Study questions

Question Description

I need an about a 350 word response to the following. Please use at least 1 reference.

  • A description of how each team member uses critical and creative thinking to enhance their professional development in their current careers (1 paragraph)
  • An analysis of the critical and creative thinking strategies used by the team members, as well as which the team found to be most effective. (2 to 4 paragraphs)

Csci 415 honework

Question Description


This is a csci 415 paper. I want you to write two different sets of answer for the same question please. u need to do it in as the red hughlighted part in the filed uploaded below like

Apa format, intext citation, current rvent less than 4 years, about 370 words for each and double spacing please. Also the URL reference too. Pl check the highlighted part . Thank

IT Request For Proposal

Question Description

Please find an IT-related RFP on the Internet; provide a working URL for the web site. Comment on the RFP that you found.

Evaluate it according to the RFP requirements (Time, Cost, schedule)State at least 3 good points, state at least 3 bad points.

Add any comments you might have from the contractor/bidder’s point of view.


Discussion 7

Question Description

Include at least 250 words in your posting and at least 250 words in your reply. Indicate at least one source or reference in your original post. Please see syllabus for details on submission requirements.

Discuss how organizations have faced the challenges that incident handlers are challenged with in identifying incidents when resources have been moved to a cloud environment.

Respond to two classmate’s posts attached below.( 250 words each)

please write the following with 2 different heading with APA format .intext citations and references

Question Description

Question 1

Discuss who will be responsible for actually producing the products or services in your organization. What suppliers will be needed and how will they fit in your strategic plan to succeed?

Question 2

Discuss the benefits and disadvantages of various legal business structures (corporation, sole proprietor, partnership, co-operative, public limited company, branch office, representative office, LLC, PLC, etc.) and other legal considerations of your company.

**Additional materials will be provided***

Controlling Access using Identity Access Management

Question Description

The course research paper is a formatted APA paper. It is Minimum 12 pages, double-spaced. Paper length requirement is 12 pages of content from Title Page through References. The Research Paper is worth 20% of the final grade.

Please read Chapter 12 and 13 in your textbook – Information Governance: Concepts, Strategies, and Best Practices – Robert F. Smallwood.

Topic “Controlling Access using Identity Access Management

please write the following question with 2 separate headings with intext citations and references

Question Description

Question 1

Discuss who will be responsible for actually producing the products or services in your organization. What suppliers will be needed and how will they fit in your strategic plan to succeed?

Question 2

Discuss the benefits and disadvantages of various legal business structures (corporation, sole proprietor, partnership, co-operative, public limited company, branch office, representative office, LLC, PLC, etc.) and other legal considerations of your company.

**additional materials will be provided**

Chernobyl disaster

Question Description

Research a workplace incident (fatality, injury, property damage, etc.) and prepare a 2-3 page paper.

Evaluate the incident: Chernobyl disaster

  • Background
  • What happened?
  • How did it happen?
  • What are some of the causes? From a system safety point of view, what are contributing factors?
  • Lessons Learned?
  • Based on your evaluation, what could be done to prevent another incident?

The paper should be double spaced and size 11 font.

Cite at least 3 References

As Previously discussed

Question Description

The topic was approved . The outline is due as we discussed. the final paper and powerpoint in two weeks a research paper (5 pages, double spaced using MLA format) on a musical topic, composer or performer that includes a PowerPoint presentation posted in the discussion board for your classmates. Once I receive the outline I will extend the time to two weeks

Will attach a rubric later

Unhealthy Eating Causes Obesity

Question Description

The topic is about Unhealthy Eating Causes Obesity

Your first essay assignment of the semester asks you to make an argument based upon a claim of fact.

In an essay of at least 1,200 words (about 4-5 pages) + works cited , chose a topic about which you can make an argument based upon a claim of fact.use MLA format.

i have provided information about essay that can help.