3 page paper: macro environmental factors

Question Description

1. Double space, totally 3 pages.

2. Follow the instruction (see the attachments 1 and 2)

– For the attachment 1, the marked yellow part is macro environmental that you need to notice, write , and summarize.

3. use simply way to write it ( simple grammar structures and and simple words)

4. Only need to write my part (Macro environmental factors)

5. References (APA format): when you search some information, please mainly use American Fact finder , Bureau of Labor Statistics. etc to search.

SWOT analysis on Electronic monitoring in hospitals to prevent patient falls (E-Sitter)

Question Description

Practicum Deliverable 2: Conduct a SWOT analysis

Possible Points

Identify a technology solution in your organization to assess.


Discuss strengths and weakness of available technology and/or information systems in the organization


Propose at least two (2) technology solutions to address identified weaknesses that could potentially improve the quality, patient safety, and/or outcomes of care.


Explore threats or barriers that may impede change to include ethical, legal and regulatory issues.


Proper use of SWOT diagram, logical flow of assessment, writing style, organization, scholarly tone, references.


Total Possible Points


Karthik disas –I need a discussion on the below topic

Question Description

Include at least 450 words in your posting. Indicate at least one source or reference in your original post. Please see syllabus for details on submission requirements.

Module 8 Discussion Question

Search “scholar.google.com” or your textbook. Discuss the issues organization’s face with regards to the protection of its customer information. How might an organization notify its users that all communications are being monitored and preserved? How will end users typically respond to such announcements?

APA format and references are important.

Answer Clearly and in detail

Question Description

1. Evidence is a key component in identifying trends and changing practice especially in the public health field. Choose a public health topic that you are especially passionate about. (e.g. water and sanitation, vaccinations, infectious disease, etc.) Discuss how studies/research support your views (for or against).

2. Choose a recent international or humanitarian disaster.What public health issues were associated with this incident? How would you manage these issues?

3. Add your OWN opinion regarding the subject


develop a job description

Question Description

Students will choose an industry, an organization, and a particular job withinthat organization (e.g. healthcare, Hospital for Special Surgery, and registered nurse). They willdevelop a job description for that job. They will use data sources such as the Bureau of LaborStatistics, O*Net, the Economist, Business Week, SHRM, etc., to analyze the current and futureproduct/service and labor market for that industry (the report must be between 1000-1500 words,all the references used in the document must be cited in APA style.

Improve quality of resume

Question Description

I would like to iprove quality of resume.

I had my resume reviewed and this is what their feedback was:

-Needs more information to showcase my professional value

-avoid I, me, or my

-Im missing a standard section . Personal brand, what is unique about me, etc. It was recommended I display more solid accomplishments. They said I have a duty based resume and that it won’t set me apart from my competition. They recommended accomplishments to describe how well I did it.

8-10 pages research paper

Question Description

Select a major event that occurred during the last 100 years and that resulted in a major loss of life. The event may have been a fire, civil unrest or rioting, natural disaster, terrorism or any number of other kinds of events. Describe in an eight- to ten-page paper what happened and any significant contributing factors. Discuss the impact of the event on the field of public safety and how it influenced the development of codes, practices, beliefs, and research.

China in age of reform and development

Question Description

Hi, I need someone who is an expert in English and Chicago style citation to edit my paper, check grammar, spelling, sentence structure and choice of words and also need to check my thesis and argument if that makes sense or not. I need help for footnote and bibliography. This paper is very important to me, so I will not accept if it does not match my requirements. if you cannot do it, please don’t accept the assignment. Thank you

The attached case study lists some of the goings-on at BitBucket Software (a fictitious company I made up; if there’s an actual BitBucket out there, it’s not the one I’m describing here…)

Question Description

The attached case study lists some of the goings-on at BitBucket Software (a fictitious company I made up; if there’s an actual BitBucket out there, it’s not the one I’m describing here…)

Analyze the actions of the company employees according to the ACM Code of Ethics. Cite or paraphrase the section of the code backing up your arguments; try to identify as many of the sections as apply.

No outside references (other then referring to the code within your paper) are expected.

Attacks on our national infrastructure are already happening. And the expectation is that they will continue to increase at an accelerated rate. For this week’s discussion, we’ll cover threats to our nation’s pipelines.

Question Description

Attacks on our national infrastructure are already happening. And the expectation is that they will continue to increase at an accelerated rate. For this week’s discussion, we’ll cover threats to our nation’s pipelines. To get started, read this article:


After reading the article, start a discussion thread and discuss how the types of threats discussed in the article could impact our economy, and how implementing Diversity and Commonality (as discussed in chapters 4 and 5) could help mitigate these threats.