B and B2C markets.

Put forward a variety of      ways in which a product could be positioned or repositioned.

Create a simple perceptual      map.

Theroretiocal of nursing


Case Study, Chapter 11, Overview of Selected Middle-Range Nursing Theories 

Elaine Chang is an infection control nurse  at a community hospital. She has been in her position for over 6 years,  since finishing her master’s degree in community health nursing. 

She has noted that the annual influenza  immunization rate for employees has been decreasing each year after  reaching a high in 2009 of 78%. The rate in 2016 to 2017 dipped under  55% for all employees. In addition, this past year, there was a large  outbreak of influenza with multiple staff and patients affected. 

Ms. Chang has decided she needs to review  the situation using Pender’s Health Promotion Model and develop a plan  to educate staff and increase immunization rates.  

If Ms. Chang wanted to assess the reasons for the decline in immunization rates, what types of things should she ask about?  

Ms. Chang developed a survey that was  distributed by each unit manager. After analyzing her results, she  identified three major reasons that many of the staff declined the flu  vaccine:     

  1. A large number (over 40%) believed that the  vaccine might give them the flu. They believed this because either they  or a family member had become sick with some sort of illness around the  time they took a flu shot.  
  2. About 25% of those surveyed would have taken  the flu vaccine, but it was only available at the hospital Monday to  Friday between 10 AM and 2 PM.  

About 10% of those surveyed believed that all  vaccines are bad for one’s health because they introduce something  unnatural into the body.  

  1. The remainder had a variety of reasons for declining the vaccine, from religious beliefs to inconvenience.  
  2. From Pender’s model, what motivational factors might each of these be?
  3. Using Pender’s model, what actions might Ms. Chang take to improve the immunization rates?
  4. Citations from References that are 
  5. synthesized from the assigned article, course text, evidence-based and 
  6. peer-reviewed research articles, and other credible sources are 

Special Education Research and Demographics


For this assignment, you complete a demographic review of the diverse learners within your district including the percentage of students with IEPs by race, the percentage of students with various special education eligibility categories and the percentage of students with IEPS in the least restrictive environment by examining your School Report Card and IStar data (ask your Special Education District Administration) for more detailed data from ISTAR). Now that you have collected all of this data, analyze it, and answer the following questions with appropriate APA in-cite citations and reference list as appropriate. 

1. From a district perspective, what demographic trends did you notice? Be specific. What generalizations can be made in regard to the data? (Table 1)

2. Discuss specifically the data trends you observe for each IEP student demographic (table 1),  by each specific special education eligibility category (table 2), and general education environment percentage (table 3). After analyzing the data, what generalizations can be made in regard to your IEP student population and disability category subgroups? What strengths might you infer based on this data? What weaknesses might you infer based on this data? Be sure to include strengths and weaknesses for each of the three tables.

3. As a future Superintendent, what would be some areas you would want to address to improve services for students with disabilities?  What possible recommendations would you make to the Board of Education?  How do these recommendations align with the Strategic Plan of the District? 

4. Prepare a Board Presentation using Google Presentation to include a summary of District’s strengths and weaknesses, plan to address weaknesses, recommendations to improve, and potential impact on the budget.                                                                     I uploaded what I have written so far. Please help me complete this assignment. I also uploaded a model paper that was given to the class by the professor.                                                                                  Resources:………,_Miss…,Hawaiian%20or%20other%20Pacific%20Islander.         …… 

Submitting WP1 and the Reflection


The reflection

please reflect on your essay by revisiting the list below, which comes from the WP1 assignment(Which is atttached).  Evaluate how effectively you did each of the following, while using examples from your essay to demonstrate and explain the points you make:

summarize a current discussion, such as debate, concern, or question within your major that is of interest to a lay audience who wants to understand more about the debate, concern, or question.

we should have a good understanding of the discussion, which includes the different views held by those engaged in the discussion, what those views might have in common and where they diverge, and why the discussion should be of interest to your readers: a lay audience. By a lay audience, think of other college students who are not in the BSPA online degree program or other business degree programs.

Use three sources, with at least one being popular and one being scholarly. (You may decide whether your third source is scholarly or popular.)

  • Cite all sources you use in your WP1 (As you know, you must cite all ideas that are not your own and use in-text citations when paraphrasing, summarizing, and quoting.  We need to use signal phrases with quotations.). Be sure to include in-text citations and a reference page at the end of your essay with all the sources you used.
  • Please explain what you learned about your own writing when you reviewed your classmate’s essay or your own essay.
  • Please explain what you learned about the effectiveness of your WP1 during our conference.
  • In a final paragraph, please select one of the following QUESTIONs that best describes these components of your essay when considered collectively: your introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion, overall essay organization, your explanation of the debate you selected, your explanation of jargon if you used it, your transitions between paragraphs, and your in-text citations, while being sure to explain and support your choice*:
  • Exemplary
  • Proficient


Novice (beginner)

policy response 2-2 to hugo pina


In Diana J. Mason and Deborah B.’s “Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health Care,” the nurse emerges as a pivotal player in the policy development model, wielding influence in shaping healthcare landscapes. Nurses, as emphasized in the text, act as advocates, educators, and catalysts for change within the complex web of healthcare policy.

The nurse’s advocacy role is paramount, representing the interests of patients and communities. By leveraging their frontline experiences, nurses can articulate the real-world implications of policy decisions and advocate for measures that prioritize patient well-being. As educators, nurses bridge the gap between policy intricacies and practical application, ensuring healthcare professionals comprehend the implications of policy changes on patient care.

Furthermore, nurses serve as catalysts for change by actively participating in policy discussions and decision-making forums. Their firsthand insights into healthcare challenges equip them to propose and advocate for innovative solutions. Overall, Mason and B.’s work underscores the nurse’s multifaceted role, positioning them not just as caregivers but as integral contributors to the development and implementation of policies that shape the trajectory of nursing and healthcare at large.

The policy meeting video I chose discusses Artificial Intelligences’s (AI) developing role in the healthcare field to include its ability to diagnose,  exam key lab values, and predict patient outcomes. Some of the key points I believe need to be discussed are how we plan to integrate our providers role in verifying diagnoses made by AI systems such as AI systems being used to analyze radiology reports. I believe a larger conversation must be had regarding the ethical implications of having these systems take the role of human beings who need employment. There appears to be a needed balance between using these systems for better patient outcomes without sacrificing the needed human to human interaction and connection that happens at bedside when the provider and healthcare team feel an investment in the well being of the patient.