Please upload a well written Thesis Statement and Introduction


Please upload a well written Thesis Statement and Introduction for your character review and comparison for Toni Cade Bambara’s “The Lesson”.

Writing Prompt:

Which character do you most identify with in the story? Why? Please give specific examples from the story.  

Your Thesis Statement should contain the key words from the writing prompt and clearly identify the character that you will discuss and compare yourself to in “The Lesson”.

Sample Student Thesis Statements and Introductions

Sample # 1

In the short story “The Lesson” by Toni Cade Bambara, the audience is introduced to a specific setting in America. The characters in this short story reflect the ignorance of children as well as their perspective.  I identify with one of the adults discussed in the story. Her name is Ms. Moore. She is a college graduate, and she uses her accomplishments to give back to the community.  She dresses properly to serve as a role model for the children in her community. She is respected and plays a heavy role in guiding the neighborhood children to noticing how the world works. As someone who has made the best of her education, I believe that she helps others because she feels that other people deserve the same opportunities that she has received. Therefore, I relate to Ms. Moore because of the way she interacts with her community and because we both think about the world and how we affect others.-thesis statement

Sample # 2

Sugar and Sylvia are two of the main characters in Toni Cade Bambara’s “The Lesson”.  They are mischievous young girls who like to get into trouble and have fun doing so.  The relationship between the two girls reminds me of one of my friendship that I shared with someone who I attended college with last year.   Like my friend and me, Sugar and Sylvia are very much child like with some of their antics, but they both have a level of intelligence and awareness that demonstrate their maturity in certain situations.  At the end of the story, however, the fork in the road that Sugar and Sylvia take is the clearest sign to me that I am very much like Sugar.  Therefore, the character that I most identify with in “The Lesson” is Sugar.  -thesis statement

Week 4


First discussion The Bloody Chamber

Second discussion Books and Roses

For this essay, you have read two scholarly articles that relate to the creative works we read. In these articles, you have encountered a model for how to write about literary work in a way that posits new perspectives on the work. Consider how you might use this same approach for communicating and substantiating your own insights and increased understanding in your own writing. You have also located quotes in these articles with which you wished to further engage as you kept a reading journal. 

Your assignment here is to bring the creative work (either one or both) into conversation with at least one of these articles (building on the argument and using quotes from the article(s). Bringing into conversation does not mean to compare and contrast or to summarize; it means analyzing alongside the others, bringing them all into dialogue together as you develop your analysis of and ideas on these works comprehensively or all together. You might think about this like the texts all being in the same room together and interacting with each other. 

This assignment is likely to be at least 1500 words in length, not including the quotes you use from at least two of the texts (remember, 1500 words is the minimum, not the maximum; and as always, quotes and long passages should not make up the bulk of your word count!) as you explicate your reasoning and develop a deeper understanding for your reader through your in-depth examination and exploration of these texts. 

Construction Instruction: Use Google Docs to draft, revise, and polish your work. Use the guidelines and helpful tips I provide on the full ADA accessible syllabus for essay construction. Put your name and information at the upper lefthand corner of the page per MLA format. After you have finished writing your essay, create a title that is evocative and informative and specific to YOUR analysis and discovery in the essay. Put any narrative terms from our course into bold per those instructions. Nothing else should be in bold. Put quotes in “quotation marks” and use parenthesis to delineate the text and page number of that text as shown here (“Call of the Cthulhu” 3)

policy responce genisis flores 2-2


The nurse plays a crucial role in the policy development process, contributing valuable insights from the frontline of healthcare. The nurse’s role in the policy development model can be framed within the stages of policy development, which typically include agenda setting, policy formulation, policy adoption, policy implementation, and policy evaluation. Nurses can advocate for policy changes by identifying healthcare issues that require attention. They can bring attention to emerging health concerns, drawing from their direct experiences in patient care, and collaborate with other stakeholders to prioritize these issues on the policy agenda (Milstead & Short, 2019). Nurses contribute their expertise to the formulation of policies by participating in committees, task forces, and advisory groups. They offer evidence-based perspectives, drawing on their clinical knowledge and research findings to shape effective and feasible policy recommendations (Milstead & Short, 2019).

The intersection of healthcare and information technology (IT) policy is critical in the modern healthcare landscape. Nurses can bring essential perspectives to discussions and decisions related to healthcare IT policy. Key points a nurse could bring to this meeting include:

Patient-Centered Technology: Where Nurses can emphasize the importance of technology to enhance patient-centered care. They can advocate for IT solutions that improve communication between healthcare providers and patients, facilitate shared decision-making, and empower individuals to actively participate in their care (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2017).

User-Friendly Systems: Nurses can highlight the need for user-friendly IT systems. They bring insights into the practical challenges faced by healthcare professionals in navigating complex electronic health records (EHRs) and other IT platforms. Ensuring usability enhances efficiency and reduces the risk of errors (Hebda & Czar, 2019).

  1. Education and Training: Nurses emphasize the need for comprehensive education and training programs to ensure healthcare professionals are proficient in utilizing IT systems. Continuous training supports the effective implementation of technology and reduces resistance to change (Hebda & Czar, 2019).

In summary, nurses play a pivotal role in the policy development model, bringing their expertise to various stages of the process. In the context of healthcare and information technology policy, nurses contribute insights related to patient-centered care, usability, interoperability, security, and the need for ongoing education and training. These contributions are essential for shaping policies that positively impact patient outcomes and the overall healthcare experience.

Creating a balanced sheet


Use the data given in Company A Information and Company A Financials to create a balanced scorecard for Company A. The balanced scorecard should highlight key performance indicators, such as net profit, annual growth, and market share, and include the four components:

Financial: Complete the financial section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant key performance indicators.

Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, with an explanation of the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.

  1. Internal Processes: Complete the internal processes section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant key performance indicators.

Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, with an explanation of the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.

Customers/Market: Complete the customers/market section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant key performance indicators.

Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, with an explanation of the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.

  1. Learning and Growth: Complete the customers/market section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant key performance indicators.

Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, with an explanation of the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.

  1. Use the data given in Company B Information and Company B Financials to create a balanced scorecard for Company B. The balanced scorecard should highlight key performance indicators, such as net profit, annual growth, and market share, and include the four components:
  2. Financial: Complete the financial section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant key performance indicators.

Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, with an explanation of the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.

  1. Internal Processes: Complete the internal processes section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant key performance indicators.
  2. Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, with an explanation of the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.

Customers/Market: Complete the customers/market section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant key performance indicators.

  1. Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, with an explanation of the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.
  2. Learning and Growth: Complete the customers/market section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant key performance indicators.

cultural differences


The Merger & Acquisition team hired a team of external consultants to assist with identification of cultural issues which could result in barriers to the successful acquisition of Island Banking Services by Padgett-Beale. The consultants conducted interviews with Padgett-Beale executives and senior staff. They also used a standardized survey to measure attitudes and beliefs about culture and conflict management styles at Padgett-Beale. A survey of islanders was conducted as well. The results from both surveys have not yet been validated but, the early results show substantial similarities to existing national culture survey results for U.S. populations and residents of Fiji. You can learn more about the national culture surveys here:,the-usa/

An additional survey was conducted among Padgett-Beale managers who will transfer to PBI-FS and island residents who have applied for jobs at PBI-FS. This survey focused primarily on the influence of context upon inter-cultural communications. This survey found that Padgett-Beale’s corporate communications culture was “low context” while the job applicants expected a “high context” culture. For definitions and examples see:

After reviewing the consultants’ reports, the M&A team has decided to focus on differences in two factors which could present immediate barriers to success: (a) communications context and (b) power-distance.

Cultural DimensionPadgett Beale Managers & EmployeesPBI-FS Job Applicants (Islanders)Communications ContextLow ContextHigh ContextPower-DistanceMedium Power DistanceHigh Power Distance

To answer questions and allay concerns, you’ve been asked to prepare a briefing about these factors to be given at the next senior leadership meeting. For that briefing you must research and answer the following questions:

1. What is “communications context” and how could it influence expectations of managers and employees and their relationships with each other at PBI-FS?

2. What is “power-distance” and how could it influence expectations of managers and employees and their relationships with each other at PBI-FS?

3. How might differences in communications context (low/high) and power-distance contribute to conflicts within the new organization (PBI-FS), e.g. between transferred PBI personnel and newly hired islanders?

4. What best practices should managers and executives follow when conflicts arise between the company (Padgett-Beale) and its new subsidiary (PBI-FS)?

5. How would you handle the uncertainty regarding potential layoffs when the merger occurs? What could management do to calm people down?

sh a he’d 251


Time Management Assignment

  1. Watch the Time Management Video by clicking on the link below. When watching the video, to see the subtitles, click on the closed captions CC button on the lower right of the video screen. To change the subtitles to another language: 1. Click on the Settings button (to the right of the CC button). 2. Click on Subtitles. 3. Click on Auto-translate. 4. Click on the language of your choice.

How to Manage TimeLinks to an external site.

  1. Answer the following questions.

How will you make time for exercise? 

How will you make time to successfully complete this course? 


















.part two

For this assignment, you will create your own behavior change goal. By using the information from Discussion 2 and SMART Goals, and after you have submitted this assignment and received my feedback, you will try to make progress towards or reach your goal during this semester. You will tell me about your experience at the end of the semester when you are completing your Behavior Change Reflections Final.

Complete Discussion 2 before starting this assignment.

Read the Reaching Your Goals the SMART Way pdf by clicking on the link below. You can also find this pdf in Module 2.

Consider all your behaviors, from eating, smoking, and exercise habits, to how well you manage your emotional health, protect yourself from disease, injury, and abuse, to stress and sleep management. 

Create Your Specific Behavior Change Goal

  1. Create your specific behavior change goal. (5 points) 

For example, I will reduce the amount of soda I drink to 3 cans per week.

  1. Is your goal measurable? How will you measure your progress? Describe your measurement tool and what you will be tracking each week. (10 points)

For example, I will keep a count of how many cans of soda I drink a day and reduce by one can a week until I reach my goal. I will track my behavior by writing down how many cans I drink each day. 

  1. Is your goal relevant and why? Why is this goal important to you? (10 points)

For example, This is important because I want to lose weight and have fewer cavities. I want to reduce my sugar intake to improve my health and avoid Diabetes Type II. 

Authoritarianism Writing


Please answer this question: 

“Life under autocracy is nasty, brutish, and short.” Do you agree with this statement? Does life under autocracy differ fundamentally from life under democracy? If so, in what ways? Be sure to consider political life (and not only social life) when answering this question.

·Write a response to the question of 6-8 pages in length using 12-point font. 

·Grading will be based on the clarity of the thesis statement, reasoned support of the argument, and inclusion of material from the course. 

·The use of non-class material is allowed but discouraged. 

·You may use your notes, course readings, and lecture slides.

·Do not include a bibliography, but cite sources using the Harvard citation system—e.g., “The sky is blue (Nellis 2023, p. 45).” 

·Rewards for being ambitious: think creatively across classes (don’t focus on material from a single class, or even only two classes) 

·Objective: make sense of much of the class material through the lens of this question 

·Readings: show that you have actually read them! this is what will get you points, and there’s no shortcut here 

·Examples: Show that you know some actual details about the cases; just mentioning the word “Afghanistan” isn’t enough to get more than a low B 

·Show that you understand theories and concepts: spell out the logics 




Excels by responding to the assignment with a clear argumentative thesis in the first paragraph that continues to be the focus of the paper 




one main idea per paragraph, good use of transitions, clear topic sentences, smooth connections between paragraphs, if an order is set in the introduction, it is followed 


Development: Support 


Uses specific, concrete, relevant details, examples, evidence and numerous references to source material to substantiate and explain thesis 


Development: Analysis 


explains the connections between evidence and main ideas thoughtfully and thoroughly, makes connections explicit, discusses implications, relevance or significance. 


Sentence Craft & Style 


Demonstrates excellent use of language; precisely chosen words, complex and varied sentence structure; appropriate academic tone and style 


Mechanics: (Grammar and spelling) 


is almost entirely free of spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors (one per page or less) 


Mechanics: Citations 


Has smoothly used signal phrases and uses single citation style throughout the entire text; has a citation for every fact or quote; has correctly formatted Works Cited/Bibliography page with few or no errors 

Discussion – Discuss Performance Management



Threaded discussion is a major component of this course. Words are powerful. Be mindful that both the written word and the spoken word can have a positive or negative impact on a reader or listener. As such, address all posts with civility and professionalism. The Civility section of the Course Outline below will be strictly enforced. 

It is especially crucial in an academic setting to contribute to discussions in a collegial manner and support your posts with relevant cites to the textbook. This manner of communication is vastly different from social media postings of opinion-based rhetoric. 

Please use classmates’ names in your posts when responding to them.  For highest performance and points, submit your initial post early enough in the week to allow for maximum exchange.  Then, respond to two or more students with two or more additional posts on two or more different days to see the progression of the discussion throughout the week. 

Discussion Boards (DB) Posting Requirements:
Participation requirements for graded discussions are the same for all 4 weeks:

  Each week, for full credit, you must make at least 3 posts per discussion question according to the following process:

    -(Required) Post a response to the original question (please do so no later than Wednesday so that others may realize the benefit of your comments). 

    -(Required) Post a minimum of 2 responses to a classmate’s response (by the end of the week). 

    -(Optional) Additional posts and days of participation are not required but are certainly welcome. 

Notes and Suggestions: 

-Please support your posts with citations to the textbook. Personal experiences that are relevant and on-point are also encouraged and valued in follow-up posts after your initial post.

-Please use classmates’ names and note discussion topic in your posts when responding.  

-Respond early in the week to generate a collaborative experience.


  1. View the Module 3 Video below. Discuss the importance of transparency and open dialogue from HR Managers to employees as it relates to Performance Management. (Worth 10 points.

Jerrold Williams (CHRO, Daymon Worldwide) on His Open-Dialogue HR Policy – Bing video

jerrold williams – Bing video

In each additional post, respond in a substantive manner to your classmates’ posts. You may share personal experiences that are relevant and on-point. 

JSU Regular Exercise Mitigates Mental Health Burden Presentation Poster


Please help me answer the steps from the research article for my poster presentation ( I will provide a file or link of the research article)

Here are the steps:

1) The message of your poster: Try formulating what you want to present in a single sentence.

Examples of such sentences are:

  • Endurance training can improve the function of the body’s metabolic health
  • Exercise improves cognitive performance, including executive functioning, attention, memory,
  • and brain structure.

    Use this sentence as a guide for selecting the data you must include. You probably will not print this

    sentence on the poster, but it helps you decide and focus on what your poster is about.

    2) Introduction: Write a few sentences of introduction to identifying the problem you address, what

    is known about it, the objectives of your work, and your approach to investigating the issue. Use

    short sentences and keep this section as concise as possible. Consider if a bulleted list or a graphic

    might replace complete sentences.

    3) Results: Select the most relevant results that support your message. Remove everything that is

    not necessary. Think about attractive ways to present the data in figures. Try to avoid tables as

    much as possible. Figures and captions should be easy to read. Consider adding a brief conclusion

    below every figure.

    4) Conclusion: Write the conclusions in short, clear statements, preferably as a list. Finish with an

    assessment of what you have achieved concerning your objectives.

    5) Attention Getters: How are you going to draw people’s attention? An attractive title serves to

    some extent, but it is not enough. Select one of your most relevant results, a photo, a scheme

    explaining the scientific background, a model or the main conclusion, or whatever you consider

    as the highlight of your presentation and give it a prominent place on your poster, for example,

    in the middle or at the beginning. This is what the audience will see first. It should raise their

    interest and stimulate them to read your poster.

    6) Layout: Arrange all parts of the poster around your attention-getter. Add headers if necessary to

    clarify the structure of your poster. Ensure the author(s) name(s) and affiliation are on the poster.

    Entity Relationship Diagram


    Entity Relationship Diagram

    Unit Outcomes practiced in this assignment:

    Validate data models.

    Describe the process of normalization.

    • Create an entity relationship diagram.
    • Course Outcome practiced in this assignment:
    • IT460-4: Develop information systems by converting design specifications into data structures.


    Entity Relationship Diagrams are used to help show how information in a system is organized. This assignment will have you analyze data from a business situation, construct an ERD, and explain process of normalization and reasons when denormalization may be important.

    Assignment Instructions and Requirements

    Avery’s gym has partnered with a partner physical therapy business to provide treatment for some of its gym members. Gym members have the option to participate in special physical therapy sessions.

    The main feature of this partnership provides gym members with the options to participate in physical therapy sessions. Each Physical Therapy Session must include a gym member, a trainer, and a therapist. Each session generates a unique Claim. Sessions also need to record the date, time and purpose of the sessions. Physical therapy sessions are billed back to insurance and claims must be filed with each physical therapy session.

    You have been tasked with developing an Entity Relationship Diagram to help show this part of the larger gym system. You have also been asked to explain the importance of both normalization and denormalization of data structures.

    You have been given a report as an example of some of the information generated by the system, and the file contains the following fields. Hint: unique IDs may need to be created to correctly generate the data model.

    Physical Therapy Session

    Session Date

    Session Time

    1. Session Details/Purpose
    2. Member Name
    3. Member Address
    4. Member Phone
    5. Member Age
    6. Member Email
    7. Insurance Number
    8. Insurance Name
    9. Insurance Address
    10. Insurance Plan details
    11. Trainer Name
    12. Trainer Phone
    13. Trainer Email
    14. Trainer Specialty
    15. Therapist Name
    16. Therapist Phone
    17. Therapist Email
    18. Therapist Specialty
    19. Insurance Claim Number
    20. Claim Cost
    21. Complete the following two tasks:
    22. Normalize the data. Organize the information into data fields appropriate for a relational database. Analyze the information provided and normalize the data to create a database model.
    23. Based on that information construct an ERD. Use Visio. Identify primary and foreign keys. For each entity, develop appropriate and thorough attributes. Use crow’s feet to show relations between entities.

    Explain the importance of normalization: provide a summary of the steps necessary for each 1NF, 2NF, 3NF and importance. A minimum of 120 words is expected.