response to 2 questions

Question Description

2 paragraphs *** per question

Only 2 questions

so total will be 4 paragraphs.

Read chapter 6 skeptics May Object on pg 77 and complete number one on pg 89 under exercise. Then read chapter 7 saying why it matters on pg 91 and complete number one under exercises on pg 99. find three different form of text scholarly, blogs, new articles, etc.You can place both assignments on the same document.

i will provide you attachments.

Describe the typical music found in The Golden Age of Hollywood music genres : Action, musicals, and historical fiction.

Question Description

The Golden Age of Hollywood created film genres defined by a variety of conventions and clichés. Cite three genres from this period and describe the typical music found in those genres.

Three genres from the Golden Age of Hollywood include: Action, musicals, and historical fiction. Be sure to include specific examples from King Kong, Wizard of Oz, and Gone With The Wind.

Role of Law in Society

Question Description

describe two (2) major functions of law in the U.S.

Discuss the success and failure of law in fulfilling your two (2) chosen functions of law in our society.

  • Provide two (2) examples of such success and failure to support your rationale.

Examine three (3) implications of Americans using the U.S. Court System to settle frivolous disputes relative to the role of litigation in U.S. society. Provide a rationale for your response.

Write an essay about one of the following storys and discuss the themes or symbols.

Question Description

Essay 3

1. Choose one of the following stories: “Everyday Use”, “A & P”, “The Lesson”, “The

Lottery”, or “The Cask of Amontillado.”

2. Discuss a theme(s) OR symbol(s) of the story. Use evidence from the text to

support your claims.

Requirements for a successful essay:

At least 600 words

Title and author in introduction

Thesis statement

At least 3 quotes (properly implemented and cited)

Organized ideas

MLA format

Proper heading

Works cited page

Few grammar errors

Present tense

No personal pronouns

No contractions

just needs some ideas about writing discussion post

Question Description

Over the past several years there has been unrest in many communities around the world. In the United States, many movements have been started that have lead to changes in attitudes, behaviors, policy, laws, etc. Choose one of those movements that relate to ethnicity and or race and using the 4 stages of a social movement (chapter 1), describe the events that occurred at each stage. (Note; there is a difference between race and ethnicity).

The goal of this forum is to discuss the ethics of euthanasia and Aristotle’s distinction between practical knowledge and theoretical knowledge.

Question Description

This should be 250+ words and explained in detail

Analyze the major ethical theories in the history of moral philosophy as put forward by philosophers in key ethical texts.

Apply ethical theories to current issues and real-life scenarios.

The Topic is Aristotle

Clarify as much as possible Aristotle’s distinction between practical knowledge and theoretical knowledge. Does an understanding of this distinction help account for why persons who know certain habits or behaviors are harmful, still persist in those behaviors?

Answer question about Antigua

Question Description

Choose 5 question from the listbelow and answer them about Antigua….. I prefer Communication,Economics, Health-related beliefs and practices, Nutrition, and Religionand spirituality.

  • Identify five (5) categories fromAppendix A in your text from which you will develop primary (andfollow-up) questions for your assessment. The categories from which youmay choose include:
  • Biocultural Variations and Cultural Aspects of the Incidence of Disease
  • Communication
  • Cultural Affiliations
  • Cultural Sanctions & Restrictions
  • Developmental Considerations
  • Economics
  • Educational Background
  • Health-Related beliefs and Practices
  • Kinship and Social Networks
  • Nutrition
  • Religion and Spirituality
  • Values Orientation

Market research article

Question Description

Find an article that discusses the two topics of market research and innovation.

  • Summarize the article, noting examples and key points.
  • Next, analyze the article. What do you think about what is discussed? Are there key considerations missing or other issues?
  • Finally, how do you see market research evolving in the future, specifically considering online/social factors and the dramatic increase in available data?
  • Please include a link to the article.

The essay should be at least 300 words.

Chapter 22 presented a case study in creating value from uncertainty, and chapter 25 presented the use of efficient frontier analysis in SRM. Assume you are the project lead for the analysis team that uses Efficient Frontier Analysis to evaluate risks of

Question Description

Chapter 22 presented a case study in creating value from uncertainty, and chapter 25 presented the use of efficient frontier analysis in SRM. Assume you are the project lead for the analysis team that uses Efficient Frontier Analysis to evaluate risks of the portfolio presented in chapter 25. How would you explain the results of the analysis to non-technical decision makers? What recommendation would you make, assuming the risk appetite presented in chapter 25?

answering some easy questions

Question Description

What do you think you did well?2.

Where did you improve most?3.

What would you like to continue to improve?4.

How has the feedback you received from your Instructor on the Tasks and theLiteracy Narrative been helpful, and how will you use it to improve your writingprocess for Project 2?

5. How will you use what you have learned about writing, about your writingprocess, and about yourself?

6. Do you have any final questions for your Instructor?