Discuss AES to include its operations and the four transformations that are utilized within the protocol. Things to take into cconsideration, was it developed openly? Why was it developed? How secure is the protocol?

Question Description

Discuss AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) to include its operations and the four transformations that are utilized within the protocol. Things to take into consideration, was it developed openly? Why was it developed? How secure is the protocol?

Please Write atleast 600 words. No plagiarism please

Human Sexuality

Question Description

Please read attachment to do the assignment the correct way. The paper should he based on a 37 year old Jehovah witness who was born in africa and moved to america baout 6 years ago. I now have two children and a wife.

Judicial foreclosure

Question Description

Describe in reasonable detail the judicial foreclosure process in your state, and any alternative processes that are available to avoid foreclosure within your state. Please write your analysis so that a layperson (without either real estate or legal training) can understand it.

Entrepreneurial Finance- Capstone Case

Question Description

Case study about Entrepreneurial Finance – around 9 pages, double spaced, no plagiarism with professional work and put the references.

the assignments have 11 questions and some of the questions involving financial calculations. I need it within 2 weeks, on 14 of October.

Attitudes and consistency

Question Description

Written assignment due: Write a case study documenting attitude persistence or change. Use Cognitive Dissonance Theory to explain attitudinal persistence or change. The case study may be built on attitude assessment of a friend or family member. Be prepared to discuss in class.


Question Description

narrative essay ABOUT me studying abroad anyway I have wrote half of it and I need help to get the rest done . I will attach the file you can build up on that also please edit the last paragraph I have .


Read both stories and answer the discussion

Question Description

Please read the following stories attached below and answer the following question:

This sounds like a bad rock band or sitcom. What does Arnold Friend and the Misfit have in common? Use the short stories and the screenplay in your responses.

3.5 Conclusion Discussion

Question Description

For this discussion board you will answer the following questions:

  1. Some conclusions are implied by a communicator rather than made explicit. What clues might help you recognize an implied conclusion?
  2. Can you think of situations in which communicators are likely to prefer implied conclusions?

Application of Systems Theory to a Case Study

Question Description


  • Focus on the identified client within your chosen case.
  • Analyze the case using a systems approach, taking into consideration both family and community systems.
  • Complete and submit the “Dissecting a Theory and Its Application to a Case Study” worksheet based on your analysis.

250 words – Please compare and contrast: Inpatient treatment versus Outpatient treatment. Which clients are appropriate for each? What types of services and interventions are offered at each? What is the average length of treatment fo

Question Description

Please compare and contrast: Inpatient treatment versus Outpatient treatment.

Which clients are appropriate for each?

What types of services and interventions are offered at each?

What is the average length of treatment for each?

Post your response to the above in the Discussion Board (250 words minimum)