M&M Case Study: Break-Even Analysis


M&M Case Study: Break-Even Analysis

This exercise provides you the opportunity to apply break-even analysis concepts and Excel skills to a case study problem. The activity continues our work with Mars Inc. M&M candies.


Your company is a wholesaler of Mars candies, and you are responsible for the M&M product line. Mars has given you some pricing forecast data concerning 2022 product prices and payment terms. You need to determine the break-even points for your facility based on the information detailed below.

Plain M&M Analysis: You have identified the following 2022 price points on cases of Plain M&M candies from five different suppliers (variable costs)

Supplier A: 48-count 1.74 oz bags will have a cost of $15.91 per case

Supplier B: 48-count 1.74 oz bags will have a cost of $14.75 per case

Supplier C: 48-count 1.74 oz bags will have a cost of $15.00 per case

Supplier D: 48-count 1.74 oz bags will have a cost of $14.91 per case

Supplier E: 48-count 1.74 oz bags will have a cost of $15.65 per case

Your additional costs are below:

Fixed costs for your warehouse are $4,500,000 annually

The selling price per case is $32.99

Labor costs (variable cost) for the warehouse are $7.57 per case

Marketing costs (variable cost) for the candy are $3.00 per case


Part #1: You need to analyze the break-even point for each of the listed supplier options (** Hint-You will need to calculate five break-even points).

In the Excel document for this assignment, there are five tabs named “Part #1 Supplier A” through “Part #1 Supplier E”.  Each tab represents one of the five payment options.  Complete the indicated break-even analysis by filling in the indicated columns, cells, and graphs.  Remember, every chart must have a title, axis labels, axis titles, and a legend.

Determine the supplier option that results in the lowest break-even point based on the number of cases and dollars (** Hint it should be the same price point option for both the number of cases and dollars).   Complete the information on the “Conclusions” tab for Part #1.

Part #2: The market has changed. Your VP of sales indicates that the market will support a

$36.00 per case selling price. To accomplish this, however, marketing costs will need to be increased by 35%. You need to analyze the break-even point for the option you selected with the lowest break-even point in Part #1.  Use the “Part #2” tab in the document for your analysis.  Complete the information on the “Conclusion” tab for Part #2.

Part #3 Finally, answer the question on the “Conclusions” tab for Part #3.

Team Performance Evaluation Tool


Part 1

Write a reflective and applied statement describing how the material from Weeks 1-4 has affected your thought process, personal development, and professional disposition. Consider the following guiding questions:

What challenges have you encountered?

What discoveries have been the most insightful?

Have you discovered a new perspective or new level of understanding?

Have you had any interactions that have had an impact on your learning?

Which concepts are still puzzling or confusing to you?

How does the material from Weeks 1-4 align with your academic or career goals?

Include specific examples and relevant details to explain how the material from previous weeks has changed or influenced your thinking and/or your behavior regarding teams within organizations.

  • Format any citations and references in your reflective statement consistent with APA guidelines.
  • Part 2
  • Refer to the Team Effectiveness Survey Workbook, located in this week’s University Library Resources.
  • Section 3 provides sample survey questions that may help you develop your tool to measure team effectiveness.
  • Section 4 provides additional information about coding a survey.
  • This week you will use the Week 2 assignment to develop a team performance evaluation tool by synthesizing the research findings from the interview you conducted in Week 2. In Week 6, you will use this tool to evaluate functional teams within an organization of your choice.

Note: The tool should serve as a template that can be applied to a wide range of organizations to provide leaders a tangible direction for team success.

First, create your survey objective(s), which you will incorporate as you design the tool. Consider the following:

What will the survey measure?

Who will take the survey?

What are the intended results of the survey?

Now, design a survey with a minimum of 15 questions in Microsoft Excel®.

Incorporate discrete variables in your survey questions. Remember that each question should be limited to only one variable, such as:

Compose 15 questions that are clear, focused, well-reasoned. Remember that each question should support your survey objective(s).

Create a 5-point Likert scale. Consider researching a variety of Likert scales to determine the best type of response anchors for your survey.

Team decision-making

Communication processes and style

  • Leadership performance
  • Incorporate the research findings from the interview you conducted in Week 2.

Ensure your survey is clear and easily readable in Excel.

Finally, write a paragraph summarizing your design process. Use the guiding questions below:

What was your development process?

What benchmark information did you consider prior to designing the evaluation tool? How did you incorporate details from your Week 2 interview and/or your research?

What response anchors did you select and why?

What predictions can you make about the outcome of the survey?

Mathematics Question


Assignment One

Design a binomial experiment you would need three things  (You will need StatCrunch to answer the probability question)

  • The Trial: it should only have two outcomes, such as “heads or tails”, “would I make it to work on time or not”, or “students who pass or fail Math 227”, etc. Also need to decide how many trials you would do.
  • The Theoretical Percentage of Success for each trial: you may not know this, so give me a good, educated guess.
  • What’s the probability of “x times” happening?

My example –

The Trial:  Finding a parking spot in Costco Pacoima, right in front of main entrance on a Sunday. I’m going there 5 times. (“Success” means you found a spot right in front of the main entrance.)

The Theoretical Percentage of Success each trial:    20% (that’s my guess of finding a parking spot in front of the main entrance on any given Sunday.)

What’s the percentage of “Success” all 5 times? So, I do 5 trials n = 5 (total trials), p=0.2 (theoretical probability), x = 5 (how many times I want to see it happen). Using StatCrunch by doing Stat, Calculators, Binomial I get the probability is 0.00032 – which means that my chance of finding a spot to park in front of the main entrance on a Sunday all five times is 3/10000. Your example does not have to include the success in all 5 trials (that was just my random pick). You may do less than the total number of trials.

Assignment TwoInstructions:

You can write your work on paper and attached a pdf file (picture or scan) or you can type your solutions here using the text editor. You will need StatCrunch in order to complete this activity.

Traditionally, when students take Ramos’ Math 227 class at Mission College, about 70% of students in his Statistics courses at LAMC are successful. Suppose 25 students are selected at random from all previous students in this course. What is the probability that “more than” 15 of them will have been successful in the course? 

Let’s do a quick overview of the criteria for a binomial experiment to see if this fits.

  • A fixed number of trials – ( what are these in our experiment and how many? )
  • Each trial is independent of the others – ( are all trials independent and why? ) 
  • There are only two outcomes – ( what are the only two outcomes?)
  • The probability of each outcome remains constant from trial to trial. – ( what is this probability of success ?)

12 slides ppt


This assessment addresses the following course objective(s):

Examine the history and theories of the development of health care delivery in the U.S.

The United States federal government oversees multiple regulatory aspects of healthcare. For this assignment, you will identify a specific topic from the website www.regulations.govLinks to an external site. and analyze its impact. Then, you will summarize your knowledge for an internal audience, from the healthcare administrator perspective.


Navigate to the regulations.govLinks to an external site. website.

Learn about the regulatory process here: https://www.regulations.gov/aboutLinks to an external site. and https://www.regulations.gov/learnLinks to an external site.

From the home page https://www.regulations.gov/Links to an external site., search for proposed rules or dockets in a topic area of your interest. This could include quality metrics, reimbursement changes, etc.

All key word results will be displayed. You may use the filter menu on the left sidebar to narrow the selection. Begin filtering results by “agency” such as CMS, HHS, AHRQ, etc. You may also filter by date range, and other options.

Review the results. Select one that interests you, and that you feel would be relevant to share in a presentation with your desired [fictional] internal audience.

Keep in mind, these dockets are open for public comments. Read the comments, and consider the perspectives presented. These comments may be biased or come from places of frustration, or a desire to enact or resist change.


Create your PowerPoint presentation

  1. Your role: Hospital administrator

Your audience: Internal stakeholders (this could be a physician group, managers, financial leadership, or any other internal audience of your choosing.)

Length: 10-12 slides of content.

A voice-over narration is required (directions for creating narrated PowerPointsLinks to an external site. )

Presentation Content

While you may include additional relevant points that you believe are important about your selection, make sure that you address the following questions in your presentation:

  • How does this issue affect your facility/patients/providers?

What changes will your organization need to implement to adapt and move forward, if this ruling is enacted?

Who should be informed and involved with the change management process? (What departments, managers, groups)

Make sure that you speak with both authority and enthusiasm in your narration. Your slides should be visually pleasing and contain assorted visuals, appropriate use of color and varied fonts, imagery, and perhaps data or charts to support your narration. It should be both a professional and satisfying visual and audio experience.

Logic Model Development Macro View



The rationale for the strategic plan should be logical. As such, it should be able to be mapped as a next step following the comprehensive community health needs assessment. This mapping process can occur using a tool called a logic model, which is a one-page diagram that presents the conceptual framework for a proposed project or plan, as described in the Week 3 readings. It explains the links among all elements, logically connecting the dots, which is a useful tool in the design and implementation of public health strategies. While there are many versions of logic models, for the purposes of this assignment, your logic model should concisely summarize in brief phrases the connections among the inputs, goals, objectives, activities, and outcomes (both short- and long-term). Creating a logic model can be an iterative process that is revised over time.

In this assignment, you will adopt a macro-view of the overall strategic plan, its design, implementation, and evaluation. Refer back to your Assessment of the Current State assignment in Week 2 to recall the overall purpose, scope, and approaches that will be utilized to implement the strategic plan for your community. Use the Logic Model Template in the Resources for this assignment.


The numbered assignment instructions outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the assignment rubric, so be sure to address each point. You may also want to review the performance-level Questions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.

The macro-view of the overall strategic planning process should be organized into the following sections, using the Logic Model Template provided. Use the second page of the template to write a brief, 1–2 paragraph summary of your logic model.

Recommend ways to cultivate fiscal or other resources required to achieve a strategic plan in the community. (For further background, use the Week 4 readings on traditional and innovative ways to develop resources.)

Identify fiscal or other resources required to achieve a strategic goal.

  1. What are the inputs? What resources will go into the plan to make it successful?

What personnel are required to successfully execute and support the strategic goal?

  • What are the revenue source(s) and cost(s) associated with executing the strategic goal?
  • How will you solicit or encourage people or organizations to support your initiative?
  • Develop distinct goals for the strategic plan in the community.
  • What are the aims of the plan?
  • Develop supporting objectives aligned to the distinct goals of the strategic plan.
  1. What are the supporting objectives (aligned to the goals) of the plan?

Debate should English be the official language of the US


Debate – should English be the official language of the U.S.?

The issue of whether or not the United States should have an official language is highly debated. This week, I want you to make an argument for one side of the debate (either pro or con, your choice). Use evidence from the articles provided below and make sure to include a citation in your essay for each example.  In addition, discuss your own opinion and give reasons for your opinion.  If you wish, you can also offer some anecdotal evidence, or evidence in the form of stories that people tell about what has happened to them.  This written assignment requires a minimum of 250 words.

There are 2 required reading materials for this assignment (see below). Please read both of these before writing your response.

1)  please read Chapter Two “Symbolic Politics: Theory and Evidence.” I HAVE ATTACHED THE PDF

2)Newspaper article I HAVE ATTACHED THE PDF 

Can students use AI tools for their coursework?

Yes, you can use AI tools to brainstorm ideas and for general background research on a topic. HOWEVER, as previously mentioned, there are limits on how AI tools are used. You MUST check AI-generated material for any errors or inappropriate use. Also, you MUST cite any and all AI-generated material just as you would in any other instance that requires a reference citation. That is, in any situation in which you are including material that is NOT your own.

Whether or not you use artificial intelligence to assist you with your assignments, the CSUN university policy on plagiarism still applies. You are REQUIRED to properly cite all sources in your assignments. I take plagiarism very seriously and there are consequences for violating this policy. See also the Academic Dishonesty section earlier in this syllabus. Just as with all other written assignments, it MUST be clear which words and ideas are your own and which are taken from outside sources such as books, articles, websites, artificial intelligence tools, etc.

How to cite tools from Artificial Intelligence sources using your query

Please use the following format:

Name of AI tool used. (Year, Month Day). “Words used for query search.” Generated using OpenAI. Website address of AI tool used.

Sample entry for AI tool used:

ChatGPT-4. (2023, August 8). “Limitations of language-based ai tools for student assignments.” Generated using OpenAI. https://openai.com/gpt-4


2nd rough draft on Review article



Clarity and structure: our introduction clearly states the purpose of the literature review, highlighting the significance of exercise on mental health. However, it could benefit from a more detailed outline of the main themes or findings that will be discussed. Ensure each section transitions smoothly into the next, guiding the reader through your analysis.

Depth of Analysis: You have successfully synthesized a wide range of studies to support the argument that exercise positively impacts mental health. To enhance your review, consider a deeper analysis of the mechanisms through which exercise affects mental health. Discuss conflicting evidence or studies with nuanced findings to provide a balanced view.

Critical Evaluation: While you have summarized various research findings, the critical analysis could be stronger. For each study mentioned, evaluate the methodology, sample size, and potential biases. This will demonstrate your ability to assess the literature critically and not just summarize it.

  1. Integration of Literature: You’ve integrated findings from different studies well. To further improve, draw direct comparisons between studies, highlighting agreements or discrepancies in findings. This approach will add depth to your review and showcase your understanding of the field.

References and Citation Style: Ensure all references are accurately cited in the APA format. Pay attention to the details like author names, publication year, and page numbers where applicable.

  1. Recommendations for Future Research:
  2. Based on the reviewed literature, you’ve made some recommendations. Strengthen this section by suggesting specific areas where further research is needed, considering gaps you’ve identified in the current literature.               7. 
  3. Conclusion: Your conclusion effectively summarizes the key findings and the importance of exercise in promoting mental health. Reinforce the conclusion by briefly restating the critical insights and their implications for practice and policy
  4. 8. Writing Style: Your writing is generally clear and coherent. Watch for repetitive phrases and aim for conciseness to maintain reader engagement. Utilize active voice where possible to make your arguments more direct and compelling
  5. Adherence to Instructions: Ensure all assignment instructions are met, including the required sections, word count, and formatting guidelines. Double-check that your review aligns with the objectives outlined in the instructions document.

Engagement with Current Literature:

Consider including more recent studies to ensure your review reflects the latest research in the field. This will make your review more relevant and informative.

By addressing these points, you can enhance the quality and impact of your literature review. Remember, the goal is to critically analyze and synthesize the existing literature to provide insightful conclusions about the relationship between exercise and mental health.

Creative Writing Question


Section 3 analysis assignment

clarify which primary source you intend to analyze in Paper 1 (from Ch. 3, 4, or 5 of the Yawp Reader) by preparing the in-text citation (so that you don’t have to do it later!). Note that you should already have prepared the work cited and in-text citations using the Primary Source Analysis Worksheet.

You should be prepared to provide citations for any textbook or lecture content you use, too. See Module 1 for how to properly cite these sources.

provide at least (1) commonality and/or disconnect between your source and the larger time period.

Does your author’s view/experiences of colonial America or Revolutionary America mirror the “reality” of the time period (as addressed through the textbook and lectures)? In other words, does it reflect colonial America/Revolutionary America or does it present a more narrow or ideal “view?”

Provide specific support from the primary source and course content to demonstrate the commonalities and/or disconnects.

Note: Although I am not expecting citations in this part of this assignment, you will want to make sure and provide cited support (via lecture, textbook, other primary sources) in Section 3 of your paper. Otherwise your similarities/disconnects will remain vague and lack clear support

Extra Credit: Extra credit will be offered to those of you who choose to develop at least two (2) other commonalities/disconnects and provide sufficient support/elaboration.

Example (not from Colonial America, so it can’t be used by you): John Winthrop dreams of a city on a hill, 1630 (Winthrop, Yawp Reader, Colliding Cultures, #2).

Disconnect: John Winthrop’s vision of Puritan-led Massachusetts Bay Colony was an ideal. While many Puritans did agree with Winthrop’s vision, some colonists did not. John Williams and Anne Hutchinson, for example, spoke out against the Puritans’ strict approach to faith and settlement. [In my paper I would provide further elaboration][I would cite the Colliding Cultures lecture here].

Disconnect: Winthrop’s view of colliding cultures in the Americas was through the eyes of religious New England. God was THE central component of his message. This stood in contrast, for example, to Jamestown, whose focus was on economic gain. [In my paper I would provide further elaboration][I would cite the Colliding Cultures lecture here].

Disconnect: Winthrop’s view of settlement was one of idealism. In reality, however, conflicts between the native population and New England settlers demonstrate a much more complex process to settlement. For example, King Philip’s War … [elaborate here], [I would cite the Colliding Cultures lecture here].

a quantitative research study


The topic is “Examining the Influence of Nurse Case Management on Healthcare Utilization and Costs for Patients with Chronic Diseases”

Writing a (critique of a quantitative research study in NURS 321) involves a detailed and structured analysis of a chosen study, following specific guidelines and critiquing criteria. Here’s a breakdown to help guide you through this process:

prompts.Examples of libraries or websites that use can use:



Medline – Advanced Search

Using MeSH for More Targeted PubMed Searching

### 1. *Introduction*

– *Cite the Study:*. Begin by citing the research study you’ve chosen in APA 7th edition format. This citation should appear in the reference list and be referred to within the text.

– *Describe the Search QUESTION:* Detail your search process, including inclusion and exclusion criteria, key words used, and databases searched. This provides context on how you identified the study.

– *Purpose of the Research Study:* Summarize the author’s described purpose for conducting the research, indicating its relevance and significance.

### 2. *Body—Critique Questions*

Organize this section with individual APA headings for each question. Provide a rationale for your critique, supporting your analysis with evidence.

– *Research Design:* Identify whether the study is experimental, quasi-experimental, or nonexperimental. Discuss the suitability of the chosen design for the study’s objectives.

– *Appropriateness of Design:* Evaluate whether the research design effectively addresses the study’s purpose.

– *Application of Randomization, Control, and Manipulation:* Examine how these elements are used to ensure the study’s validity.

– *Protection of Human Subjects:* Discuss the ethical considerations and how participants’ rights and well-being were safeguarded.

– *Statistical Analysis Used:* Identify and critique the statistical methods applied in the study.

– *Appropriateness of Statistical Tests:* Assess whether the chosen statistical tests were suitable for the data and research questions.

– *Sample Selection:* Evaluate the process used for selecting participants and its impact on the study’s validity.

– *Internal and External Validity:* Analyze how the study addresses potential threats to validity.

– *Study Limitations:* Critically examine any limitations acknowledged by the authors and any you perceive.

– *Alternative Explanations:* Consider other interpretations of the findings.

– *Generalizability:* Discuss the extent to which the findings can be applied to the broader population.

### 3. *Conclusion*

– *Changes in Practice:* Suggest any changes in nursing or healthcare practice based on the study’s findings.

– *Further Research:* Recommend areas for future research to explore or build upon these findings.

– *Barriers to Implementation:* Identify potential obstacles to applying the study’s recommendations in practice.

– *Interprofessional Teams:* Discuss how interprofessional collaboration could facilitate improvements based on the study’s evidence.

music 111 silva 111 Db7


As we have talked about before, jazz tends to follow some semi-predictable patterns. Things often revolve around four-bar phrases, we tend to hear the melody up front followed by a series of improvisations based upon its form (with each band member taking turns). Then, at the end, we usually hear the original melody again, almost exactly like we did at the beginning. These patterns are pretty deep in the DNA of a typical jazz performance.

However, we have now arrived at a point in history where a lot of these conventions are being thrown aside, or at least stretched in significant ways. Free Jazz threw almost all of this out in exchange for a semi-free-for-all approach. Some of jazz’s later developments, like its various “fusions” with rock and funk, reined in some of Free Jazz’s excesses in this regard, but some of that style’s “looseness” and unpredictability became a central feature of Fusion.

Take a look at this video:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h56USliw3eoLinks to an external site.

This is the Fusion band Weather Report playing the song “Barbary Coast.” Weather Report was one of Fusion’s most prominent bands. (Not coincidentally, it contains a few high-profile alumni from Miles Davis’s fusion bands.) Notice how the roles between soloist and accompanist are blurred. Notice how the usual “roles” are a little trickier to pin down. Also, the presence of some new instruments and sounds.

Now, have a look at this one:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgntkGc5iBoLinks to an external site.

This is the Jaco Pastorius band playing “The Chicken.” (You might recognize the bass player in this one as the same guy from Weather Report. This is Jaco Pastorius, one of the people who played bass in Weather Report and a very innovative bassist (and musician in general).) The lines around each “section” are not quite as blurry, here. But, there are still some new instruments/sounds.

After watching these two performances, please leave a comment on which one you found more engaging or interesting. Why? What about this performance was interesting/engaging?

Then, please find a video of your own, one that incorporates some of these ideas. (If you don’t know where to start, try searching for “Jazz Fusion” or “Electric Jazz” or something similar.) Please share this video as part of your discussion entry with some comments on why you chose this video.