Describe Latin American between 1826 and 1920

Question Description

Describe Latin America between 1826 & 1920 (socially, politically and economically) the internal and external factors that led to those changes. (Export-oriented economic boom)

Economic system: what does Latin Amrica make and how? what food? who produced them?what labor systems were presented:slavery? forced labor, free labor? what countries purchased these exports? what did they imported, and who?

Political system: who runs Latin America an how?

People to look at:

Alexander Dawson

John Charles Chasteen

How do you know yourself, and how would you define what is most essential to the self’s identity, e.g. body or mind? In what ways, if any, is self-knowledge important for self-improvement and happiness, and in what way might it prove harmful?

Question Description

​Read the PCNet

Question Description

Read the PCNet Project case (linked in Portfolio Project Option 1 in the Module 8 folder). Examine the project management issues detailed in the case, including those concerning procurement, contracts, and risk management.Write an overview of one-half to one page (not including the required title and references pages) of the case and the project management issues to be covered in more detail.Include one current scholarly source fr

Can you help answer this question?

Question Description

2 Peter 3:18 exhorts us to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Greek word for “grow” is a causative verb, “cause something to grow.” Peter wants us to take deliberate steps to increase and mature in grace and knowledge. What steps are you taking to grow in grace and knowledge? What steps should you take? What steps would you recommend for others to take?

Essay #4: Poetry

Question Description

Write a 1,000-word analysis essay of any of the poems in your textbook. Be thorough!Poetry essays MUST contain a LINE-BY-LINE analysis and must also contain a discussion of the FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE used in the poem. Each word carries importance in a poem. All lines are important. If you provide only a general discussion of your interpretation of the meaning behind the poem, you will not receive a high score on this assignment.

checks and balance

Question Description

  • Explain the difference between checks and balances and the separation of powers, and explain why they are important to our democracy.
  • Discuss one recent real-world example of checks and balances, and explain the impact of it.
  • Discuss one recent real-world example of balance of power, and explain the impact of it.
  • Discuss one recent real-world example of how the Constitution directly protects individual and group rights.

Min of 300 words/ Max of 600, APA reference style.


Question Description

Creating the PPT presentation, handouts, and other supporting materials. also need to have questions prepared to support peers’ learning. I will give you the comments during the presentation to respond to them just three.

If their any appropriate video for this chapter please add it.

use APA style, simple words, and correct grammar.

This is some example for presentation attached and I will send the chapter for the presentation.

I need 2 discussions posted and 4 responses, and 1 current event article completed

Question Description

The two discussion post are for Introduction of humanities 4.1-4.2 which need to be competed by 4:00pm on 9/11, then I need two replies on 4.2 done by Saturday 9/14 at 4:00 pm

Then I need two replies for week 4 in ethics of information technology completed by Saturday 9/14 at 4:00 pm

Then complete assighntment Paper B in Ethics of Information Technology by Saturday 9/14 at 5:00 pm

Log in to see instructions

Operationalizing Preventing Harm

Question Description

Preventing harm requires health care organizations to deliberately design organizational programs focused on patient safety.

In your post:

  • Identify and describe two operational considerations for patient safety (for example, in the areas of safety development programs, information technology, risk management, safe medication practices, et cetera).
  • Analyze the benefits and challenges of implementing each of the operational considerations you identified.
  • Identify the opportunity cost of not implementing the operational consideration.

Cite your sources using current APA style.

Discuss the revolutionary war

Question Description

Several factors weighed against the British in their efforts to successfully fight and win the Revolutionary War. In a 1 page paper, discuss at least four of the problems they would have had and explain how and why each of the problems was impossible to overcome. Remember to use supporting citations from the textbook and online lectures. (Here is a guide to help you with APA-style citations.)