Find two public sources about Air pollution and answer few questions.

Question Description

  1. Locate, read, and analyze two popular sources on Air Pollution.
  2. For the first source, write a one-paragraph annotation summarizing and analyzing the source.
  3. For the second source, write a one-paragraph annotation summarizing and analyzing the source.
  4. Write a one-sentence summary of each source.
  5. Write a sentence synthesizing both one-sentence summaries.

reseach about Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells

Question Description

please conduct a research about Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells and write 10-page research paper about it. it is a research about the current status of the technology and recent advancements. the attached PowerPoint might be helpful, it was done by my group so you can use it.

Moral policy Medical and Cosmetics Testing on Animals

Question Description

(APSA) citation format

Pictures, maps and DATA is very important to include as well but they do not count toward the 7page minimum

You should have at least seven sources and not all may be Internet. You must use books, articles, research or data from accreditable sources with page number.

discussion post

Question Description


this is a discussion post . please replay to the discussion and comment to 2 students.

please read the instructions carefully before writing.

download the zipped file for the information and PLEASE when you finish upload in a ZIP or RAR file otherwise I will not take it.

Thank you

Chocolate Manufacturing Essay

Question Description

Please go through these requirements and write an essay that explains the manufacturing of any chocolate ( chocolate cake, chocolate cookie, etc.). 2-3 pages should be fine.

Make filled chocolates – picture

Document the process and explain procedure

Measure things

Describe potential improvements

Explain defects

Materials (ingredients), manufacturer, batch

What were the challenges?

Journal summaries

Question Description

The four articles I will upload and the template guide of what the summary needs to include you basically have to answer the questions. If you can when you finish the first one can I read it to make sure it’s correct. This must be done on time!

Assignment 1: Complete Final Project Step II

Question Description

Assignment 1: Complete Final Project Step II

    • A brief description of how you will recruit two participants
    • A protocol that includes the invitation, informed consent (using the verbatim document from the Walden IRB), interview guide (revised based on feedback from your Instructor and classmates), closing statement, and peer debrief paragraph

Education RICA case study

Question Description

I have attached two RICA case studies, and a case study templet.

Pice ONE of the RICA case studees to fill out the template. Use the RICA case studies to fill out the template. The template explains exactly what needs to be filled in. USE the template.

Explore the concept of “deepfakes” and how this will impact information-seeking behaviour.

Question Description

Read this article:…

Explore the concept of “deepfakes” and how this will impact information-seeking behaviour. Please incorporate 2-3 additional resources in your exploration.

Cite your sources in APA style. All ideas and facts that are not your own must be backed up with supplemental information sources.

assignment 5

Question Description

1) Need to have at least 3 items noted, expand by finding additional information regarding questions asked.

2) What interested you the most and why? What did you learn from the seminar?

Answer the last two question after you read and explore the attached file. Answer must be in