Powerpoint Slides 20 slides in total with about 100 words on each slide Global Health

Question Description

This is for a powerpoint it has quite a few requirements and needs to be very detailed. I will attach the instructions on what to do it also needs to have speakers notes, citations and references. Thanks.

Main source


we also need to provide 3 other sources plus this one I put below


Question Description

edit the slides about electrocautery

Stakeholders analysis

  1. Sub Groups
    1. Patients
    2. Patient Family
    3. Patient Advocacy Groups
    4. Physicians
    5. Professional Societies
    6. Nurses
    7. Facility administrators
    8. Public payers
    9. Government
    10. Non-Governmental organizations
  2. How much does the current solution cost?
  3. How is it successful? How is it deficient?
  4. What barriers exist to implementation of the proposed solution:
    1. Incremental advance (not worth it)
    2. Too costly (not worth it)
    3. Ignores current culture (hard to learn, goes against existing practices)

personal journal

Question Description

Add to your personal journal:

-How does the culture you expect differ from the situations you have found yourself in? (In other words – you live and work in a specific environment – what happens when you are dropped into a different environment?)

– Enter your reflections on the Cultural Competency Self Assessment.(attached)

Peers response week 3. Nursing role and scope

Question Description

I need two responses, one for each peers. I need at least 6 paragraphs, 3 for each peers. I also need 4 references, 2 for each peers. The format has to be APA. Plagiarism will not be tolerated, the responses are going to be checked by the professor by Turnitin to detect plagiarism.

textbook reading –chapter 12

Question Description

Please read chapter 12. With your individual presentations in mind,please tell me three points from the chapter that you think areimportant.

Search the web for resources that could help you in developing aneffective presentation. Find five. List what you found (links) and howthey can help you. Please do not use anything from the textbook.

How to answer a discussion question and respond to a students response 2

Question Description

  • Prompt: Value chain analyses is used to identify and evaluate the competitive potential of a firm’s resources. Firms consider outsourcing when they cannot create value in a value chain activity or a support function. Discuss value chain analysis activity and the considerations for outsourcing.
  • Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply

Genesis 12-22

Question Description

Outline what it is that God is trying to teach Abraham through the narrative of Genesis 12-22.

Use chicago style, theological terms and scholarly sources. No need to do an introduction and a conclusion.

Do not abbreviate the name. Example:”In the First Book of Maccabees, the author….” NOT “In Mac, the author”

Differential Association Presentation

Question Description

You only need to make one slide of differential associations

basically give me the background of different association . It can be a picture with a summary of what the picture mean or it can be simple words and add a summary at the bottom of it explaining what’s going on .

I need my final paper completed, this is the paper that you have been working on all along

Question Description

I need my final paper completed, this is the paper that you have been working on all along I am going to post instructions, as well as your prior papers and the comments the teacher has made on your papers…this paper needs to be completed by Sunday at 1:30 PM 10/13/2019

Report Democracy, Communism, Post-Communism, Regime Change

Question Description

You will find a news article that relates to one of the topics discussed in class, summarize it, explain how it relates to comparative politics and briefly explain your take about the event(s) described in the article (is it a good/bad development? What does it/could it mean for global or national politics?)