Management responsibilities

Question Description

Understanding the Management Process (Links to an external site.)Understanding the Management Process

Question: How would you run your business as a manager?

Writing a paragraph to answer the question by watching the video with citing.

Cultural Autobiography

Question Description

For this essay you will need my race and my age and gender which I will give once I choose you for my essay. In this essay you will follow the directions and answer the questions as if you were me using my race and age and gender.

Pretending you were kicked out by school—–Write a Complain Letter for Legal class 1101

Question Description

Hi there,

I need a letter of complaint to US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission as a perspective of student kicked out by school. And the employer is Professor London. The reason can be From Age, Disability, Equal Compensation, Genetic Information, Harassment, National Origin, Pregnancy, Race/Color, Religionm Retaliation, Sex.

1.Discuss ethical issues affecting communicable disease and infection control. 2. Explain the use of immunizations as a means to control communicable diseases.

Question Description

my textbook used for class is Rector, C. (2018). Community and Public Health Nursing Promoting the Public’s Health (9th Ed). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Wolters & Kluwer. I have attached the pages that are relevant to the questions. I need the paper to be in APA format

I just need questions answered from article

Question Description

This is from the old book but I really like it so I’m keeping it. I have included a snapshot of the reading. Please read the attached passage and respond to the questions, feel free to pose other questions/comments you may have had while reading. After y

three pages of chapter reflection

Question Description

Write three pages of chapter reflection, chapter two or chapter 3. Requirement as the picture, the name of the text book is “portrait of American”, from Oates, Stephen B, Errico, Charles J. Portrait of America, Vol. I, to 1877, 10th Edition. Wadsworth Cengage Learning. 2007, ISBN-13: 978-0-495-91498-3.

Analysis #2

Question Description

Select a Study

  • Effects of large financial incentives for long-term smoking cessation. A Randomized Trial, by Jean-François Etter and Felicia Schmid. This article is published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 68, Number 8, 2016.doi:

Land report

Question Description

Lab report about Isolation of Protein by Affinity Chromatography, it should be

interdiction, general information

procedures, overview

materials, use same materials on file below





there is a file below about the same subject try to do the same but make sure to not copy it.

List 5 ways to strongly authenticate a remote machine. Justify your answers. List three distinct technologies for protecting files from tampering, and justify your answers.

Question Description

In NOT less than 250 words, respond to the following discussion questions:

  • What are 3 ways that people might start threat modeling?
  • For each answer, explain one positive and one downside to that approach.

All work should be cited in APA citation. Refer to the content area APA citations .

Film and text review

Question Description

Watch Hyenas (1992) Djibril Diop Mambety online

Watch The Battle of Algiers online

Watch A Chadian Tragedy online

Read Durrenmattis The Visit A drama in 3 acts available online

3 pages double spaced for each film or text total of 12 pages