COM3112 Florida International University


You will be asked to watch factually based short videos about a specific company or an issue that is a concern to many companies today. For these videos, you are required to submit a 250 word detailed answer to the question presented in this activity. The assignment is graded using a 50 point scale (50 (A), 25 (C), or 0 (F)). This assignment is to be submitted through Canvas.

This week’s topic will be Low Context vs High Context. Please view the two videos below:

Digital Leadership Resource Guide


QUESTION. Each student will develop a digital leadership resource guide for their

current and/or future practice related to the leadership content learned throughout the
semester. Over the course of the semester, we will be exploring a variety of resources
related to leadership theory and practice. In addition to these resources, students
should explore what additional campus, community, digital, or other information exists to
help them in their leadership development. This assignment is intended to help students
synthesize their developing leadership competencies and to create a digital resource
guide that adds several additional resources beyond those examined in the class
(minimum of 10 additional sources). The digital leadership resource guide should be in an ELECTRONIC format and may take the form of a web page, a hyperlinked
document, an interactive infographic, a PDF, or part of the student’s academic portfolio
as part of their degree program.

In your digital leadership resource guide, please

incorporate the following elements:
• A recorded, oral summary of your personal philosophy of leadership and what
competencies/topics we have explored in class that most resonate with you (5
minutes maximum);
• Reflection on your Clifton Strengths Inventory results (Top 5) and their
connection to your personal philosophy of leadership;
• Your five favorite readings about leadership; these can be both academic and
non-academic (web, magazine, news sources, etc.) but at least two must be
academic and peer reviewed. Provide a paragraph summary of these readings,
highlight aspects from them that are important to your personal philosophy of
leadership, and discuss how you decided that these were reliable sources using
information from Unit 2 on information literacy;
• A minimum of two readings related to leadership in your intended major or career
field of interest. Provide a paragraph summary of these articles, highlight aspects
from them that are important to your personal philosophy of leadership, and
discuss how you decided that these were reliable sources using information from
Unit 2 on information literacy;
• At least five campus and/or professional resources that relate to the development
of leadership practice in your major and/or intended career. These can be
activities/events/workshops on the WMU campus; activities in the community;
and/or professional associations and professional development activities. Please
provide details on where information on these activities is listed and how
individuals can take advantage of the activities (timelines, processes, websites,
This assignment is graded on the following criteria (see the Demonstrate and Apply
Information Literacy Rubric in E-learning for additional information):
• Location & Inclusion of required elements (summary, Strengths, five favorite
readings with summary, two major related resources with summary, five
professional development resources)
• Evaluation of information, selecting the most appropriate resources (resources
are appropriate to the topic, the types and numbers, relevant to leadership,
connection to major as required)
• Synthesis of resources summaries connect sources of information
• Creation of resources guide from a variety of sources (readings, digital,

english 102 writing promt



Mid-Term Essay

Character Analysis


Reading for this Assignment is from the Oxford Book of Short Stories, see above.

Read “The Birthmark” by Nathaniel Hawthorne. 

  • Go over the materials we covered so far about the Elements of Fiction since this essay is going to require you to do a Character Analysis. 

After reading the assigned short story from the provided textbook, write a five-paragraph essay analyzing one of the characters from the story.

I have provided you with number of worksheets to help you along the way.

First, use the Character Graph Worksheet Download Character Graph Worksheetto understand the character and draw the most important areas you want to concentrate on. This is for your own use only.

Second, see the Character Analysis Assignment Document  Download Character Analysis Assignment Documentfor the detailed assignment guidelines and expectations. You will find the necessary information and some tips for the writing process here as well.

Use the MLA style for the document. See the video and the file below for the MLA style help. 

Upload your Essay in a Word or PDF document, so I can see and edit on it directly. 

You DON’T need to submit any other documents, ONLY the final draft of the essay. 

See the Rubric for grading criteria.

  • Good Luck!

MLA help Video and the Document. Download Document. 

MLA HandoutLinks to an external site. by LAVC Academic Resource Center

MLA Citations (8th Edition)Links to an external site.MLA Citations (8th Edition) 


See the rubric for grading criteria

Plagiarized work will be graded 0

Screen Shot 2022-09-16 at 10.26.32 AM.png

Honor’s Section Requirements:

(For students who are taking the class for Honor’s Program)

Your paper should be 10-15 pages long

It should include at least two outside sources: use LAVC Library database on Literature to find articles. See the alphabetized list and click on letter “L”

Include an MLA cited page

See the image of LAVC Library sources below:

Use this link to find this page.Links to an external site.

Screen Shot 2021-01-20 at 11.20.32 AM.png

Citation Help:

File Upload



Office 365

Upload a file, or choose a file you’ve already uploaded.Upload FileUse Webcam Add Another FileClick here to find a file you’ve already uploaded

I agree to the tool’s End-User License Agreement.Links to an external site.

This assignment submission is my own, original work

ENGL 211 Common place book 3


This work will be based only on Part 1 of “Sir Gawain and the green Knight” . 

Start by noting a specific moment, detail, quote, or specific theme from the text that seems intriguing, significant, provocative, or perplexing, and include that specific quote in your reflection, with a citation (citations = a line number for poems, page number for prose). 

  • Then, explain what stood out to you about this specific detail from the text. As you explain why this detail is significant, work towards developing a thesis, argument, or a question about a perplexing or confusing aspect of the reading, and explain how the text supports your point. Whichever approach you take, you should offer an insight that is not already immediately obvious to all readers. Instead, it should be an insight that will provoke the rest of us to further thought and consideration. As you develop this point, feel free to bring in additional quotes from the text to support your point.
  • Finally, to wrap up your reading journal entry, end with a question about the text that you would like to ask the rest of your classmates. (Entries that do not end with a question will only be able to receive 2 out of 3 points, at most.)
  • Once you’ve written up your Commonplace Book entry, take photo of it on your phone and upload the photo to this page in Blackboard–see the upload link below. (If you don’t have a smartphone, that’s fine–just let me know and we can work out a different method of staying on track with your Commonplace Book.)
  • Then, once you’ve uploaded your photo of what you wrote, keep your Commonplace Book with you and bring it to class so that you will have it easily accessible to talk about what you wrote.

As you write your commonplace book entry, some questions you might consider (feel free to explore others!) are as follows:

  • How does the genre of “romance” compare to that of “epic”?
  • How do the values of King Arthur and his “knights” compare to Beowulf and Anglo-Saxon “warriors” / thanes / thegns so far? What seem to be the most important differences between “knights” and “warriors”?

What do you notice about the presentation of courtly life in this story so far?

What do you notice about the presence of “games” in this story so far?

  • What values does this poem seem to hold up as admirable so far?
  • Is there a role of religion in this text so far? If so, what is it?

What do you notice about magic, wonder, and the supernatural in this story so far?

  • Do we see any humor in this text so far?

Writing questions to help me learn



Write a proposal for the your project. This proposal may 2 to 3 pages of length. And must address the following. The data support for formulation must be authentic. Find publications, articles related to your topic. Make sure you list your reading in the reference section of your proposal.

The following link give you a overview of how to write a college proposal

Take a look at the ‘sample proposal paper’ listed here at the bottom of this site.

Sample Proposal from Previous Semesters

Project Proposal -Climate change.pdf

Project Proposal — Bark Beetle Infestations In the Sierra National Forest.pdf

The Effect of Covid-19 for Suicides in Japan.pdf

Project Proposal Wealth Inequality and Progressive Tax.pdf

Project Proposal-Implementing a UBI.pdf

How to write College Proposal (tutorial link):…

The topics I like you to cover is in the following lecture. If you need for details please read chapter one. (Links to an external site.)

Have your proposal address at least the following

1) Introduction : Introduce the field of study to the reader. The reader may have very limited knowledge of of the area of your study. Therefore you may introduce the topic and related studies has being done in the area.

2) Problem Scope (Statement of Purpose): Specify the problem you looking into. For example if the population in California increases they will run out of resources. To face this issue beforehand, it is important to get an 10 – 20 year assessment.

What is the approximated population in 10 years from now,

How your proposal helps in that case etc.

3) Formulate the model (assumptions you going to make and how you structure your model) : State the formulas (No need to be exact at this stage) or assumptions you going to make. State how you going to come up with these facts.

4) Solve the model: Describe how you going to solve – what kind of equations/models you planning to use (No need to be exact but express the idea)

5) Analyze : What you may expect and how that could help to solve the initial issue. In proposal you just provide the estimation. What would you expect and how that may help to prevent the actual problem.

6) Conclusion: Conclude what your proposal may result at this end. How this help to the scope of problem overall and why it is essential. What may happened if these reports not take place.

7) Future work: How can you improve your model. If anyone wanted use this for more accurate results what should they do? ex: if population grow only considering births then you could add deaths to make it more precise)

8) Reference: work cited, where u get data and information

Lakoff Theory Policy Analysis


Apply George Lakoff’s theory to one political issue and explain why both liberals and conservatives would be for or against a policy preference. You must first explain the family dynamics in both the Strict Father and Nurturant Parent models (explain in detail how the models work), then list, explain, and apply at least FOUR metaphors (Examples: Moral Order, Moral Nurturance, Moral Empathy and so on…) from each model (Strict Father & Nurturant Parent)  to the issue position. For example, if you chose single-payer healthcare or Medicare-For-All as your issue, you will need to explain why  a conservative would be opposed to or in favor of such a policy and then explain a liberal’s opposition or preference for such a policy .


1. Read Moral Politics Article

2. Watch Moral Politics lecture

3. Watch Lakoff’s lecture on Moral Politics…

4. Watch Lakoff lecture 

5. Pick any issue that interests you (same-sex marriage, gun rights, healthcare, wearing masks during Covid-19, January 6th Capitol Insurrection, etc.)

6. Start your paper and discuss immediately how the Strict Father and Nurturant Parent models work. What are the dynamics in the family and outside world? This should be detailed and consistent with the lectures and reading (Moral Politics).

7. Provide a discussion of your issue. For example, if you choose income taxes you should provide a concise paragraph discussing briefly the history of the income tax, substantive changes, and the current policy. 

8. Apply the models to your issue and explain why Strict Father (conservatives) and Nurturant Parent (liberals) would be in favor of or opposed to your issue position. Remember the parents represent the government and children represent the people or citizens. 

9. Pick four metaphors that inform the conservative position from the metaphors in the Strict Father model (Moral Order, Moral Strength, Moral Self-interest, etc.)

10. Pick four metaphors that inform the liberal position from the metaphors in the Nurturant Parent model (Moral Empathy, Moral Social Nurturance, Moral Fair Distribution, etc.) 

11. Be sure to explain and describe in detail  each metaphor you choose and explain how they apply to the issue position of the liberal or conservative. You will do this a total of eight times for eight metaphors. For example, Moral Empathy requires you to feel what others feel, so a liberal might be in favor of same-sex marriage because it wouldn’t feel nice not to be able to marry your life partner. 

12. Be sure to fully describe the models, metaphors, and apply them in detail. This is your opportunity to showcase your understanding of Lakoff’s theory.

HUM2551 Ancient/Mediev Philosophy


I will provide you with the previous papers, and you need to continue writing. I got lower grades on the earlier papers, so I need someone who can see the feedback from the professor and the comments on my classmate’s papers and do well in writing. In addition, I will email it to the professor for feedback so you can review it and make some changes. 

here are the instructions for the assignment: 

Format: 8.5″x11″ pages, 1″ margins, Times New Roman font, double spaced lines, indented the first line of each paragraph. Substantial errors in spelling or grammar will result in a reduction of grade. Student name and page number may be placed in a header within the margins, but this is not required (since Canvas will tell me who each paper was submitted by). Professor name, course name, date, etc. need not be included.

File should be in .doc or .docx (Microsoft Word) format.  Note that as students of Florida Tech you have access to Microsoft Office, including via a web browser, so this should not present any difficulty. Submit the final version here, via Canvas.

Content: Your third paper should summarize your position, on a matter of philosophical import–the same matter you discussed in your first two papers. This should be done in approximately 600 words.

In some respects your paper should be much the same as your first: you should not try to summarize everything you believe–just one claim should be summarized in depth.  It may be a metaphysical claim, a value claim, or an epistemological claim, but it should be one of those! Your position may be grounded in one or both of the positions you previously explored, or it may deviate from both, but regardless your position should account for both of the positions you previously explored–for example, by synthesizing them, denying them both, or arguing that one is more plausible than the other for whatever reason. Your paper should cite few sources–obviously you should cite the original work of any philosopher you mention, but beyond that you should not use more than one or two other sources.  Your bibliography should not be included in your word count.  I do not have a citation format preference beyond “consistent.”

Your paper will be graded across four areas:

Did you identify a specific argument about metaphysics, values, or epistemology?

Did you clearly explain your argument and tie it to the work of two historically important philosophers? 

Did you cite the original text(s) of those philosophers, along with no more than two other academically appropriate sources?  

Is your paper grammatically correct, proofread, formatted as instructed, and otherwise linguistically coherent? 

English Composition


Purpose: This post will be an exercise in finding textual examples of Literary Devices that prove what we are saying about the meaning or overarching theme(s) of the story.

Tasks: 3.1

Part 1. Choose one of the short stories that we have read so far. Remember that “Everything that Rises Must Converge” was only provided as a model; you must choose one of the other stories to write about:

Part 2. Discuss why and how the story connects with one or two of the themes discussed in Unit 1:

  • Love (filial, maternal/paternal, romantic, or platonic)
  • Alienation/Otherness
  • The American Dream/Nightmare
  • The Quest for Identity/Coming of Age
  • Conformity/Rebellion.

  • 3.2
  • Purpose: Further develop your analysis of your chosen short story with a focus on the importance of characterization.Tasks:
  • Part 1. Choose a character from one of the short stories in this unit by Roanhorse, Liu, or Rash. Name the character and briefly describe them, considering some of the following elements:
    • What they are like–how are they described?
    • What we know about their past and present? Consider their relationships, their environment, their position in society, and their culture.
    • What do they want? What are their dreams and goals? What do they fear? What drives them?
    • What do they do? Why? What do we see in the story itself, and what can we infer about them from their behavior?
    • What do they say? What do they leave unsaid? Why?
    • What conflicts do they face–both internal and external–and how do they address these conflicts?

    Part 2. Consider how taking the approach of psychoanalytic criticism–focusing on the mind, unconscious motives, and the roots of desire–can enhance our analysis of a short story. Feel free to consult the readings from Mary Klages or Michael Ryan on psychoanalytic criticism to help you make these connections.

  • Part 3. Taking into account all of the above, and reading the Building a Strong Thesis Statementpage for guidance, craft a working thesis for your Unit 3 Essay and include it in bold at the end of your post. This is your opportunity to check your progress towards that essay and get feedback at a critical juncture. The thesis should focus on why and how your chosen story from this unit uses specific symbols, metaphors, uses of irony, or characters to depict one of the themes from Unit 1 (Love, Alienation/Otherness, the American Dream/Nightmare, Quest for Identity/Coming of Age, or Conformity/Rebellion) in a particular way.

Marketing Question


Watch the videos for Nike and Vans below. Pay close attention to who you think the target markets are for each of these videos. Are they the same or different? If same, how so? If different, how so?

Based on these videos and your experience with both brands discuss:

Who are Nike’s target markets? List at least 3 markets

Pick one of your markets from Q1 (above) and identify the geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioristic characteristics for one of these markets.

  1. Come up with a creative name for this market and develop a profile for the market. Who is this person? Paint a picture…if you had to film a commercial of this person what would they be doing? Who would they be? (minimum 3 sentences)
  2. Who are Van’s target markets? List at least 3 markets.
  3. Pick one of your markets from Q4 above and identify the geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioristic characteristics for one of these markets.
  4. Come up with a creative name for this market and develop a profile for the market. Who is this person? Paint a picture…if you had to film a commercial of this person what would they be doing? Who would they be? (minimum 3 sentences)
  5. Based on your market segmentation analysis (above) will the same marketing strategies employed to sell Nike products work for Vans (and vice versa)? Both are shoe brands. Why or why not? (minimum 3 sentences)
  6. Please number your responses, spell check and use good grammar. Please use textbook references and page numbers to support your answers. Do not copy content from outside sources or use AI without listing your sources. 
  7. Click hereLinks to an external site. for a Vans commercial. 

More videos if you interested in history and background:

Assignment Two 

Watch the video about Best Buy below. Then respond to the following questions :

What is “customer centricity” as adopted by Best Buy? What is another business that you frequent that utilizes the same idea of “customer centricity”? How? Minimum of 4 sentences.

What type of shopping decisions happens at Best Buy (routinized, extended…)? Defend your answer. Minimum of three sentences. 

What type of Situational Forces apply to women shoppers at Best Buy? List at least three and explain. 

What type of Psychological Forces apply to women shoppers at Best Buy? List at least three and explain.

What type of Social Influences apply to women shoppers at Best Buy? List at least three and explain.

Given the growth in online retailing, do you think an in-person salesperson is an important response to understanding consumer behavior? Why or why not? Minimum of three sentences. 




Explain how HRISs are changing how companies manage their compensation and benefit plans.



Human Resource Information Systems (HRISs) have significantly impacted how companies manage their compensation and benefit plans by introducing efficiency, accuracy, and strategic decision-making. HRISs automate compensation and benefits processes, reducing manual errors and ensuring accuracy in data management. Automated calculations and systems ensure that employees receive accurate compensation, including salary, bonuses, and benefits. HRISs centralize employee data, including compensation and benefits information, in a single, accessible platform. Centralization facilitates easy retrieval of data, enabling HR professionals to make informed decisions based on real-time information. HRISs streamline the administration of compensation and benefits by providing a unified platform for managing various elements such as salary structures, incentives, and healthcare plans. This streamlining reduces administrative burden, allowing HR teams to focus on more strategic aspects of compensation planning. HRISs offer customization features, allowing companies to tailor compensation and benefit plans to meet the diverse needs of their workforce. Integration between HRISs and payroll systems ensures seamless processing of compensation, benefits, and tax-related information. HRISs revolutionize compensation and benefits management by introducing automation, centralization, customization, and data-driven decision-making, ultimately contributing to more efficient, strategic, and employee-centric HR practices. Thoughts?



HRIS can assist Compensation Specialists collect, gather, analyze and develop decision-making tools and reporting for all the required data in Compensation Program Development and Administration.

What data elements do you think the HRIS system should aggregate (as described in the previous sentence) to help Compensation Specialists with their job duties.

My research shows most companies need to collect around 26 separate data elements in the Compensation arena itself, not counting Benefits data elements.


Please Include 3 references for the topic




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According to the CDC (2022), cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in the United States. Also known as heart disease, the term actually refers to a number of different types of heart conditions, such as coronary artery disease, peripheral artery disease, heart attack, or arrhythmia, among others. Choose one condition and research signs and symptoms, causes, and risk factors associated with that condition. Tie this into what you learned this week about the heart. Can heart disease be prevented? Why or why not?