HW Mod 7 – You will be asked to create a statement of cash flows from information provided.

Question Description



Module 7 Homework: Financial Statements

In chapter 12, you learned about financial statements. Please download the Module 7 Homework to your desktop. You will be asked to create a statement of cash flows from information provided. Save your homework assignment using the following file-naming format to receive full credit: HSA3170_Mod 7HW_LastName.

  • Submit the completed assignment in the drop box before midnight on Sunday EST.

Chose 3 topics from the upload file. Using information from the upload file and from at least one other original sources of your choosing (for each topic), give an explanation of each of the topics that can be understood by a 10-12 year old child

Question Description

Chose 3 topics from the upload file. Using information from the upload file and from at least one other original sources of your choosing (for each topic), give an explanation of each of the topics that can be understood by a 10-12 year old child.

The word count for all the explanations combined must be between 400 and 50 words (as counted by Microsoft Word).

The Two Constitutional Presidencies

Question Description

Jeffrey Tulis, in “The Two Constitutional Presidencies,” argues that there is a formal presidency and an informal presidency. As a result, he states, “many of the dilemmas and frustrations of the modern presidency may be traced to the president’s ambiguous constitutional station, a vantage place composed of conflicting elements.”

Comment on Tulis’ thesis, with reference to a specific president.

500 words. 2 scholarly sources Turabian citation

For this project, you create a database, containing one table, to store information about club members

Question Description

2016 Microsoft Access Required

American River Cycling Club is a local cycling club. For this project, you create a database, containing one table, to store information about club members. After creating the database, add fields into the table, edit field properties, enter records, modify the datasheet layout, import data and sort and filter the data in the table. This project has been modified for use in SIMnet®.

Analysis of Teamwork is an Individual Skill

Question Description

Read Chapters 4, 5, and Conclusion of Teamwork is an Individual Skill (The book is in the file)


  1. Review what you learned from the book
  2. Answer:
    1. 3 key learnings your have taken from these last three chapters of the book and explain why they are your key learnings
    2. Describe how you will demonstrate each of these key learnings going forward
    3. Submissions should be thorough, detailed, and provide insights into your thinking

Class 5

Question Description

This evening we will start Contracts (Chapters 10 – 13). Attached is the in class Assignment.CLASS 5 – ASSIGNMENT.docx

We will also be going over the attached Terms and Conditions either tonight or next week. TermsandConditions.pdf

El impacto de la tecnologia en nuestro entorno ventajas y desventajas

Question Description

Tarea 7.2 de National University College de Puerto Rico la tarea se trata de realizar una monografia con el tema sobre el impacto de la tecnología en la actualidad ventajas y deventajas la cual contenga 8 páginas 1 para introducción 6 para desarrollo y 1 para conclusion. En caso de que lleve algun dato copiado de algun lugar por favor citar las referencias en formato APA.

Scholarship Essay

Question Description

Essay must:

1. Describe what your life’s goals and objectives are and how obtaining additional education or a college degree will further these goals and objectives

-clearly defined career goals and objectives

-specify the educational requirements to attain the above goals and objectives

2. Explain what qualifies you for this scholarship

Essay must be 1100 words not including any citations or titles.

Paragraphs should be 7-8 lines.

Crisi impact

Question Description

This crisis impacted both the residential and commercial real estate finance markets.

1. Real estate foreclosures in some areas climbed to very large percentages (as high as 50%) of the housing stock.

2. Banks voluntarily attempted mortgage modification programs for some real estate owners.

3. The federal government required mortgage modifications programs, or provided funds for such programs, in an effort to lessen the impact of the foreclosure crisis.

Discussion : 350 words

Question Description

Association analysis measures the strength of co-occurrence between one item and another. Give an example to show that items in a strong association rule may actually be negatively correlated.

Association rule mining often generates a large number of rules. Discuss effective methods that can be used to reduce the number of rules generated while still preserving most of the interesting rules. in R for Data Science.