Respond to question regarding Marketing Excellence on Apple

Question Description

See attached and read:

“Marketing Excellence: Apple,” on pages 457-458 of your textbook. Apple’s product launches over the past decade have been monumental. What makes the company so good at innovation? Is anyone comparable to Apple in this respect?

Text Book

Marketing Management

Philip Kotler & Kevin Lane Keller, 2016
ISBN.13: 978-0-133-85646-0

Write the following paper

Question Description

!!! APA Style !!!


4 pages plus references

Topic: Summarize Displacement and Diffusion, Mass Media and Crime Prevention, General Deterrence

Essay Questions

  1. Evaluate the types of Crime Displacement
  2. Discuss Offenders Choice and Mobility
  3. Discuss if the Media causes Crime and Fear
  4. Mass Media Crime prevention
  5. Deterrence (General and Specific), name five effects and perceptions

Different Messages

Question Description

In business, all 3 of types of messages are used regularly: positive, negative, & persuasive.


  • Write about a time that you have used one of these types of messages.
    • What was the message about?
    • How did you organize the message?
    • Was it effective?
    • What would you do differently next time?

The Trolley Problem

Question Description

This link is included in the Ethical Dilemmas powerpoint lecture.

After viewing this example, please follow the directions in the Ethical Dilemmas powerpoint lecture that shows several different scenarios. In 250 words, minimum, please discuss your thoughts about and what choices you might make.

Essay&Design a simple network

Question Description

Essays should be 1000 – 1500 words. If sources are used, they must be cited in APA format

Design a simple network and make a drawing of the network. Include the following in your design: defense-in-depth, hardening systems, encryption, and node security. Then, justify (explain) your desig

discuss the question follow these requirements

Question Description

Suppose that two of your friends are about to launch a business together with nothing but a handshake. “We’ve been best friends since grammar school,” they say.

What advice would you give them?

Develop a list of the types of behavior that are almost certain to destroy a partnership.

Based on chosen topic find five (5) peer-review articles.

Question Description

Based on my chosen topic which is Mexican gangs in prison like how they live, find five (5) peer-review articles. I’m including the picture below of the instructions what you have to do. And also i’m attaching short paragraph what is my research about you can read it.

Write a short essay about whether you agree with the author’s position

Question Description

Read the article by Michael Davis “construction the professional responsibility of Engineers”. Write a short essay, about whether you agree with the author’s position. In around 750 words, elaborate your answers.

Following pictures are the instruction and the article, read them and follow the instruction carefully.

​Trends in Risk Management

Question Description

Trends in Risk Management

Gartner reports that “risk management leaders say digital privacy regulation is the top emerging risk on their radar”. What types of digital privacy risks do you see in your or another organization and what should an organization do to predict and measure these risks?

writing memo essay

Question Description

As you draft this memo, and in an effort to help you organize your thoughts and effectively present your ideas, it is strongly recommended that you prepare and/or make use of the following materials: (1) notes of the points that you intend to include in the memo