Appraisal process

Question Description

With that knowledge in mind, why is the appraisal process in both initial purchases and in refinance transactions so important (whether it is the Direct Sales Comparison Approach, the Cost Approach, or the Income Capitalization Approach)?

Why are credit reports and income and reports and income and employment checks important too?

Can you see situations where appraisals, credit reports, and employment checks can derail refinance transactions? Please discuss.

State of Ohio Board of Nursing

Question Description

Topic: Medical record documentation is required to record pertinent facts, findings, and observations about an individual’s health history, including past and present illnesses, tests, treatments, and outcomes. The medical record chronologically documents the care of the patient and is an important element contributing to high-quality safe care.

Discuss your State Board of Nursing nurse practitioner documentation guidelines and how this can impact your level of reimbursement in the clinical setting.

one and half page

Question Description

Write a page and a half essay responding to zinczenko, using your own experience and knowledge as part of your argument. You may agree, disagree, both to be sure to represent sinczenkos views near the beginning of your text. Both summarizing and quoting from his arguments you can see the templates that you have learned about thus. far help guide your writing. Do not forget to work cited page.

1. seek out articles on writing technique 2.write an argument using the rhetorical device you have learned

Question Description

Seek out articles on writing technique or divisive current events (such as police brutality, marriage equality, the wage gap, etc.)

Write an argument using the rhetorical devices you’ve learned. If you can create a fallacy-free argument using only logos (and perhaps your own ethos) you do not need to cite any sources.

Those two are separate question. Each question write 1 paragraph is fine. Total for one page.

2 pages about systemic contradictions

Question Description

choose a social system that you or your loved ones have had to navigate. Write a letter to someone who will have to navigate that system letting them know the contradictions they will face as they navigate that system. Let them know how you felt as you as your family faced those contradictions. What tips or strategies can you give them as they navigate this system.

Discuss in 500 words, why institutions are reluctant to move their IT to the cloud. Consider specific industries like education, medicine, military, etc.

Question Description

Discuss in 500 words, why institutions are reluctant to move their IT to the cloud. Consider specific industries like education, medicine, military, etc.

Use at least three sources. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list. Cite your sources. Do not copy. Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format.

Ottoman Empire vs Safavid Empire

Question Description

Compare and contrast the Ottoman Empire with the Safavid empire in terms of the rising ideology, institution of religion, political structure, and their significance in the world.

– Answer question above in 4-5 paragraphs

– 1 Page

– Only use attached PDF as a source

– Use In text citations

– Professor is very sensitive on plagiarism, so please be avoid doing so.

Feel free to ask any questions and thank you SOO Much

Case discussion

Question Description

I. 1. Apply Porter’s Five Forces on the general Beer Industry. 2. Identify and compare the main strategic groups in the beer industry? 3. Identify the resources and capabilities of the Boston Beer Company. Which of these resources create sustainable competitive advantage?

II. Make two comments/pose two questions to others’ analyses

Part two will be provide once there is other posts

Below link is the reading of the case:…

Sai cyber — I need a discussion on the below topic

Question Description

Please submit the following assignment prior to Sunday at 11:59 pm. Eastern time:

1. Using a Microsoft Word document, please assume you are a reporter writing ten years hence. Please discuss the technological changes that have been made since 2017 and how those changes have affected humanity, and how those changes have affected themselves.

2. The minimum word count shall be not less than 650 words.

APA format and references are important

, identify all and any claims being made in the excerpt. Who is making the claims (use names) and what is their concrete support for the claims? Be detailed. Be specific. Minimum 250 words for each clip response

Question Description

identify all and any claims being made in the excerpt. Who is making the claims (use names) and what is their concrete support for the claims? Be detailed. Be specific. Minimum 250 words for each clip response

The powerpoint attached is just an example of how its done.

Read transcript 2 and 3, follow the power point example by finding the claims in the transcripts and support them.