Explain in few sentences how each of these heuristics applies to security:

Question Description

In NOT less than 200 words, respond to the following discussion questions:

Explain in few sentences how each of these heuristics applies to security:

a.Goal orientation (people want to pursue some task which isn’t security)

b.Confirmation bias (people believe they’re right, and search for evidence)

c.Compliance budget (People can only budget a certain amount of time for security)

All work should be cited in APA citation. Refer to the content area APA citations .

need help on my journal 3

Question Description

Reading journals are a low stakes, informal opportunity to demonstrate engagement with assigned readings. I want you to respond to and make connections with the texts. Each complete journal response (7 sentence minimum) is worth 1 point.

Consider the following questions:

1. What personal connections can you make with the text? Does it resonate in any way with your life/experience?

2. What connections can you make between the text and prior knowledge?

3. What questions does the text raise for you?

Respond to 2 Classmates 100 words each (Course Reflection)

Question Description

Guided Response: Respond to two peers. When responding to peers, discuss (i.e., include an explanation) the topics you found most interesting, most challenging, and which resources you found most helpful in learning about the challenging topics. If your classmate is struggling with a topic you found easy or interesting, include information (e.g., website links, videos, your own explanation) to help your peer better understand the topic. Your responses must be a minimum of 100 words. (See attachment)

Learning Outcomes, suggest future applications of the writing strategies you’ve learned

Question Description

include all 5 learning outcomes and how you’ve met them over the

course of the quarter

–You only need a few example from each outcome—don’t try and recount

how you met

them all!

• quote from your own work for the course (including Reading Responses,

Relationship with writing paper, any Self-Study draft, and

• suggest future applications of the writing strategies you’ve learned

• 2-3 double spaced pages

• These will be due on Canvas next Thursday night, September 12, at


the Flood stories

Question Description

how is it going? Here are all info you may need for this question.

Please Read and compare:

1- the Flood stories on blackboard

2- Flood stories in Genesis

3- Flood stories in the discussion in Mathisen, p. 13

4- and West in Question 2 (Section 2).

What are the differences in the divine motives behind each account? Are the outcomes different?

See attached please it may help to get some info also you can google some.

Note: Chicago Style, 2 pages.

finding and presenting two examples of reasonable accommodations for disabled individuals.

Question Description

Peer review

Question Description

Please read your classmate’s essay (file provided) a couple of times–first to understand your partner’s intentions and then reread the essay again to pay attention to areas you think your partner can revise to better communicate ideas. After you have read the essay, please copy and paste the twelve peer-review questions (file provided) into a Word document, and keep in mind that all twelve questions need comprehensive responses. Your feedback needs to be in complete sentences.

write notes about a video

Question Description


this is a link for one video. I would like you to watch the first 35 minutes of this video. While you are watching it, you MUST take notes because we will be discussing it later. Pick out things that you feel are important, inspiring, interesting, etc… and write them down as well as who said it. Think of ways you can incorporate what they are saying into your own life and leadership style.

How would you build a CSIRT? What are the components to building an effective team?

Question Description

Course: Bus control planning and Disaster Recovery Planning.

Discussion Question: How would you build a CSIRT? What are the components to building an effective team?


initial post must contain a properly formatted in-text citation and scholarly reference, all work needs to be your original work, remember to also include citations..

** i also need two short critical evaluations of other students’ posts after you post your response i will provide those students post to evaluate.**

can you do my paper?

Question Description


I want you to write two pages and half-three as rough draft and the outline. the assignment has to be done in 5 hours.

its comparative rhetorical analysis paper. I have attached the guideline and other requirements. I didn’t have a topic yet. so, i want you to choose simple topic and has to be two different things as it shown in the outline below.

please let me know if yo have any question?