101 case study

Question Description

I want you to wright a single paper about problems statement and stake holders for the case attached thanks

Who are your friends in this battle? Your enemies?

  • How willing will the King County Exec and Council be to help Seattle’s Mayor?

Ethical dilemma reflection paper

Question Description

Please read the instruction I uploaded and notice that instead of talking about THEY, you should find an ethical dilemma that YOU involved. This is a paper for business writing class, I hope you can find good topic for it.

i just want some ppt slides of integration plan in bpm

Question Description

Create a business process integration plan using the template introduced in our course to show how the created business process should be integrated into the current IT systems and organisational body of the host company. Make reasonable assumptions if needed.

2 pages writing

Question Description


this is a 2 page writing , please read the instructions carefully before writing.

download the zipped file for the information and PLEASE when you finish upload in a ZIP or RAR file otherwise I will not take it.

Thank you

Week 3 Discussion Board

Question Description

Discuss your thoughts on the following:

  • Differentiate between access and authorization.
  • Compare the authorization model used by the network operating systems (NOS) to that used by the old stand-alone operating systems.
  • What is the role of public-key authentication in the growth of e-commerce.

3.6 Finding the Issues and Conclusion Assignment

Question Description

For this assignment find a recent editorial, op-ed piece, letter to the editor, or YouTube Posting (only one)

then Identify the issue and concussion


  • the article, op-ed, etc., (supply link)
  • Issue
  • Conclusion
  • What was your critical thinking process in identifying Issue and Conclusion?

300 words Ethic Case

Question Description

Suggest a current ethics topic of your choice that you would like to discuss in this class (about 250 words):

  • Summarize the case / topic you chose
  • Explain why you consider this an interesting, important ethical case / topic for class discussion

hstm 3365 discussion

Question Description

Read chapters 5 and 6. Provide a summary of your understanding and application of these chapters. It should be evident that you have read the chapters. Elaborate on your understanding of reliability, validity and sampling, using examples for each.

MLK‘s letter

Question Description

1-pg typed Reflection (approx. 300 words) on one idea that speaks to you on MLK’s letter. Please avoid taking on the entire work, as it would be unwieldy in 300 words. Use quotes for support and cite them.

answer the question by essay and bring reasons and support statement

Question Description


I need someone to write me an essay and answer the question by essay and bring reasons and support statement

read the attached carefully and do the required

thank you for you help in advanced