Presentation about Door Closer

Question Description

Please make me a PowerPoint file about the Metal Door Closer. I need it to be about the metal door closer itself and about the failure analysis that I did on it. A research will be attached about the failure analysis of it. Also, please write everything you would talk about in a presentation format so I can present it. Presentation should be about 10 minutes long.

English 111 essay on thematic issues between two short stories

Question Description

Write an essay comparing thematic issues between the short story “Miss Clairol” and “How did i get away with killing one of the biggest lawyers in the state?“. You can use any theme such as Role models/ parental figures , lies secrets and silence or dangers of romantic vision which the teacher believes was a good theme to use between the two stories. 3-4 pages mla format

Compare and Contrast between two arts. (Museum Report)

Question Description

compare and contrast between The Gulf Stream, by Winslow Homer and The Champion Single Skulls: Max Schmitt in a Single Skull, by Thomas Eakins according to Progessor’s 2-page instructions. I have attached the image of 2-page instructions below. I will upload the images of the arts later. The essay should be 4-pages long with double spaced 12-font (The Times New Roman). By the way, It’s a Museum Report.

Discussion question need main post and one reply

Question Description

Module 6 Discussion Forum

Which is more detrimental to a firm, pricing your product or service too high, or pricing your product or service too low?

Your original response is due by 11:55 pm EST on Wednesday, and then reply to another student’s post by Sunday at 11:55 pm EST. The required length for your original posting is 350 words, and your reply should be a minimum of 250 words.

Write the summary of Lytle’s article “Gun Control in the U.S.”

Question Description

Write the summary of Lytle’s article “Gun Control in the U.S.”

Decide what side of the gun control debate you—i.e., are you a supporter or an opponent?—and brainstorm two arguments for that side. Sketch out a thesis statement for Essay #1.

Read over the Volkswagen thesis and body paragraph example. Bring in any questions you have about it, especially the structure of the body paragraph.


Question Description

II A new application development project at NeuProd, Inc. consists of the following activities? Create a WBS

10 pts. (Extra)

Determine the slacks using critical path technique, draw a basic diagram of how critical path is calculated:

  • What is the critical path? What is the total slack?
  • Which activity has the largest slack? Crash the project by three days and re-identify the critical path.

answer the questions below using the attached file

Question Description

Remember to cite the reading with pages numbers . Size 12, No OUTSIDE sources, everthing must be cited and examples should be used

Why did Nahuas want to invade Central America?

What are the two rival Nahua groups discussed in the reading?

Name all of the ethnic groups that helped invade the K’iche’ Maya. How did each group help occupy this region?

Could Spaniards have invaded Central America alone? Explain.

Article summary

Question Description

Using the following news article link answer the following:…

– title

– publication year

– author

– link

– what is the *main topic* of the news article? Write at least 3 sentences

-what *people* are disscused in the article? Write at least 2 sentences

– what *places or locations* is described in the article? Write at least 2 sentences

Use Times New Roman, 12 point font, 1” margins, 1.5 spacing.

How do you feel about ethics in Theory, Practice, and Professional Relationships?

Question Description

Most weeks you will turn in a ONE PAGE (2-3 paragraphs) reflection paper. The reflection papers should discuss ethical issues that have occurred to you either as a result of readings or events that have taken place in your real life. Each student should submit a total of 10 reflection papers.

These are due each Friday by 12 NOON.

Below is a copy of Chapter 7.

Discuss, in your own words using 500 words or more, how business process as a service (BPaaS) reduces risk for commercial enterprises.

Question Description

Discuss, in your own words using 500 words or more, how business process as a service (BPaaS) reduces risk for commercial enterprises.

Use at least three sources. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list. Cite your sources. Do not copy. Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format.