This paper is to attend a particular Buddhist service write a paper an make connection to what you observe with the text.

Question Description

The goal of this assignment is to gain a deeper understanding of Buddhism through first-hand experience and reflection.

Below is an uploaded instruction of the assignment in word document, i also uploaded a word document of my introduction that include the place that i went and the type of service that i attended. I also uploaded a sample PDF of one of my friend who did the same paper last year.

Feasibility Study Paper

Question Description

Prepare a 1,750- to 2,100-word paper discussing what is needed to complete a feasibility study for a new start up or a new product line within an existing firm.

Complete a feasibility study for the new product or service based on the template in Figure 3.1.

Include the following in your paper:

  • The Business Problem and Opportunity Statement
  • The Feasibility Study Requirements
  • Assumptions
  • Alternative ranking (as needed)
  • Conclusion/decision
  • Appendix (feasibility study) and references

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.

write a summary on the given article

Question Description

Starting with your three- to four-sentence summary of Moore and Morton’s “The Myth of Job Readiness: Written Communication, Employability, and the ‘Skills Gap’ in Higher Education,” expand your brief summary into a more substantial summary (250 words).

A summary must include the title of the article and the name(s) of the author(s). Do not make assumptions about your readers. The title and authors should be stated at the beginning of the summary

Need to complete assignment 1-6

Question Description

This is a series of assignments 1-6 which fall on each other. I have completed assignment one already and need to complete 2-6. Each one has its own template to follow (attached) except for # 5 which is a work breakdown structure. All the details for each of the assignment is attached with titles T1, T2, T3, on so forth. Please refer to completed assignment 1 and complete assignments 2-6.

D-Discussion 11 and Discussion 12

Question Description

Discussion 11:Describe what you believe are the key leadership roles in implementing a Lean transformation. Then select one of these roles and describe what you would do to model it within your organization.

words :200

Discussion 12:Define the term Catchball. In regards to a catchball or PDCA Cycle, compare and contrast the provided A3 and Change Canvas templates. Which do you think is better for documenting strategic alignment activities? Why?

words :200

My Compliments to the Chef

Question Description

Read My Compliments to the Chef, ER, Buyer on pg. 200 in the text.

Prepare a 6 slide presentation about the case.

Feel free to incorporate/compare and contrast ideas from your final topic with operation principles in this case.

Include the answer to questions 4 & 5 and the Analysis of one peer reviewed scholarly article to support your argument

Online Students: Please present this via Keiser Live, Phone or Voice Recorded file.

Book of Job

Question Description

Essay Prompt:

How does the book of Job’s approach to the problem of evil, and in particular the idea that bad things happen to good people (and good things happen to bad people), enlighten our idea of the hero? Pick a hero from a modern source-novel, movie, etc.- which Job might shed light on.

*Job is a Biblical Book and Character*

I have further notes that I will send regarding the prompt.

Victim Precipitation, Facilitation, and Provocation

Question Description

read the powerpoints provided

The field of victimology originated in the early to mid-1900s, with the first victimologists attempting to identify how victims contribute to their own victimization. To this end, the concepts of victim precipitation, victim facilitation, and victim provocation were examined. In 250 words, define these concepts and explain your position regarding whether or not victims contribute to their own victimization. Is this a flawed approach to explaining victimization?

Tell the class about the ethical aspects of your city government. Choose a city.

Question Description

Choose a city. It would be best if it were the city in which you live or at least one in your state with which you are familiar. Tell the class about the ethical aspects of your city government. What services are available? What process is available should a citizen have a complaint? Is there an Ombudsman? Is the Code easily accessible? Clear? How is it impacted by the State Legislature?

Research: Business Sustaining Competitive Advantage.

Question Description

As noted by Pearlson (2016), it might seem obvious that a firm would try to sustain its competitive advantage. After all, the firm might have worked very hard to create advantages, such as those already discussed in your textbook. However, there is some controversy about trying to sustain a competitive advantage

Reference: Pearlson, K., Saunders, C., Galletta, D. Managing and Using Information Systems: A Strategic Approach, 6th Edition. Burlington, MA. Wiley, 2016