Pablo Neruda’s


Write an Explication and Analysis of the poem The Word by Chilean author Pablo Neruda. Following the poem you’ll find a link to how to write a poetry explication, and a paragraph sample written by a student.


It was born
in blood, the word
grew in the dark body, beating
and flew through the lips and the mouth.

Further, and nearer
still, still it came
from dead fathers, nomadic races,
from lands made of stone,
that were tired of their wretched tribes,
because when pain set out on the way
the villages walked and arrived
and new earth and water joined again
to sow their words anew.
And so this is the legacy:
this is the air which connects us
to the dead man and the dawn
of new beings not yet woken.

The atmosphere still trembles
with the first word
in panic and moans.
It rose
from the shadows
and even now no thunder
yet thunders with the clang
of that word
the first
word spoken:
perhaps it was only a sigh, a drop,
and yet its cascade falls and falls.
Then sense fills the word.
The word was made pregnant and filled with lives.
It was all births and cries:
affirmation, clarity, force,
negation, destruction, death:
the verb assumed all those powers
and merged existence and essence
in the electricity of her beauty.

Word, human, syllabic, pelvis
of wide light and solid silver,
hereditary cup that receives
the communication of blood:
here is where silence was fused
in the total human word
and not to speak is to be dying among beings:
language springs from the roots of the hair,
the mouth talks without the lips moving:
the eyes of a sudden are words.

I take the word and traverse it
as if it were solely human form,
its lineaments delight me and I fly
through each resonance of language:
I pronounce and I am and I reach without speech
the silence at the end of words.
I drink to the word, lifting
a word or a glass of crystal,
in it I drink
the wine of language
or the interminable waters
maternal fount of words,
and glass and water and wine
originate my song
because the verb is the origin
and the living channel: it is blood
the blood that speaks its substance
and so is ready to flow:
giving crystal to crystal, blood to blood
and giving life to life, the words.

Here are two links to help you understand what an Explication and Analysis is.…

DBU Cathryn Princes Editorial US Colleges Double Standards Essay


1) In the first paragraph, briefly sum up the most pertinent facts of the article (excluding quotes). Explain the situation unfolding on elite university campuses across the nation as if I’m a fairly uninformed reader, w/ no stake in either side. I’ve heard something about the Hamas invasion on Israel in early Oct, and I know this has erupted in on-campus protests and demonstrations nationwide, but no real clue as to why, or why this should matter to me as an American Christian. As you summarize, help me understand the exigence, or relevance, of the overall issue.

2) In this paragraph I want you to incorporate a few key quotes or details from the essay that will pinpoint what is the main issue (or unresolvable conflict) at stake here, and the main claim (statement or series of statements pinpointing what should be done to fix this conflict). Be sure to address the perceived “double standard” between federally mandated protections for minority and LGBTQ students, except where this applies to Jews. 

3) Why in light of the Holocaust that occurred within the past century, is this most current rise in antisemitism, in favor of pro-Palestinian rights, such a big deal? What kinds of protections SHOULD Jewish university students be entitled to by law? Incorporate key quotes from cited experts in the essay. According to what legal scholar and commentator David Lat, briefly explain the two overriding issues at stake in this ongoing wave of protests. If the Bill of Rights protects freedom of speech and the right to peaceably protest, why is this particular antisemitism/pro-Palestinian movement setting such a dangerous precedent?

4) Do you believe all these university presidents (like former Harvard prez Claudine Gay, forced out in part because of her patent refusal to protect Jewish campus pop, as well as her academic plagiarism) simply hate Jews, or are they finding themselves in the middle of a greater phenomenon that’s getting out of their control? In a cancel culture fanatically obsessed w/ political correctness, why do you think university administrators are having such a difficult time applying equal codes of safety and protection to their Jewish populations? 

College Writing 1: Rhetorical Analysis


These are the instructions for the paper. I would like this rhetorical Analysis about the tootsie roll pop commercial. The paper needs to be at least three pages. This should be a highschool level paper

You will be conducting a detailed and thorough rhetorical analysis of an advertisement or advertisement campaign, exploring its relationship of text to images and how the ad’s elements function to give it a certain shape and direction to the audience’s response to it. Additionally, you will be determining the ad’s overall effectiveness for its purpose and audience as well as analyzing the myths and values it perpetuates. You will analyze the ad in terms of purpose, audience, context, message/myth, appeals, style, and design.

1. Choose an advertisement and conduct a rhetorical analysis of the advertisement that looks at its relationship of text to image. You will present your audience with a main/central idea that presents your interpretation of the ad/ad campaign and what it is selling to the audience (both the myth and the product) as well as how it is selling it. Presenting your analysis will help your audience resist “falling” for the ad; it may prompt your readers to critically engage with a particular ad; or your interpretation may serve to entertain your readers.

You will want to consider what tone, language, details, explanations, and design will best sell your ideas to your readers. What will be the best medium for your analysis? An article, a website, or something else?

You will want to consider: Answer all of these within the paper

What is the ad trying to sell? Is it the product or something else?

Who is the ad targeting (intended audience)? How does the ad attempt to relate to the audience?

What feelings is the ad trying to create?

What is the ad saying, implying or promising?

What appeals (pathos, logos, ethos) does the ad use and how?

How is text used? Does it support or detract from the overall message

How do the design elements (color, line, repetition) of the visual affect their argument?

What subliminal messages/double meanings are invoked?

Is anything in the ad idealized?

Overall, is it effective and why?

Milestone 1


This milestone is designed to help you build the foundation of your final project. You will choose a well-known individual from history or current popular literature with a known physiological disease or illness. You must submit your subject and topic of interest to your instructor for approval. You will introduce the individual’s background (including time and location), identify the pathophysiology for the selected disease or illness, and explain the clinical manifestations of multiple body systems for the case.

Stephen Hawking will be the selected case. The disease he had was ALS. 


Identify your selected case, describing how the normal physiology is changed by the disease state. In addition, define pathophysiology, the clinical manifestations (that is, signs and symptoms), and how each of these can be explained by alteration in physiology.

Discuss the extent to which the clinical manifestations in the selected case affect multiple body systems. Include a historical analysis that describes the pathophysiology for the selected disease or illness. Propose historical explanations for variations in findings (when applicable) and include evidence-based resources to frame your discussion of adaptation and stressors for system analysis.

Specifically for Milestone One, the following critical elements must be addressed:

Introduce your selected case

Identify the individual you selected and the illness and provide a brief explanation of why you selected this case.

Describe how normal physiology is changed by the disease state for your selected case.

Define the pathophysiology and general clinical manifestations associated with your selected case and how they may be explained by altered physiology. Be sure to support your claims with scholarly evidence.

Assess the extent to which clinical manifestations of your selected case affect multiple body systems, using scholarly evidence to support your claims.

  1. History of selected case

Describe historical variations (that is, examples of individuals with the selected disease or illness) of your selected case, using evidence from literature.

Identify physiological stressors that may affect the course of the disease or illness and explain their impact.

  1. Identify adaptive physiological mechanisms that may affect the course of the disease for your selected case.

Assess the historical impact of patient care technologies on patient outcomes for your selected case. Be sure to justify your claims with scholarly evidence.




“Positive or Normative Perspective” is a Discussion assessment that encourages students to describe a chapter section from a positive (“what is”) or normative (“what should be”) perspective.

Estimated Time

An estimated 2 hours is needed to complete this activity.


There are two perspectives we can use to examine any object, such as a chapter section: positive and normative.

Positive Perspective

A positive perspective seeks to answer the question: “what is?” While a normative perspective seeks to answer the question: “what should be?”

The positive perspective is more closely associated with an “objective” or “matter-of-fact” view. For example, if we see a red tomato growing in a garden, a positive perspective would state: “There is a red tomato growing in the garden”.

Normative Perspective

A normative perspective is more closely associated with a “subjective” or “opinionated” view. For example, if we see a red tomato growing in a garden, a normative perspective would state: “There is a red tomato growing in the garden, but I think there should be a green zucchini growing instead.”


In 5 sentences, evaluate a chapter or chapter section from either a normative or positive perspective.

You can choose any chapter or chapter section from the textbook to evaluate.

Recall that a normative perspective is asking “What should be?” while a positive perspective is asking “What is?”

Step 1: Post

Please state the perspective you will use to evaluate a chapter/chapter section/topic: either normative perspective OR a positive perspective.

From your chosen perspective, explain in 5 or more sentences a chapter/chapter section/topic.

You can choose any chapter/chapter section/topic from the textbook/textbook equivalent to evaluate.

Step 2: Submit 1st Reply

Please reply, in 5 or more sentences, to a peer:

restating the perspective your peer is evaluating from.

validating your peers’ selection of perspective.

expanding on their perspective with your own thoughts.

Step 3: Submit 2nd Reply

Please reply, in 5 or more sentences, to a 2nd peer:

restating the perspective your peer is evaluating from.

validating your peers’ selection of perspective.

expanding on their perspective with your own thoughts.

Step 4: Double Check that you Replied


Visit Canvas Tutorial for Discussions OverviewLinks to an external site. for an explanation of how to complete a Discussion assignment in Canvas.

Logic Model Development Micro-View



To complete this assignment, you will adopt a micro-view utilizing the same public health problem you identified in your Week 3 Goals and Outcomes in Context discussion post. Use the Logic Model Template in the Resources for this assignment to further identify goals, objectives, and approaches.


The numbered assignment instructions outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the assignment rubric, so be sure to address each point. You may also want to review the performance level-Questions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.

The micro-view for one specific public health problem should be organized into the following section, using the Logic Model Template provided. Use the second page of the template to write a brief, 1–2 paragraph summary of your logic model.

Recommend ways to cultivate fiscal or other resources required to achieve a strategic goal in the community, based on the identified public health problem. (For example, health improvement for adults in the community who smoke cigarettes and have increased risk of lung cancer). For further background, use the Week 4 readings on traditional and innovative ways to develop resources.

Identify fiscal or other resources required to achieve a strategic goal.

  1. What are the inputs? What resources will support the success of the strategic goal?

What personnel are required to successfully execute and support the strategic goal?

  • What are the revenue source(s) and cost(s) associated with executing the strategic goal?
  • How will you solicit or encourage people or organizations to support your initiative?
  • Develop distinct goals for the public health problem, which will be addressed in the strategic plan in the community.
  • What are the aims relating to the identified public health problem?
  • Develop supporting objectives aligned to the distinct goals for the public health problem in the community.
  1. What are the supporting objectives (aligned to the goals)?

Recommend appropriate interventions or approaches to meet the distinct goals for the public health program in the community.

  • What actions (interventions, approaches, methods, programs, and projects) will take place?
  1. Identity the short-term and long-term outcomes for the population in the community impacted by the identified public health problem.

theory disscuson maria rodrigues


Human Needs Theory: “The human-needs nursing theories were among the earliest of the nursing theories. In general, these theories followed the philosophical school of thought of the time by considering the person to be a biopsychosocial being and focusing on meeting the individual’s needs.” (McEwen & Wills, 2023, p.160) The concept of the human needs theory was that patients should be cared for until they are able to care for themselves. The assumptions are that human, environment, health, and nursing are an important part of healing patients.A healthy environment, nutritious food, and accurate observations are a must for patients to heal. The implication is that if you are around an unhealthy environment, you will not heal.  This was tested as when Florence Nightingale provided a clean and healthy environment during the Crimean War. Casualties went down to 2 percent. This is a most basic theory that cleanliness will decrease infection, healthy food will nourish the body to help it heal, and that educating the patients will increase compliance.

Interactive Nursing Theory: This theory has a belief that humans are holistic beings who interact with, and adapt to, situations in which they find themselves. The concept is that people have biologic, psychosocial, and spiritual subsystems that needs to be addressed holistically. The assumption is that “The nurse focuses on all aspects of the total person, systematically noting the interrelations of the systems and the relationships of the systems to time and environment.” (McEwen & Wills, 2023, p.166) The implication of interactive nurse theory is that you must care for all aspect of patients not only the disease process. In interactive nursing theory we can see that the relationship between the nurse and patient is important. “A transpersonal caring relationship connotes a spirit-to-spirit unitary connection within a caring moment, honoring the embodied spirit of both practitioner and patient within a unitary field of consciousness.” (McEwen & Wills, 2023, p.186) This type of theory takes into account the spirit when it comes to end-of-life care since we are treating patient holistically.

history 111


Discussion Board Goal:

–to give examples about the experiences of Asian Americans

Discussion purpose:

–to express your thoughts and feelings about what you’re “witnessing”

–to participate in “collective witnessing” where we share our thoughts and feelings but also as a group recognize the power dynamics present and start to see the historical trajectory of the treatment of the “other”

–to participate in community building (which aids in retention, engagement/interest)

read the pieces on Asian Americans

Choose 3 things in the texts that resonate with you. You do not need to speak about each of the materials but choose 3 things from what you read/watched. By resonate I mean what surprises you, what stands out to you, what affects you in some way, what did you learn that you didn’t know before, and/or what did you already know that was enhanced by something you read here. Be very specific about the 3 things and share the quotations that resonates with you and tells us why each of them resonates. Please post this by Monday, March 11th at 1159pm.

  1. Group A (ETHN 107) respond to 2 different people’s posts. Respond to as whether you agree or disagree with something resonating with someone else (i.e. “this resonates with me too because” or “this doesn’t resonate with me because”) or you can talk about how a quotation that someone pointed out resonates with you in a different way. Group A’s responses are due Tuesday, March 12th at 1159pm.
  2. Submission
  3. –Initial posts to the discussion board are due by Monday, March 11th at 11:59pm on Canvas here.

–Group A posts 2 responses to posts are due Tuesday, March 12th, at 11:59pm.

Grading Expectations

Please see rubric for complete/incomplete grading instructions. A complete submission will:

-follow all directions

-choose specific quotations and cite them (i.e. Takaki, 2012, p.____) with p. ___ being page number so for example (Takaki, 2012, p. 14). If it doesn’t have a page number just put author and year.

-explain how each quotation resonates/why you are drawn to it

-for Group A include 2 posts to two different people responding to what resonates with the post



Discussion #4 – Professor Rogers’s Trial

Read: Critical Thinking “Professor Rogers’s Trial”

That group from Professor Rogers’s class sounds like the team from hell.  This is an example of a group that no one ever wants to be placed in when it comes to college group assignments.  I get it; I’ve been there.  There is a lesson and purpose here though – interdependence, or lack thereof. 

For this discussion, I want you to write about a time when you had to act interdependently.  This means, you had to work in concert with someone else.  This could be in a group project, like Professor Rogers’s class, or at your job or maybe even at home when it comes to family responsibilities.  Some of you may be married or not.  Regardless, we are all expected to work interdependently in some capacity, right?  Discuss it here with the class.

400-word initial response; respond to ONE peer, 300 words in order to get full credit

Writing Assignment #8 – Team Meaningfulness

Read: “Team Interdependence as a Substitute for Empowering Leadership Contribution to Team Meaningfulness and Performance”

It is important for all of us to have some level of meaningfulness in our lives for excellent mental health.  We need that in our personal lives as well as in our professional lives, especially when we are expected to work with others.

For this writing assignment, make sure you read the above-mentioned study (long title, don’t feel like typing it again here).  Just get through it; I know reading studies and looking over the results can be a pain in the behind, but just glaze over the stats.  Make sure, however, you read the literature review parts of the study because you will need that background information for this assignment. 

Argue why team meaningfulness is very important to an individual.  You can use yourself, obviously, as an example.  Pick out why this concept is so important, especially when it comes to our jobs, and then use examples from the reading to back up your claims. 

The report to the supervisor


  1. You have just been hired as Manager for Customer Service at All Washed Up. Please write a one-sentence summary of the problems you see in the company, according to the scenario.
  2. In UMGC’s OneSearch interface, find one article on the concept of cross-training for employees in an organization. Keep in mind that some articles might spell the term with a hyphen (cross-training) and some might spell it without a hyphen (cross training). Provide the author(s) and title of the article.
  3. For your search from task #2, select Peer Reviewed. Select one article in your search list and provide the author(s) and title of the article. If you do not see any hits, reword your search terms in order to find a scholarly article on separation of duties.
  4. Select one of the other concepts mentioned in the writing assignment instructions (mandatory vacations, job rotation policies, handling of credit cards, or any other concept). Then, in UMGC’s OneSearch interface Home – Library Homepage – UMGC Library at University of Maryland Global Campus, find one article on this concept. Provide the author(s) and title of the article.
  5. This question involves listening to a part of the podcast, “Cyberbit Podcast Episode 1: The Unspoken Skill-Gap in the Cybersecurity Market,” which features Mr. Adam Bricker, former co-founder of Carolina Cyber Center and Mr. Sharon Rosenman, Chief Marketing Officer at Cyberbit.

    The segment of the podcast we will listen to is from the 48:00 mark to the 50:30 mark. In that segment, a participant asks a question about writing in the cybersecurity field. The following link takes you directly to that question and Mr. Bricker’s response:

    The Unspoken Skill-Gap in the Cybersecurity Market, 48:00 mark

    Mr. Bricker describes what type of technical communication that individuals in the cybersecurity field need to be able to produce.

    How does his Question fit the scenario with Maria Carman and All Washed Up? In other words, who is the audience for writing assignment #4, and how does Mr. Bricker’s explanation align with the scenario?