Preparing a Resume

Question Description

I am going to attach UCF College of Business Resume Writing Guide. You can read through those pages before starting because I want it to look like that and I will be working with you creating this Resume. I need a strong detailed resume to be able to apply to accounting and finance jobs.

Find a job posting that is related to your degree plan. Write a job letter for the job posting that you found

Question Description

Find a job posting that is related to your degree plan. Write a job letter for the job posting that you found

This assignment should include a job letter and job posting. You can post a link to the job description or copy and paste the posting into a work document.

my academic program is Engineering Tic


Question Description

How do contrary effects differ from disentitlements? Use an example of each to illustrate how the two concepts differ. Examine at least two significant differences in your response. Also, explain how these policies disempower or privilege clients. Use this unit’s readings to inform your discussion.

1 page only. I need it in APA fomart.


drugs in society journal entry

Question Description

Think about your own exposure to drugs and drug prevention/education programs throughout your life. Reflect on what this consisted of and whether or not it was effective in guiding your choices. What could have been done differently? What do you think is the best course to take when it comes to drug abuse prevention?

Press release – announcement

Question Description

I have so many sentences and a brief about the topic which will be handed to you and you will have to write a press release. The sentences about the topic will be sent when accepted. It will all probably be 16 sentences, please bid only if you know how to write press releases.

New Lexicon of Hate

Question Description

I will send you the photos

  • Select ONE symbol between the pages of 50 and 57 and provide research on it.
  • Identify a hate group and determine what its strategies are? How does it perpetuate its agenda?
  • find additional two sources to support it.
  • one and half page
  • MLA format.
  • Please cite sources on a Sources Cited page.

Project 1 Revision Homework

Question Description

his homework assignment will help you improve the compromise section of your paper for Project 1. To improve your compromise, you will:

  1. Summarize your compromise in 4-5 sentences
  2. Provide two sources that will help you prove your compromise works
  3. Write one question you have that you want me to answer about the intended compromise

**addition info will be provided**

Laws and regulations affect organizations in designing their total compensation plan

Question Description

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Laws and regulations affect organizations in designing their total compensation plan.

Discuss total compensation. How do various laws and regulations guide total compensation?

Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to other students.

In this Discussion, you will reflect on a national healthcare issue and examine how competing needs may impact the development of polices to address that issue

Question Description

Post an explanation of how competing needs, such as the needs of the workforce, resources, and patients, may impact the development of policy. Then, describe any specific competing needs that may impact the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected. What are the impacts, and how might policy address these competing needs? Be specific and provide examples

I need four prompt answer, each of them need 125 words all together it will be 500 words

Question Description

I need four prompt answer each of them need 125 words all together it will be 500 words, no plagiarism I don’t need title page, or reference what is appendices? I would like a good tutor to be opening minded while doing my paper, I put all the information down on file thank you