read two lecture notes and answer the questions

Question Description

lecture 17

How much did you know about the connection between food and climate change?

What seems to you the most important aspects?

What diet should be followed in the future to limit the impact of food on climate change? How could you get to that type of diet?

lecture 18

What would represent for you climate justice?

What type of action could be undertaken to ensure some kind of climate justice?

What are the possible consequences in the future if climate injustice continues to increase?

Law in USA

Question Description

Write an essay in which you discuss three ways in which the law affects business in your home country. Describe the nature and source of the law involved, give possible reasons for the law, describe impacts of the law on business (both positive and negative), and suggest ways that the law could be improved.

Prepare an essay of 1,500 words. The paper should be 12-point font, double spaced, Times New Roman, and include a final source list.

APA and own words

Immigration and crime literature review paper proposal topic

Question Description

Submit a short (about 1 or 2 pages, typed, double-spaced) description of the paper topic you selected. Specifically, (a) clearly state the topic you selected, (b) briefly describe why you think this topic is important and why you are interested in researching this topic, (c) briefly state what you are going to do to conduct the review of literature (e.g., discuss what library databases you are going to use and think of some search terms you might use).

This is an article about the ketogenic diet.

Question Description

1. Most obese people are obese because of long-term metabolic delay and inflexibility leading to a decline in the body’s sugar-burning system and fat burning capacity. So the flexibility of metabolism is very important. The topic is about how to increase the flexibility of metabolism.

Please combine with the ketogenic diet.

Include an introduction and conclusion.

Add at least two hyperlinks


2. Recommend several ketone diet recipes and food practices. 400words

Can you help with this question?

Question Description

Studying the Scriptures as we have been doing in this course can be like a “fitness center” for your soul. You exercise your brain, your heart, and your spirit as you submit yourself to careful Bible study. The God-called minister will have much time to spend in this “fitness center” in her or his life. How have you grown spiritually in this course? What things can you do to make careful Bible study more of a spiritually edifying experience?

Data collection methods

Question Description

For this discussion, you will choose a type of data collection method and describe a scenario when it would be useful as well as potential pitfalls of the method. Use your textbook as support for your answer.


  • Describe various types, advantages, and disadvantages of data collection methods used in research


  • Initial Post: Minimum of two (2) total references: one (1) from required course materials and one (1) from peer-reviewed references.

Words Limits

  • Initial Post: Minimum 200 words excluding references (approximately one (1) page)

study of “ERM adoption and implementation in Higher Education (HE) environments.

Question Description

Present a case study of “ERM adoption and implementation in Higher Education (HE) environments. The case review must be from an established organization.

Consider the following:

  • Challenges
  • How the challenges were mitigated or overcome
  • Pros and Cons
  • Did the implementation fail or succeed?

Write a minimum of 6 pages

Title Page: (1 Single page)

Abstract (1 Single page)

Body (3 pages)

  • Conclusion (part of the body)

References (1 Single page)

Totaling 6 pages

Submission must be in full compliance with APA with 0% plagarism including references.

Even references should not be plagarized.

Sociolinguistics short essays

Question Description

1. Think of a communicative event that you have participated in with another individual and describe it according to the eight factors proposed by Hymes.

2. Two Japanese speakers can show their relative social positions to each other through the use of honorifics. Even though English does not have grammatical honorifics, can two English speakers still show an awareness of their relative social status through the use of language? Use examples to support your answer.

2 pages for each question.

Literature & Film Analysis 5 paragraph

Question Description

discussion board assignment – 2-3 paragraphs

Question Description

  • incorporate a concise statement backed by assigned readings (the websites below) or another scholarly source and stimulates further discussion.
  • Incorporate as much from the reading(s) into your response
  • your response should be well organized and easy to follow
  • Please proofread your submission – check for grammatical and/or typographical errors.

look at the attachment for more information on the assignment.