What are the arguments for and against genetically modified crops? Discuss the scientific, economic, and political issues.

Question Description

• Begin each writing assignment by identifying the question number you are answering followed by the actual question itself (in bold type).

• Use a standard essay format for responses to all questions (i.e., an introduction, middle paragraphs and conclusion).

• Responses must be typed double-spaced, using a standard font (i.e. Times New Roman) and 12 point type size.

Textbook: Essential Environment: The Science Behind the Stories 6th Edition, 2019

Author(s): Jay Withgott & Matthew Laposata

Publisher: Pearson

Form the paper to the correct form

Question Description

Cover Page. Essay format with headers(bolded). Double spaced, 1” margins, proofread, spell checked and work cited.In text citations. MLA format. 8-12 pages. Quality Work.

Cover Page. Essay format with headers(bolded). Double spaced, 1” margins, proofread, spell checked and work cited.In text citations. MLA format. 8-12 pages. Quality Work.

Cover Page. Essay format with headers(bolded). Double spaced, 1” margins, proofread, spell checked and work cited.In text citations. MLA format. 8-12 pages. Quality Work.

Analyze an Environmental Quote and Its Relation to Our World

Question Description

DO NOT PLAGIARIZE!!!!! this essay should be written in your own words

  • 12 pt font; double spaced
  • APA format
  • minimum of 2 completepages max of 3 pages
  • minimum of 4 references.
  • Paper is about taking an environmental (water) quote and write a paper about it’s meaning and its impact on our world. Do you believe it’s true or false? Your opinion matters.
  • Paper should be organized and easy to follow
  • look at attachment for more instructions

Six Men and an Elephant

Question Description

Business environments are often marked by uncertainty and complexity, meaning that the relationships between and among decisions which impact on a company’s financial performance are often times difficult to predict. After reading the Kaplan & Norton articles for the week–particularly the original article on the Balanced Scorecard–how do you think that a formal framework like the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) helps us better understand the elephant which comprises the modern business operation?


Please see the requirements

Question Description

Write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions:

  • Explain the Group Policy and Group Policy Objects (GPO).
  • Explain how to make Group Policy conform to security policy.
  • Describe GPOs in the Windows Registry and Active Directory.
  • Explain the best practice for Group Policy and processes.
  • Discuss business challenges of Group Policy.

Please note:

  • Be in APA format including your references.
  • Be 400–600 words long (not including title and references).
  • Do not re-state the questions.
  • Include two sources (i.e. two references).

400-600 word apa with references

Question Description

Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:

  • Discuss a provider’s ability to influence patients—as consumers of health care—and their decisions.
  • How are providers responsible for patient decision making?
  • How do providers impact a facility’s ability to bring in revenue?

Discussion questions of the week.

Question Description

************** please add citations and references 🙂 ****

DQ one: Discuss characteristic findings of immune dysfunction for either hypersensitivity reactions or AIDS. Explain what symptomology the patient would exhibit and how these symptoms may complicate daily living and relationships.

DQ two: Discuss what symptoms are associated with anaphylactic shock and how the nurse differentiates these from other conditions or issues. What steps should be taken if the nurse suspects anaphylactic shock?

provide feeedback on authors technique in ” the story of an hour”

Question Description

https://archive.vcu.edu/english/engweb/webtexts/hour/ link to short story

Please provide your feedback on the author’s techniques in ONE . In doing so, please comment on how the author utilizes at least one of the literary devices (plot, setting, characterization, etc) to create reader interest or to build depth. Quote for support. be at least 250 words in length.

then i will show you a peer response and you review and respond to them in 100 words

Resume writing

Question Description

There is a job that i want to apply for. Basically i do have the experience required for the job but i will like to have a resume that will have all the job requirements and description. Attached below is my past resume but will like that it should contain the necessary experiences as to those list in the job. A copy of the job and its description can be found below.

Answer 2 questions

Question Description

Question 1.

Give a review on chapter 12 of what you found good and not so good. Anything you might also want to share with your readers and if the author was to read your review, what would you want the author to know.

Question 2.

What is one thing about the concept of intrepreneurs that you did not know that you found most interesting and why?

References required. 1 page per question